Zanna limbourgi Constant, 2024

Constant, Jérôme & Pham, Hong Thai, 2024, Four new species of the lanternfly genus Zanna Kirkaldy, 1902 from Cambodia and Vietnam (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae), European Journal of Taxonomy 958, pp. 114-150 : 25-32

publication ID 10.5852/ejt.2024.958.2665

publication LSID


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Zanna limbourgi Constant

sp. nov.

Zanna limbourgi Constant sp. nov.

Figs 5 View Fig , 15–17 View Fig View Fig View Fig , 18D, H, L View Fig , 19G–H View Fig


The species is closest to Zanna bidoupana sp. nov., Z. chartieri Constant sp. nov., and Z. kusamae sp. nov., from which it can be separated by the following characters: basal portion of head ( Fig. 16B, E–F View Fig ) covered in moderately large, rather well-spaced, black pitting with ‘background’ of dense, very small black pitting (dense, irregular, rather large, coarse, sometimes coalescent black pitting in Z. bidoupana – Fig. 3B, E–F View Fig ; moderately large, rather well-spaced, black pitting without ‘background’ of dense, very small black pitting in Z. kusamae – Fig. 12B, E–F View Fig ); anal tube of male rather high in lateral view ( Fig. 16A View Fig ), about 1.65 times as long as high, with ventral angle in basal half (rather flattened dorsoventrally, 1.95–2.14 times as long as high in lateral view, with ventral angle at midlength in Z. chartieri and Z. kusamae – Figs 7A View Fig , 13A View Fig ); pygofer of male in lateral view ( Fig. 16A View Fig ) with posterior margin projecting posteriad in dorsal ⅓, in large, apically rounded lobe forming nearly right angle (posterior margin projecting into a large posterior lobe angularly rounded in midheight in Z. kusamae – Fig. 13A View Fig ; posterior margin moderately sinuate, forming a large, broadly rounded posterior lobe in dorsal half in Z. bidoupana and Z. limbourgi – Figs 3A View Fig , 16A View Fig ).


The species epithet is a patronym dedicated to my great (although still a bit fat, see Constant 2008) colleague Pol Limbourg (RBINS) who spotted the type specimens on a tree trunk in Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary.

Type material


CAMBODIA • 1 ♂; Kampong Speu Province, Phnom Aural Wildlife Sanctuary, near Srea Ken Village ; 11°59ʹ N, 104°08ʹ E; 10–14 May 2018; 200–400 m a.s.l.; GTI Project; J. Constant & P. Limbourg leg.; I.G.: 33.732 ; “Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Cambodia, Kampong Speu prov., Phnom Aural W.S., nr Srea Ken Vill., 10-14.v.2018, 200–400 m, 11°59ʹ N, 104°08ʹ E, GTI Project, Leg. J. Constant and P. Limbourg, I.G.: 33.732”; RBINS.


Paratypes CAMBODIA • 1 ♂; same collection data as for holotype; RBINS GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Siem Reap Province, Kbal Spean ; [13°42ʹ30ʺ N, 104°01ʹ32ʺ E]; light trap; 28 May 2005; I. Var and P. Grootaert leg.; “Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Cambodia (Siem Reap prov), Kbal Spean, Light Trap, 28.V.2005, Leg. Var & Grootaert”; RBINS GoogleMaps .


MEASUREMENTS AND RATIOS. LT: ♂ (n=2): 43.5–46.8 mm. LTg/BTg =3.3; LH/BH =5.1; LF/BF= 5.3; BH/BPrH = 2.56; LH/LT =0.43; wingspan (extrapolated): ♂: 44.8 mm (41.6–47), ♀: 45.9 mm.

HEAD ( Fig. 15B, E–F View Fig ). Strongly elongate, representing 43% of total length, gently and evenly narrowing towards apex with apical 1/2 more or less parallel-sided in dorsal view; apex weakly widening, then obliquely cut in lateral view and with incomplete, rim-shaped orange carina (missing in ventral portion); pinkish brown densely covered in irregular very small black pitting, with some moderately larger pits mostly in basal half on sides and vertex and rarely coalescent; some slightly larger black pustules on side in distal portion, with always 2–3 along carina of vertex. Lateral carinae of frons indistinct in basal half, then nearly straight and slightly prominent towards apex, upcurved near apex and merging into a short dorsal carina reaching apex; lateral carinae of vertex indistinct in basal half, then rather weak and zigzagged, merging with upcurved part of lateral carinae of frons; median carina of vertex weakly marked in distal ⅓. Labium pale brown, reaching mesocoxae.

THORAX ( Fig. 15B, E–F View Fig ). Pro- and mesonotum pinkish brown entirely covered in moderately dense, irregular, moderate black pitting with pits mostly smaller than space between them and rarely coalescent; median carina obsolete.

TEGMINA ( Fig. 15A, C–D View Fig ). Strongly elongate and reticulate, pale pinkish brown, progressively paler, subhyaline towards apex, basal portion densely covered with minute dark red spots; all surface irregularly covered in small to moderately large black spots, mostly on veins, larger ones slightly protruding; costal and postclaval margins subparallel, weakly diverging from base towards apex and curved at level of apex of clavus; apical margin rounded. Veins orange in large basal portion. Clavus open.

VENATION. ScP+R forked in basal ⅓, MP forked more basally in basal 1/4; CuA forked near apex of clavus; PCu and A1 fused near apex of clavus; PCu+A1 fused with postclaval margin at nodal line.

HIND WINGS ( Fig. 15A, C View Fig ). Subhyaline, milky white with veins slightly darker, tinged with reddish brown; vein PCu brown in basal half; postclaval margin emarginate at A1 vein.

VENATION. ScP+R and MP forked beyond midlength; CuA forked slightly more basally then MP fork; PCu forked at basal ⅓; A1 forked rather close to base, A1 2 fused with A 2 in distal portion and A1 2 +A2 forked slightly before reaching postclaval margin. Numerous crossveins in large portion along apical and postclaval margins.

LEGS ( Fig. 15A, C–D View Fig ). Pinkish stramineous, pilose, rather short and robust. Pro- and mesocoxae with some black markings; all femora with small to minute black spots and conspicuous black spots aligned in a ring in distal ⅓, rarely coalescent; pro- and mesotibiae with some small black spots (some arranged into irregular ring in basal ¼), and with apex brown; pro- and mesotarsi with segments darker apically; metatibiae weakly brown basally with all spines apically black, 4–5 lateral spines and 8 apical spines; first metatarsomere with 11–14 apical spines ventrally; second metatarsomere with 10 apical spines ventrally; first and second metatarsomere with a dense pad of microsetae ventrally; third metatarsomere elongate with a subapical blackish brown ring. Metatibiotarsal formula: (4–5) 8/11–14/10.

ABDOMEN ( Fig. 15A, C View Fig ). Tergites smooth, segments blackish brown with more or less developed marking at posterior angles, and posterior margin, yellowish; sternites (except pregenital one) yellowish brown with irregular small black dots arranged in two groups in middle portion, and two groups on side of each segment, often with two black dots anteriorly to middle groups.

MALE TERMINALIA ( Fig. 16 View Fig ). Pygofer (Py – Fig. 16A–D View Fig ) about 1.69 times as high as long in lateral view, robust with posterior margin projecting posteriad in dorsal ⅓, in large, apically rounded lobe forming nearly right angle; sides weakly excavate in dorsal portion (to observe in dorsal aspect, Fig. 16C View Fig ). Anal tube (An – Fig. 16A–C View Fig ) robust, moderately flattened, 1.65 times as long as high and with ventral margin oblique in distal half and moderately angular before midlength in lateral view; in dorsal view, 1.08 times as long as wide, with sides sinuate, subparallel in basal portion, then roundly diverging towards apex, forming rounded posterior angles and with apical margin incurved; suboval in caudal view, flattened dorsally; epiproct and paraproct rather strongly surpassing anal tube, subtriangular and rounded posteriorly in dorsal aspect. Gonostyli (G – Fig. 16A–D View Fig ) elongate, 2.58 times as long as high; in lateral view, ventral margin broadly rounded and dorsal margin rather broadly rounded after lateral hook (lhg), apical margin rather broadly rounded; lateral hook with basal portion projecting posterolaterad and apex strongly curved lateroventrad; in ventral view, lateral protrusion at about midlength, rather strongly, angularly marked and with posterior angle curved. Aedeagus ( Fig. 16E–H View Fig ) moderately elongate with lateral processes (lpa) forming multiple lobes; dorsal process (dpa) weakly protruding dorsally in lateral view; dorsal endosomal process (dep) in dorsal view subtriangular with lateral margins nearly straight and rather wide median slit in distal portion.


The specimens from Siem Reap were attracted to a light trap in a strongly anthropized area while those from Phnom Aural were found sitting on the trunk of an unidentified tree ( Fig. 17A–B View Fig ) about 1.5 m above the ground in rather heavily disturbed secondary forest ( Fig. 17C View Fig ).


Cambodia: Kampong Speu and Siem Reap provinces ( Fig. 5 View Fig ).


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences













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