Schmidt, W. E., Lozada-Troche, C., Ballantine, D. L., Arakaki, N., Gabriel, D., Norris, J. N. & Fredericq, S., 2017, Taxonomic transfer of the red algae Chrysymenia enteromorpha and C. wrightii to the genus Botryocladia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodymeniales)

Schmidt, W. E., Lozada-Troche, C., Ballantine, D. L., Arakaki, N., Gabriel, D., Norris, J. N. & Fredericq, S., 2017, Taxonomic transfer of the red algae Chrysymenia enteromorpha and C. wrightii to the genus Botryocladia (Rhodymeniaceae, Rhodymeniales), Phytotaxa 324 (2), pp. 122-138

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