Shelley, Rowland M., Espino, Ancelmo Orona & Robles, Miguel Ángel Gallegos, 2015, A contribution on the Middle American milliped family Rhachodesmidae (Polydesmida: Leptodesmidea: Rhachodesmoidea): description of Tiphallus torreon n. sp., the first species from Coahuila, Mexico; first records from Belize; and depiction of the (super) familial distribution

Shelley, Rowland M., Espino, Ancelmo Orona & Robles, Miguel Ángel Gallegos, 2015, A contribution on the Middle American milliped family Rhachodesmidae (Polydesmida: Leptodesmidea: Rhachodesmoidea): description of Tiphallus torreon n. sp., the first species from Coahuila, Mexico; first records from Belize; and depiction of the (super) familial distribution, Insecta Mundi 2015 (423), pp. 1-10

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