Zelurus galvaoi, Gil-Santana & Oliveira Correia, 2022

Gil-Santana, Hélcio R. & Oliveira Correia, João Paulo Sales, 2022, A new species of Zelurus Hahn, 1826 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Reduviinae), with taxonomical notes on three other related species of the genus, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 48 (2), pp. 237-255 : 240-248

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35249/rche.

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scientific name

Zelurus galvaoi

sp. nov.

Zelurus galvaoi sp. nov.

( Figs. 6-36 View Figures 6-13 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 )

Type material. Holotype male/ Paratype female [ CTIOC, 13183 / 13184, respectively], Peru, Amazonas departament, Marañón River margin, I / 1997, Sanchez, P. leg.

Etymology. The new species is named in honor of the Brazilian entomologist Cleber Galvão (IOC), for his outstanding contributions to the study of Triatominae , vectors of Chagas’ disease.

Diagnosis. The new species most closely resembles Zelurus montivagus Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1955 . The two species can be separated by the following differences: 1 – General color of head and pronotum brownish in Z. montivagus ( Figs. 37-40 View Figures 37-41 , 42-43 View Figures 42-44 ) and blackish in Z. galvaoi sp. nov. ( Figs. 6-8 View Figures 6-13 , 30-32). 2 – Hemelytra with the inner portion of corium, adjacent to claval suture, and basal portion of the cells of membrane paler, whitish in Z. galvaoi sp. nov. ( Figs. 6-7 View Figures 6-13 , 30-31), while these portions are brownish in Z. montivagus ( Figs. 37 View Figures 37-41 , 42 View Figures 42-44 ). 3 - Anteocular portion of the head narrower in Z. galvaoi sp. nov.; 4 – Eyes smaller in Z. montivagus ; in the males, not reaching dorsal and ventral margins of head in lateral view, while in Z. galvaoi sp. nov., the eyes surpasse both margins ( Fig. 9 View Figures 6-13 ). 5 – Discal spines of fore lobe of pronotum and humeral spines shorter in Z. montivagus ( Figs. 6, 10 View Figures 6-13 , 30, 33-34; 37, 39-40 View Figures 37-41 ). 6 – Median keel of sternites present on all segments of the females in Z. montivagus ( Figs. 38 View Figures 37-41 , 43 View Figures 42-44 ) and absent on sternites IV to basal half of sternite VII in Z. galvaoi sp. nov. ( Fig. 36)

Description. Male holotype ( Figs. 6-29 View Figures 6-13 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 ). Measurements: (in mm): total length: to tip of abdomen: 17.0; to tip of hemelytra: 18.5. Head length: (including neck): 3.1; (excluding neck): 2.6; length of anteocular portion: 1.1; length of postocular portion (excluding neck): 0.6; width across eyes: 1.9; interocular distance between eyes in dorsal view (synthlipsis): 0.5; in ventral view: 0.3; width of eye: 0.6; length of eye, dorsal view: 0.9; maximum height of eye, lateral view: 1.2; ocellar tubercle width: 0.7; ocellus width: 0.25; maximum width between ocelli: 0.15; lengths of antennal segments: I: 1.9; II: 6.0; III: absent; IV: absent; lengths of labial segments: II [first visible]: 1.3; III: 1.6; IV: 0.6. Thorax: pronotum: fore lobe: length (at midline): 1.4; maximum width between anterolateral angles: 1.6; maximum width at posterior margin: 2.2; hind lobe: length: 1.8; maximum width at posterior margin (spines not included): 3.8 (spines included): 4.3; fore legs: length of femur: 5.0; maximum width of femur: 0.7; length of tibia: 5.0; length of spongy fossa: 1.7; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 1.5; length of claws: 0.4; middle legs: length of femur: 5.0; maximum width of femur: 0.6; length of tibia: 5.0; length of spongy fossa: 1.5; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 1.6; length of claws: 0.4; hind legs: length of femur: 7.8; maximum width of femur at median portion: 0.4; maximum width of femur at subapical portion: 0.5; length of tibia: 9.5; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 2.3; length of claws: 0.5. Abdomen: length: 9.3; maximum width: 5.1. Coloration: Head ( Figs. 6-8, 11 View Figures 6-13 ): generally blackish on dorsal surface, somewhat paler behind inner portion of eyes and apices of antennifers; red brownish just around ocelli, which are pale yellow; eyes with white ommatidia; upper margin of maxillary plate, clypeus, anterior portion of head adjacent to insertion of the labium and ventral surface dark brownish; labium and two first antennal segments (other absent) pale brownish; basal portion of antennal pedicel paler. Thorax ( Figs. 6-7, 11-12 View Figures 6-13 ): blackish; discal spines of fore lobe and spine of scutellum (its apex missing), except at their bases, paler, red brownish; upper portion of propleura laterally to hind lobe of pronotum and the posterior margin of the latter also paler, brownish; pale rounded spots on lateral surface of each supracoxal lobe, larger on anterior lobe, progressively smaller on the remaining lobes; metasternum dark brownish. Legs: Coxae dark and pale orange on approximatelly their basal and distal halves, respectively; trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi pale orange, yellow or pale yellowish; apices of tibiae slightly darkened, the fore ones more and the hind ones less darkened ( Figs. 6-7, 11 View Figures 6-13 ); distal portion of tarsal claws darkened or blackish ( Fig. 12 View Figures 6-13 ). Hemelytra ( Figs. 6-7 View Figures 6-13 ): corium mostly orange with a median subovall small blackish marking; basal portion of corium and clavus dark blackish; remaining of clavus grayish black; inner portion of corium, adjacent to claval suture, paler, whitish; apical portion of corium blackish, except at extreme apex, where it is paler; membrane mostly darkened on the portion occupied by the cells, except on the basal portion of them, which are whitish, contiguous to the whitish portion of corium, whereas the subbasal portion of the cells are even darker, blackish; posteriorly to the cells, the membrane becomes progressively paler towards its apex. Abdomen: connexivum pale yellowish ( Figs. 6-7, 13 View Figures 6-13 ); esternites orange to pale brownish ( Fig. 13 View Figures 6-13 ). Vestiture: Head: anteocular portion covered by numerous stout adpressed or oblique long pale to golden setae ( Fig. 8 View Figures 6-13 ); long fairly stout pale setae scattered on labrum, clypeus and anterior portion of head adjacent to insertion of the labium; on the latter, numerous similar setae of variable sizes on first visible labial segment, many of which even longer on last labial segment and shorter and sparser on second visible labial segment, which has its ventral surface almost glabrous. Area between eyes on dorsal and ventral surfaces, postocular portion and neck almost completely glabrous ( Fig. 8 View Figures 6-13 ); dorsally, besides a few very short adpressed scattered thin pale setae, two stout golden setae on midline, between diverging anterior branches of median sulcus; antennifers with lateral tufts of a few stiff setae; a pair of short stout setae laterally on neck, behind posterior margin of eye. Antenna: first segment glabrous basally, with scattered, somewhat stout and curved pale to golden setae, which are more numerous on inner surface and apex; second segment covered with a pubescence formed by very numerous thin, short, small whitish setae, and scattered somewhat curved and stout oblique, pale setae; remaining antennal segments absent. Thorax: pronotum: numerous very short, thin, whitish setae on anterior margin of collar and two or three long oblique thin setae on anterior margin of anterolateral angles; scattered long thin pale setae more numerous on anterior portion of fore lobe, between collar and discal spines, and more sparse between transverse sulcus and posterior margin; about a ten slightly curved setae around humeral spines; short sparse thin pale setae on inferior portion of posterior margin of hind lobe at level of scutellar base. Scutellum mostly glabrous on the disc, with some scattered, thin, short, pale setae, which are longer and stouter on the remaining portion of its posterior process (apex absent). Pleura generally with few sparse thin, very small, pale setae; a numerous series of long, thin, pale setae, similar to those on dorsal portion of pronotum, on upper portion of propleura of hind lobe; a group of thin, short, pale setae on inferoposterior margins of supracoxal lobes. Blunt tubercles on prosternum with a group of stout straight brownish setae; inner margins of approximately distal half of prosternum, laterally to stridulitrum, with a sparse pubescence formed by very short, adpressed, pale, thin setae; lateral margins of posterior prolongation of prosternum, between fore coxae and contiguous portion of inner margin of fore acetabulum, with a fringe of numerous thin, yellowish, curved setae. Median portion of meso- and metasternum covered by very numerous decumbent thin yellowish to golden pale setae; on lateral margin of mesosternum, contiguous to mesopleura, a group of numerous, thin, decumbent, whitish setae, forming a dense line. Legs. Coxae: basomedian portions almost completely glabrous; some stout, straight, brownish setae on laterosuperior portion of fore coxae; scattered thin pale setae on lateral and distal portions, on the latter they are more numerous and have variable lenghts, including longer elements on hind coxae. Fore and middle trochanters with their ventral portion covered by very numerous long yellowish thin curved setae; on hind trochanter similar setae are present, but much less numerous. Femora and tibiae generally covered by numerous long, straight, erect, yellowish to golden setae ( Fig. 7 View Figures 6-13 ); on approximately basal fifth of ventral surface of fore and middle femur, series of more numerous similar setae; on tibiae the setae are generally more numerous; on fore and middle tibiae they are somewhat shorter and stouter on ventral midline. Tarsi covered by long, thin, pale setae, longer and more numerous on ventral surface ( Fig. 12 View Figures 6-13 ). Hemelytra: corium mostly glabrous, with few short decumbent pale yellowish setae on basal and apical portion, a group of numerous longer setae on inclined portion at basolateral portion, followed by a fringe of numerous short, thin pale setae on lateral (costal) margin, the setae are longer and more numerous basally, becoming gradually shorter and less numerous towards distal portion in which they are absent; membrane glabrous. Abdomen: connexivum with thin sparse short decumbent setae, less numerous ventrally; inferior margin with a lateral series of moderately curved, long, yellowish setae, well visible in dorsal view. Sternite II covered by numerous thin decumbent yellowish setae; near posterior margin, between hind coxae, a series of about eight long, stout golden setae directed backwards; other sternites generally covered by long, stiff, yellow to golden setae, obliquely directed backwards, somewhat more numerous on the genital capsule ( Fig. 13 View Figures 6-13 ). Structure: integument generally shiny. Head ( Figs. 6-9, 11 View Figures 6-13 ): approximately 1.35 times as long as wide across eyes (neck excluded), shorter than pronotum, anteocular portion almost twice longer than postocular and strongly declivous; mandibular and maxillary plates with apices rounded. Antennifers somewhat elongated, close to inner anterior margin of eyes. Antenna: first segment straight, somewhat thinner basally, thicker than second, which is approximately three times longer than first and somewhat curved; remaining segments absent. Labium curved, thick; segment II (first visible) slightly shorter than segment III; segment IV approximately half shorter than the segment II, tapering, reaching stridulatory sulcus on its basal portion. Eyes proximate at median portion, coarsely faceted, prominent, projecting laterally, subcircular in dorsal view, surpassing dorsal and ventral margins of head; minimum distance between their inner margins in dorsal view slightly less than transverse width of an eye. Transverse sulcus shallow; just anterior to it, on midline, a small oval fossa, followed anteriorly by a short thin shallow median sulcus which splits in two diverging branches running forward, ending between antennifers bases. Ocelli large and prominent; their anterior margin lies just behind transverse sulcus and posterior edge of the eyes. Some transverse parallel shallow impressions on ventral surface from the space between posterior margins of eyes to postocular portion before neck. The latter elongate, slightly narrower than basal portion of anteocular region. Thorax ( Figs. 6-7, 10-12 View Figures 6-13 ): pronotum: anterolateral angles prominent, with apex acute; anterior collar moderately large, with a posteromedian depressed area; fore lobe with a discal pair of somewhat long and laterally diverging spines and very short blunt prominences laterally; transverse sulcus shallow; longitudinal sulcus narrow, on fore lobe it is very thin, linear and shallow, beggining just above level of discal spines and becoming slightly larger and deeper at distal portion, near transverse sulcus; on the hind lobe it ends slightly below level of humeral angles, far from posterior margin; on fore lobe three shallow longitudinal rugose carinae at each side, the lateral, more prominent, runs from the collar to the transverse sulcus, with the lateral prominence over it; the submedian is interrupted by the discal spine and the intermediate is curved at approximately midportion of the lobe, meeting the lateral carina; between them, areas with smooth integument. Hind lobe with wrinkled integument, more pronounced on basal portion, becoming progressively smoother toward posterior margin, specially medially to the sublateral sulci on the posterior half of the lobe; these sulci are shallow and curved. Humeral angle with a strong spine. Scutellum triangular, moderately large; disc with a somewhat rugous surface bordered by distinct thin carina, with an apical spine (apex of which broken). Supracoxal lobes of propleura and mesopleura somewhat prominent, those of metapleura not; integument of propleura mostly smooth, wrinkled below the basal portion of hind lobe; integument of mesopleura with several linear shallow subparallel lines, which are deeper in the metapleura forming subparallel ridges; the dorsal margin of metapleura thickened and curved. Stridulitrum elongate, occupying the median portion of prosternum; a pair of anterior blunt tubercles beside stridulitrum and anterior to fore acetabula; on posterior half, the prosternum forms a cylindrical median process, which surpasses fore coxae for a short distance. Mesosternum with a median suboval depression. Metasternum slightly elevated at median portion, with a longitudinal median keel and thickened lateral and distal margins. Legs: long and slender; hind femora and tibiae longer than the others; fore femora slightly thicker than middle femora, which are somewhat thicker than hind femora; the latter somewhat thickened subapically; tibiae straight, the hind ones somewhat thickened apically; tarsi three-segmented, in which the first segment is much shorter than the others, claws symmetrical and slender. All trochanters with basal spines on medial and lateral portions. Ventral surface of fore and middle femora with two somewhat irregularly parallel longitudinal rows of sclerotized short and acute small dark spines along the segment; the anterior row with about twenty small spines; the posterior row, besides small spines, with a few scattered pale larger spines with apices darkened, among which about three are more developed and other three to five are less developed; the two distal larger spines are separated by a space without small spines; apices of all femora with a pair of lateral small acute prominences. Fore and middle tibiae with a single series of short, acute, brownish spines on ventral midline from just below extreme base to basal margin of spongy fossa. A small comb on mesal surface of apex of fore tibia. Spongy fossae on ventral portion of apices of fore and middle tibiae narrow, measuring approximately 1/3 of the length of the respective tibia, slightly surpassing the apex of the latter. Hemelytra surpassing tip of abdomen for approximately 1.5 mm. Abdomen: connexivum with its external margin continuous, without processes ( Figs. 6-7, 13 View Figures 6-13 ). Abdomen ( Fig. 13 View Figures 6-13 ) moderately elongate, suboval, with a median keel along sternites II-VI and basal half of VII, fainter on sternite II, even shallower on basal half of sternite VII, more pronunciated on sternite III, progressively becoming slightly shallower towards distal segments; sutures between sternites thin, suture between II and III thicker and with small transverse striations along posterior margin; integument of sternite II somewhat rugous and dull; integument of remaining sternites shiny and with very fine transverse striations, less numerous on two last sternites; spiracles small, located approximatelly at median portion of the segment, adjacent to the lateral margin. Male terminalia: abdominal segment VIII ( Fig. 14 View Figures 14-20 ) sclerotized on ventral portion, which becomes wider towards distal margin; latter slightly curved and with long setae; basal margin curved; dorsal portion entirely membranous and narrower. Male genitalia ( Figs. 13-29 View Figures 6-13 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 ): pygophore (py) densely setose on its exposed surface ( Fig. 13 View Figures 6-13 ); suboval in ventral and dorsal views ( Figs. 15-16 View Figures 14-20 ); in dorsal view ( Fig. 16 View Figures 14-20 ): between anterior and posterior genital openings, a broad dorsal (transverse) bridge (br); socket of insertion of paramere (so) approximately in distal third of pygophore, and usually with numerous, somewhat long, erect setae inserted above it, medially; proctiger (pt) subsquared, with long setae, more numerous on distal margin; posterior genital opening covered by a smooth membrane which is heavily sclerotized between proctiger and distal portion of inner wall of pygophore. Parameres (pa) ( Figs. 16, 19 View Figures 14-20 ) symmetrical, elongate, very curved at apical third, slightly enlarged at median third, and with a large apical tooth; covered by long and numerous setae on mid portion of internal surface and apical third of outer surface. Median process of pygophore (mp) sclerotized; in lateral view ( Fig. 17 View Figures 14-20 ): elongate, apex acute; in dorsal view ( Fig. 18 View Figures 14-20 ): subtriangular, apex rounded. Phallus ( Figs. 20-27 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 ): articulatory apparatus with moderately short basal plate arms (ba) ( Figs. 20-22, 24-25 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 ); basal arms and basal plate bridge (bb) forming a subsquared set in dorsal view ( Figs. 20 View Figures 14-20 , 24-25 View Figures 21-24 View Figures 25-29 ); pedicel (pd) elongated, enlarged, subrectangular in ventral and dorsal views, curved in lateral view ( Figs. 21-23 View Figures 21-24 , 25 View Figures 25-29 ). Dorsal phallothecal plate (dp) more sclerotized on its margins and basal portion; with a median thin shallow dorsal crest on approximately distal two thirds; sublozenge in shape, apex rounded ( Figs. 20-22 View Figures 14-20 View Figures 21-24 , 26 View Figures 25-29 ). Arms of the struts (st) parallel, largely united at basal portion; curved and separated laterally at distal portion; slightly enlarged at approximately their median third; converging and becoming united at apex ( Figs. 26-27 View Figures 25-29 ). Endosoma wall longitudinally striated ( Figs. 21, 23 View Figures 21-24 ). Endosoma with the following processes: 1 - a pair of lateral processes (lp) on basal portion ( Figs. 22-23 View Figures 21-24 , 28 View Figures 25-29 ), which are wrinkled and faintly sclerotized, and 2 - a subapical median process (me), laminar, sub hemispherical, with a median notch and a few pairs of oblique diverging curved wrinkles ( Figs. 20 View Figures 14-20 , 22 View Figures 21-24 , 29 View Figures 25-29 ).

Female paratyp e ( Figs. 30-36). Measurements: (in mm): total length: to tip of abdomen: 18.0; to tip of hemelytra: 19.0. Head length: (including neck): 3.1; (excluding neck): 2.6; length of anteocular portion: 1.3; length of postocular portion (excluding neck): 0.6; width across eyes: 1.8; interocular distance between eyes in dorsal view (synthlipsis): 0.6; in ventral view: 0.5; width of eye: 0.5; length of eye, dorsal view: 0.8; maximum height of eye, lateral view: 1.1; ocellar tubercle width: 0.6; ocellus width: 0.2; maximum width between ocelli: 0.1; lengths of antennal segments: I: 1.8; II: 5.2; III: 4.4; IV: absent; lengths of labial segments: II [first visible]: 1.3; III: 1.6; IV: 0.6. Thorax: pronotum: fore lobe: length (at midline): 1.5; maximum width between anterolateral angles: 1.6; maximum width at posterior margin: 2.2; hind lobe: length: 1.9; maximum width at posterior margin (spines not included): 3.6 (spines included): 4.5; fore legs: length of femur: 4.9; maximum width of femur: 0.7; length of tibia: 4.8; length of spongy fossa: 1.7; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 1.5; length of claws: 0.4; middle legs: length of femur: 5.1; maximum width of femur: 0.6; length of tibia: 4.9; length of spongy fossa: 1.6; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 1.6; length of claws: 0.4; hind legs: length of femur: 7.6; maximum width of femur at median portion: 0.4; maximum width of femur at subapical portion: 0.5; length of tibia: 9.0; length of tarsus (claws excluded): 2.3; length of claws: 0.5. Abdomen: Length: 10.1; maximum width: 5.2. Similar to male ( Figs. 30-36). Median subovall small marking on corium absent ( Figs. 30-31). Head ( Figs. 32-33): approximately 1.4 times as long as wide across eyes (neck excluded); anteocular portion twice longer than postocular portion; eyes and ocelli somewhat smaller; eyes reaching dorsal and ventral margins of head; transverse parallel shallow impressions on ventral surface of head more numerous, present basally and on all space between eyes too. First antennal flagellomere (absent in the male) thinner and slightly shorter than the preceding segment (pedicel), and with a similar vestiture. Thorax: hind lobe of pronotum more rugous on lateral portion at approximatelly its distal third ( Figs. 30-31). Apex of spine of scutellum broken too. Spines of ventral surface of fore and middle femora generally slightly larger ( Fig. 35). Hemelytra somewhat shorter, surpassing tip of abdomen for approximately 1.0 mm. Median keel on sternites II and III narrower; on the latter segment becoming shallower towards their distal portion; absent on sternites IV to basal half of VII, and very shallow on the distal half of sternite VII ( Fig. 36). Setae on genital segments shorter, stouter and darker.

Distribution. Peru, Amazonas departament.

Comments. Some of the slight differences between the male and female described here are in accordance with the sexual dimorphic features recorded in several other species of Reduviidae such as larger eyes and more prominent ocelli in males (HRG-S pers. obs.). On the other hand, other structural diferences as described above, as well as regarding the coloration, i.e., the absence of the median subovall small marking on the corium of the female may be due to inter-individual variation and not to sexual dimorphism. Therefore, only future examination of more specimens of Z. galvaoi sp. nov. will make it possible to ascertain to what extent these features vary among individuals and whether there is any additional sexual dimorphism.













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