Zygota walli, Hübner & Chemyreva & Macek & Kolyada, 2024

Hübner, Jeremy, Chemyreva, Vasilisa, Macek, Jan & Kolyada, Victor, 2024, A review of the genus Zygota (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae) in Germany with taxonomic notes on this genus and its distinction from Pantoclis, ZooKeys 1207, pp. 325-353 : 325-353

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.1207.121725

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ZooKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Zygota walli

sp. nov.

Zygota walli sp. nov.

Figs 1 C View Figure 1 , 3 D, F View Figure 3 , 4 E View Figure 4 , 5 A View Figure 5 , 11 A – F View Figure 11 , 12 A – E View Figure 12


BOLD: ACF 9113, BOLD: AER 4128.

Material examined.

Holotype Germany. BY: Platt , Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 09 - Oct- 2028, lat. 47.406, long. 11.009, dv. zugsp 6.6, ZSMHYM 42437 - A 07 , GBOL III leg., BOLD: ACF 9113 , SNSB-ZSM, 1 ♀.

Paratypes. BY (BOLD: ACF 9113 ): Mittenwald , 13 - Jul- 2021, 30 - Jul- 2021, 1 ♀, 2 ♂ ; Garmisch-Partenkirchen , 05 - Jul- 2018, 09 - Oct- 2018, 2 ♀, 1 ♂ .

Other material.

Germany: BY (BOLD: AER 4128): Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2 - Aug- 2018 1 ♂; Mittenwald, 30 - Jul- 2021, 1 ♂; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 09 - Oct- 2018, 1 ♂. BY (unsequenced material): Rhoen mountains, 11 - Jul- 2018, 1 ♂; Oberstdorf, 28 - Jun- 2016, 1 ♀; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 13 - Aug- 2018, 1 ♂.


Both sexes: postmarginal vein distinctly shorter than radial cell length (Figs 3 D View Figure 3 , 11 B View Figure 11 ); occipital pit absent (Figs 1 C View Figure 1 , 11 C View Figure 11 ); mesopleuron with only small bare area medially or entirely pubescent (Fig. 11 D View Figure 11 ); axillar depression with scattered setae and only 2 verriculate tubercles; base of T 2 with lateral corners (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ); S 2 with small sculptured area anteriorly (Fig. 4 E View Figure 4 , green arrow). Female: T 2 mainly smooth with few scattered micropunctures (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ); Т 8 with distinct transverse carinae (Fig. 11 E View Figure 11 , 12 A View Figure 12 ). Male: A 3 distinctly emarginated (Fig. 12 С); fore tibia distinctly modified, broadened with sharp projection and a row of strong setae on the top of it, bare at the apex on its anterior surface (Fig. 3 F View Figure 3 ); digitus armed with 3 teeth (Fig. 5 A View Figure 5 ). Zygota walli sp. nov. differs from all other species mentioned by Macek (1997) in the absence of the occipital pit (Fig. 1 C View Figure 1 , red arrow).


Female (holotype). Body length 3.2 mm, antenna length 2 mm, wing length 2.6 mm. Body mainly black with metasoma dark brown; antennae, palpi, mandibles, tegula, legs and venation brown (Fig. 11 B View Figure 11 ).

Head in dorsal view as long (measured with antennal shelf) as wide. Toruli separated from each other by narrow and shallow furrow and from front posteriorly with deep pubescent depression. Ocelli small, OOL twice as long as POL. Eye densely pubescent. Eye diameter 1.2 as long as malar space. Pleurostomal distance as long as malar space. Occipital carina narrow, almost smooth, without occipital pit (Fig. 11 C View Figure 11 ). Head in lateral view as high as long, in frontal view subtriangular, with face smooth and shining. Antennal shelf rugose below toruli in frontal view. Subantennal furrows very short (Fig. 11 A View Figure 11 ). Epistomal sulcus distinct, clypeus convex and smooth. Tentorial pits situated in small hollows. Mandibles not prominent.

Antennae 15 - segmented (Figs 11 B View Figure 11 , 12 E View Figure 12 ). A 1 cylindrical, as long as A 2 – A 5 combined, slightly curved, with simple apical rim. A 3 – A 14 as long as wide to slightly transverse: A 7 – A 9 weakly wider than A 13 – A 14. A 15 1.7 times as long as wide.

Mesosoma convex, 1.2 times as wide as the head. Pronotal shoulders weakly convex, with transverse carina between them. Epomia with long lower branch and short lateral branch. Lateral part of pronotum strongly impressed, smooth and shining. Mesonotum convex, with percurrent notauli, converging posteriorly. Scutellum convex, smooth, with oval anterior scutellar pit. Axillar depressions smooth, densely pubescence, with a pair of vericulate tubercles. Mesopleuron smooth with deep mesopleural pit, with epicnemial and acetabular bridges (Fig. 11 D View Figure 11 ). Metascutellum with strong median carina and lateral carinas. Metanotal trough smooth and bare. Propodeum slightly transverse, with round posterior rim. Median keel of propodeum simple. Both plicae parallel to each other, slightly projecting posteriorly. Lateral side of propodeum below plicae with lateral longitudinal carina, slightly projecting posteriorly. Fore tibia simple with homogeneous strengthened bristles on the inner side.

Wings. Marginal vein strongly developed, 3.9 times as long as wide (measured medially) and 1.45 times as long as distance from it to basal vein. Radial cell open, radialis long and nebulous (Fig. 11 B View Figure 11 ). Postmarginal vein slightly shorter than stigmal vein; stigmal and postmarginal veins form 65 ° angle, stigmal vein 0.5 times as long as marginal vein.

Petiole cylindrical, entirely covered with semi-erect pubescence and elongate keels, ventrally with a row of verriculate tubercles. Base of T 2 with slightly indicated lateral corners, short medial furrow and straight striation flanked at each side (Fig. 12 B View Figure 12 ). S 2 entirely pubescent, base of S 2 with group of verriculate tubercles. Apical tergite (T 8) with transverse sharp keel (Figs 11 E View Figure 11 , 12 A View Figure 12 ), smooth and bare anteriorly and smooth and setose posteriorly from the transverse keel.

Male. Head distinctly transverse, as wide as mesosoma. Antennae 14 - segmented with A 4 – A 14 cylindrical, A 3 with keel and emargination extending to 0.35–0.40 of the segment length (Fig. 12 C, E View Figure 12 ). Fore tibia modified, acutely angled on the inner side and covered at the top with several minute bristles (Fig. 3 F View Figure 3 ). Excavation on the fore tibia bare and shining in frontal view. Postmarginal vein 0.5–1.5 times as long as marginal vein (Fig. 3 D View Figure 3 ). Marginal vein 1.3 times as long as distance from it to basal vein or slightly shorter. Petiole 1.5–2.1 times as long as its median width.


This newly described species is named after the diapriid taxonomist Ingmar Wall who made himself a name in the Diapriidae research for years.


Europe: Germany (Bavaria).











