Peeran, Syed Wali, Murugan, Manohar, Doggalli, Nagabhushana, Fageeh, Hytham, Ibrahim, Wael, Al-Ak'hali, Mohammed Sultan & Basheer, Syed Nahid, 2024, Records of Four Xiphydriidae (Hymenoptera) Collected in Traps in Japan, with Notes on Xiphydria melanoptera

Peeran, Syed Wali, Murugan, Manohar, Doggalli, Nagabhushana, Fageeh, Hytham, Ibrahim, Wael, Al-Ak'hali, Mohammed Sultan & Basheer, Syed Nahid, 2024, Records of Four Xiphydriidae (Hymenoptera) Collected in Traps in Japan, with Notes on Xiphydria melanoptera, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 50 (2), pp. 75-79

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