Samant, Bandana, Pronzato, Roberto, Mohabey, Dhananjay Mahendrakumar, Cubeddu, Tiziana, Stocchino, Giacinta Angela, Jangale, Krutika, Thalal, Pranay, Dhobale, Anup & Manconi, Renata, 2023, The oldest birotule-bearing freshwater sponges from the Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleocene Deccan volcanic-associated sediments of India

Samant, Bandana, Pronzato, Roberto, Mohabey, Dhananjay Mahendrakumar, Cubeddu, Tiziana, Stocchino, Giacinta Angela, Jangale, Krutika, Thalal, Pranay, Dhobale, Anup & Manconi, Renata, 2023, The oldest birotule-bearing freshwater sponges from the Upper Cretaceous-lower Paleocene Deccan volcanic-associated sediments of India, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (1), pp. 167-174

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