Zaischnopsis fumosa Peng & Xiang, 2018

Peng, Lingfei, Xiang, Jiawei & Liu, Qifei, 2018, Three new species of Zaischnopsis Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) from Southern China, with redescription of Zaischnopsis tubatius (Walker), Zootaxa 4524 (2), pp. 200-212 : 203-205

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.2.4

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scientific name

Zaischnopsis fumosa Peng & Xiang

sp. nov.

Zaischnopsis fumosa Peng & Xiang , sp. nov.

( Figs 12–20 View FIGURES 12‒20 , 41 View FIGURES 40‒43 , 45 View FIGURES 44‒47 )

Type material. Holotype ♀ ( FAFU): Nanling natural reserve, Guangdong Prov., 3.X.2013, Shen Jie . Paratypes: Nanling natural reserve, Guangdong Prov., 5.X.2013, Ji Shuqin (1♀ FAFU) ; Tien Fong Mts., Hainan Prov., 17.V.1983, Bouček ( NHMUK010353715 About NHMUK ) (1♀ BMNH) .

Description of holotype. FEMALE. Length excluding ovipositor sheath 4.9 mm. Head with green metallic luster, upper face slightly coppery green, vertex more coppery purple ( Figs 13, 15 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); setae of face, gena and occiput white, parascrobal region with two rows of white setae ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ), setae of vertex white ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Maxillary and labial palpi black. Antennal scape black with coppery-green metallic luster, pedicel and flagellum black, tip of clava brown ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Pronotum with coppery, purple and green metallic luster, setae dark brown ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); mesoscutum with greenish-blue metallic luster, and with white hair-like setae ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); prepectus with frontal surface black to dark brown with metallic purple luster, lateral surface brown ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); tegula dark brown with brown setae ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); mesopectus with dark purple metallic luster, entirely setose with long white setae extending to level of about apex of tegula; acropleuron black with dark blue and purple metallic lusters ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); scutellar- axillar complex black with green metallic luster, setae dark brown to black ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Fore wing infuscate beyond level of parastigma and gradually lightened distally, but with one narrow hyaline cross-band behind apex of marginal vein with light-brown setae ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Legs with femora and tibiae dark brown; metatibia dark brown, with white hair-like setae; protarsus brown, mesotarsus pale yellowish brown except rows of pegs and spur black, metatarsus pale yellowish brown to white ( Figs 12, 20 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Metanotum and propodeum black with purple and blue metallic lusters; propodeum with a patch of white hair-like setae mesad to spiracle and callar region setose lateral to spiracle ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Gaster elongate-lanceolate, dark brown with metallic luster; apex of syntergum light brown, apex of ovipositor sheath brown ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 12‒20 ).

Head in frontal view ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ) 1.33× wider than high; in dorsal view ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12‒20 ) width 1.67× length, with interocular distance 0.20× head width and less than width of eye; in lateral view ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12‒20 ) 1.27× higher than long. Eye height 1.0× eye width in lateral view ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); distance between eyes below 3.10× distance between eyes above ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); malar space 0.42× eye height ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); distance between toruli greater than distance between torulus and clypeal margin, and greater than distance between torulus and orbit. OOL: POL: LOL: MPOD = 1: 4.5: 4: 4.5. Vertex coriaceous around ocelli and reticulate-rugose posteriorly ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); lower face finely reticulaterugose ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); gena longitudinally reticulate ( Fig. 14 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); parascrobal region very narrow; scrobal depression reticulate to transversely imbricate; interantennal region transversely reticulate ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Scrobal depression deep ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12‒20 ), separated from anterior ocellus by distance equal to 0.7× diameter of anterior ocellus. Lower orbit above level of ventral margin of torulus. Antenna with scape foliaceously dilated ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 12‒20 ); relative length (width) of scape 40(17); pedicel 11(6); 1 st to 8 th funiculars: 6(7), 15(7), 17(8), 21(10), 14(12), 10(12), 8(12), 7(12); clava 26(12).

Pronotum in dorsal view divided medially, pentagonal, reticulate ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Mesoscutum almost flat but slightly convex anteriorly, lateral lobe carinate posteriorly ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Scutellar-axillar complex flat, longitudinally, coarsely reticulate, with black setae; scutellum 1.78× longer than broad ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Mesopectus reticulate anterior to acropleural sulcus and finely coriaceous posteroventrally, acropleuron with very fine longitudinally aligned coriaceous sculpture. Fore wing extended near apex of gaster, with SMV: MV: PMV: STV = 25: 32: 18: 7. Mesotibial spur shorter than basitarsus; mesotarsus with row of pegs on either side of basal four tarsomeres. Hind leg with basitarsus as long as following three tarsomeres combined ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 12‒20 ). Propodeum with anterior margin broadly V-shaped ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 12‒20 , 45 View FIGURES 44‒47 , indicated by arrows); plical region comparatively broad, scabrous; callar region smooth and shiny ( Figs 18 View FIGURES 12‒20 , 45 View FIGURES 44‒47 ).

Gaster longer than mesosoma, elongate-lanceolate; Gt 1 and Gt 2 deeply V-like emarginate, Gt 3 and Gt 4 slightly emarginate, Gt 5 and Gt 6 convex, syntergum tapered to apex ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 40‒43 ); ovipositor sheath exserted for very short distance, as long as 1/2 of basal metatarsomere ( Figs 12, 19 View FIGURES 12‒20 ).

Variation. Females vary in length from about 4.13–4.9 mm; head in dorsal view about 1.5-1.67× wider than long; scrobal depression separated from anterior ocellus by distance about 0.6-0.7× diameter of anterior ocellus; scutellum can be about 1.58× longer than broad. The color of the mesoscutum of the BMNH specimen is not as bright as in the holotype, and with more purple luster.

Distribution. CHINA: Guangdong, Hainan.

Remarks. The fore wing color of female of this new species is smoky gray, darker than for Z. candetibia and Z. tubatius , and the hyaline cross-band is very narrow, only about 1/6 that of the basal infuscate region. Of these three species, females of Z. fumosa are the only ones with white setae on the vertex.

In our key, Z. fumosa is separated from Z. magniscapus using the length of funiculars 2–4, but this described difference is based on Girault’s (1919) original description (funicles 2–4 equal, twice longer than wide) and might not be accurate.

Etymology. The species name is derived from the Latin word “ fumosus ”, which means smoky, and refers to the fore wing color.













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