Zimpherus nancae Miller and Wheeler, 2014

Miller, Kelly B. & Wheeler, Quentin D., 2015, Zimpherus nancaeMiller and Wheeler (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Bidessini), New Genus and New Species from Venezuela, The Coleopterists Bulletin 69 (3), pp. 507-511 : 508-510

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065x-69.3.507

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Zimpherus nancae Miller and Wheeler

sp. nov.

Zimpherus nancae Miller and Wheeler View in CoL , new species

( Figs. 1–7 View Fig View Figs View Fig )

1.0 mm.

Type Locality. Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro de la Neblina, basecamp, 0°50′ N, 66°10′ W GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This is the only species in the genus and is characterized by its diagnostic combination (see above). In many bidessine species, the male genitalia are diagnostic. Zimpherus nancae has the median lobe distinctive, apically terminating in several processes ( Figs. 2, 3 View Figs ).

Description. Measurements: TL = 2.0– 2.2 mm, GW = 0.9–1.0 mm, PW = 0.7–0.8 mm, HW = 0.5– 0.6 mm, EW = 0.3–0.4 mm, TL/GW = 2.2–2.3, HW/EW = 1.5–1.7. Body ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) elongate, moderately slender, apically somewhat deflexed ventrad. Coloration: Head and elytra light yellow-brown, pronotum distinctly lighter; many specimens with indistinct, pale, longitudinal vittae on elytra. Antennae light yellow-brown. Pro- and mesothoracic sterna, venter of head, and elytral epipleuron light yellow-brown, metathoracic sterna, metacoxae, and abdominal sterna darker yellow-brown. Legs and mouthparts light yellow-brown. Sculpture and structure: Head slightly flattened dorsally, eyes prominent, slightly elevated above surface of head, without transverse occipital line across head between posterior margins of eyes ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); with fine microreticulation of irregular meshes, somewhat larger meshes anteriorly, with fine punctation, especially medially. Pronotum slightly cordate, widest anterior of middle; pair of basal striae present, extending nearly half distance across pronotum ( Fig. 1 View Fig ); surface slightly microreticulate, with few indistinct, scattered punctures; posterolateral angles slightly obtuse.Elytron with surface slightly,irregularly microreticulate, more distinctive posteriorly, covered with small punctures; basal striae present, distinct; elytra with apices slightly explanate. Antennae elongate, antennomeres I and II large, III and especially IV small. Prosternum broadly curved, prosternal process broad, flat, apically rounded ( Fig. 6 View Figs ). Epipleuron without transverse carina at humeral angle, abruptly narrowed medially and narrow in apical half. Metasternum without linear punctures or carinae, irregularly microreticulate and sparsely punctate. Pro- and mesotarsi elongate, moderately broadly expanded laterally with dense, ventral setae; metacoxae shiny, irregularly microreticulate and sparsely punctate; metacoxal lines distinct, slightly divergent anteriorly; metatrochanter large, bulbous, rounded, and conspicuously offset from femur, with slight lobate angulation apicolaterally ( Fig.5 View Figs ). Abdomen microreticulate and very finely, sparsely punctate; ventrite VI broad, apically obtusely angulate. Male genitalia: Male median lobe in lateral aspect broad, broadly curved along ventral margin,with prominent, triangular prominence medially along dorsal margin, apically terminating in several elongate, curved processes, dorsal processes apically sharply pointed, dorsal processes terminating in rounded expansion ( Fig. 2 View Figs ); in ventral aspect,withbasalhalfwithlateralmarginssubparallel, apically expanded laterally, terminating in pair of broad, oblique, rounded lobes with emargination between ( Fig. 3 View Figs ). Lateral lobe slender basally, strongly curved medially, apical portion broad apically, broadly expanded and broadly rounded at apex with fringe of sparse setae along dorsal margin ( Fig. 4 View Figs ).

Sexual Dimorphism. The female is similar to the male except it is covered with shagrination on the dorsal and ventral surfaces, and the pro- and mesotarsi are not laterally expanded and without ventral regions of setae.

Variation. Many females are dorsally alutaceous and matte, whereas males and, apparently, some females are dorsally shiny. The longitudinal vittae on the elytra are variably evident, though never strongly so.

Etymology. The species is named in honor of Nancy Zimpher, Chancellor of the State University of New York.

Distribution and Habitat. Specimens in the type series were collected at a blacklight in rainforest habitat near Cerro de la Neblina in far southern Venezuela near the border with Brazil ( Fig. 7 View Fig ).

Material Examined. Holotype in MIZA, male labeled, “ VENEZUELA, T. F.Amaz. Cerro de la Neblina Basecamp, 140m 0°50′N 66°10′W 6 February 1985 / At black light in rainforest clearing near Rio Baria W. E. Steiner, collector/ HOLO- TYPE Zimpherus nancae Miller, 2014 [red label with black line border].” GoogleMaps Paratypes: 14 labeled same as holotype except “…/ PARATYPE Zimpherus nancae Miller, 2014 [blue label with black line bor- der]”; 47 labeled same as holotype except second label, “ At black light on bank of Rio Baria P.J. & P.M Spangler R. A. Faitoute, W. E. Steiner colrs” and paratype label. Most paratypes also have USNM specimen numbers USNM ENT 229508-229554 About USNM and 231947-231959 .


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