Margerel, Jean-Pierre & Poignant, Armelle, 2018, Two poorly known species of Foraminifera: Polystomella minuta Reuss, 1865 from the Oligocene of Germany (Bavaria) and P. falunica Allix, 1913 from the Miocene of western France (Touraine). Designation of a neotype for P. falunica

Margerel, Jean-Pierre & Poignant, Armelle, 2018, Two poorly known species of Foraminifera: Polystomella minuta Reuss, 1865 from the Oligocene of Germany (Bavaria) and P. falunica Allix, 1913 from the Miocene of western France (Touraine). Designation of a neotype for P. falunica, Geodiversitas 40 (19), pp. 497-504

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