Gil, Miguel Pardo, Hegglin, Daniel, Briner, Thomas, Ruetten, Maja, Müller, Norbert, Gaston, More, Frey, Caroline F., Deplazes, Peter & Basso, Walter, 2023, High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment?

Gil, Miguel Pardo, Hegglin, Daniel, Briner, Thomas, Ruetten, Maja, Müller, Norbert, Gaston, More, Frey, Caroline F., Deplazes, Peter & Basso, Walter, 2023, High prevalence rates of Toxoplasma gondii in cat-hunted small mammals - Evidence for parasite induced behavioural manipulation in the natural environment?, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 20, pp. 108-116

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