van Bakel, Barry W. M., Maerten, Lionel, Jagt, John W. M. & Fraaije, René H. B., 2021, Bajoprosopon piardi n. gen. and sp. from the Middle Jurassic of France, with a revised diagnosis of the family Prosopidae von Meyer, 1860 (Brachyura, Podotremata) and notes on the availability of names introduced by Hermann von Meyer (1835, 1857)

van Bakel, Barry W. M., Maerten, Lionel, Jagt, John W. M. & Fraaije, René H. B., 2021, Bajoprosopon piardi n. gen. and sp. from the Middle Jurassic of France, with a revised diagnosis of the family Prosopidae von Meyer, 1860 (Brachyura, Podotremata) and notes on the availability of names introduced by Hermann von Meyer (1835, 1857), Palaeontologia Electronica (a 26) 24 (2), pp. 1-15

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