Pittella, Renan Silveira, Santos, Thamiris Barbosa & Farias, Hélio Ramirez, 2020, New record and expansion of the geographic distribution of Parodia mueller-melchersii (Frič ex BAckeb.) N. P. TAylor (CActAceAe) in the Southern region of Rio GrAnde do Sul, BrAZil

Pittella, Renan Silveira, Santos, Thamiris Barbosa & Farias, Hélio Ramirez, 2020, New record and expansion of the geographic distribution of Parodia mueller-melchersii (Frič ex BAckeb.) N. P. TAylor (CActAceAe) in the Southern region of Rio GrAnde do Sul, BrAZil, Iheringia, Série Botânica (e 2020009) 75, pp. 1-6

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