Blasco-Costa, Isabel, Montero, F. E., Balbuena, Juan Antonio, Raga, J. A. & Kostadinova, Aneta, 2009, A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Dicrogaster Looss, 1902 and Forticulcita Overstreet, 1982.

Blasco-Costa, Isabel, Montero, F. E., Balbuena, Juan Antonio, Raga, J. A. & Kostadinova, Aneta, 2009, A revision of the Haploporinae Nicoll, 1914 (Digenea: Haploporidae) from mullets (Mugilidae): Dicrogaster Looss, 1902 and Forticulcita Overstreet, 1982., Systematic Parasitology 72, pp. 187-206

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