Suetsugu, Kenji, Suleiman, Monica & Tsukaya, Hirokazu, 2018, Nephelaphyllum maliauensis (Orchidaceae; Collabiinae), a new species from the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo, with a discussion of the taxonomic identities of N. pulchrum, N. latilabre and N. flabellatum

Suetsugu, Kenji, Suleiman, Monica & Tsukaya, Hirokazu, 2018, Nephelaphyllum maliauensis (Orchidaceae; Collabiinae), a new species from the Maliau Basin, Sabah, Borneo, with a discussion of the taxonomic identities of N. pulchrum, N. latilabre and N. flabellatum, Phytotaxa 336 (1), pp. 89-94

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