Xenophyllum crassum subsp. crassum

Calvo, Joel & Moreira-Munoz, Andres, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the Andean genus Xenophyllum (Compositae, Senecioneae), PhytoKeys 158, pp. 1-106 : 1

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scientific name

Xenophyllum crassum subsp. crassum


7a. Xenophyllum crassum subsp. crassum View in CoL


Stems 2.5-4 cm tall (aerial part), lanate. Leaves stellate-imbricate, extending into a sheath-like base that bears long silky trichomes, usually with the leaf lamina spreading at nearly 90° from the sheath-like base; leaf laminas 14.7-27.6 × 1.2-2.2 mm, linear, obtuse, usually callous-like tipped at the apex, entire, flat to elliptical in cross section, glabrous, 1-nerved above, 1-nerved beneath, fleshy, rather matte. Capitula radiate, erect, sessile to subsessile. Involucres 12.6-19.7 × 11-15.8 mm, cupuliform; involucral bracts 16 to 21, 8.6-14.9 × 1.5-2.2 mm, acute at the apex, greenish to dark-purplish. Ray florets 16 to 21; corollas 14.5-19.7 × 2.9-3.4 mm, 4 to 6-veined, subentire to 3-toothed at the apex, conspicuously surpassing the involucre, white. Disc florets ca. 95; corollas 6.5-8.1 mm long, yellow. Achenes 2.6-4 × 0.8-1 mm, cylindrical, 6 to 8-ribbed, glabrous; pappus 14-19 mm long, barbellate, whitish. Chromosome number unknown. Fig. 13 View Figure 13 .

Additional iconography.

Funk (1997b: 33, fig. 3A, sub X. crassum ).

Distribution and habitat.

Central Colombia to central Ecuador. Colombia (Caldas, Cauca, Nariño, Risaralda, Tolima, Quindío, Valle del Cauca), Ecuador (Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi [expected], Morona-Santiago [expected], Napo, Pichincha, Tungurahua). It grows in marshes and moist grasslands of the paramo ecoregion, between elevations of 3125-4500 m (Fig. 12 View Figure 12 ).


Flowering nearly all year round.


The adjective crassus -a -um means thick and it refers to the robust rhizome that this species displays.


This taxon forms dense mats or hummocks and it is characterized by its linear, apically obtuse leaves, which are flat to elliptical in cross section and prominently 1-nerved on both faces. The rhizome-like stems are robust, long, and covered with a matted lanate indumentum that covers the leaf bases.

This subspecies can be differentiate from X. crassum subsp. orientale by the leaf length (14.7-27.6 mm vs. 6.5-12.7 mm in subsp. orientale ), number and length of the involucral bracts (16 to 21, 8.6-14.9 mm vs. 11 to 13, 6-8.2 mm in subsp. orientale ), number of ray florets (16 to 21 vs. 13 to 15 in subsp. orientale ), number of disc florets (ca. 95 vs. ca. 50 in subsp. orientale ), and pappus length (14-19 mm vs. 7.8-8 mm in subsp. orientale ). Both taxa have a well defined distribution area. The typical subspecies grows along the Cordillera Central and Cordillera Occidental in Colombia and extends southwards to central Ecuador. In contrast, X. crassum subsp. orientale is restricted in the northern part of the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia.

The habit of X. crassum subsp. crassum also resembles that of X. rigidum , but X. crassum subsp. crassum differs in having longer and narrower leaves (14.7-27.6 × 1.2-2.2 mm vs. 12.6-13.5 × 2.3-2.4 mm in X. rigidum ), higher number of involucral bracts and ray florets (16 to 21 vs. ca. 13 in X. rigidum ), and by displaying glabrous achenes (vs. white-villous in X. rigidum ). Their distribution areas only overlap in the Antisana Volcano (Napo, Ecuador).

Additional specimens examined.

Colombia. Caldas: páramo del Ruiz, middle slopes, 30 Aug 1957, H.G. Barclay 5285 (COL); Cordillera Central, páramo de Las Letras, SW of Letras, 5°2'N, 75°19'W, 4 Dec 1958, H.G. Barclay & P. Juajibioy 6245 (COL, US); Manizales, N.P. Los Nevados, Casa del Cisne, 4°51'N, 75°21'W, 19 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3381 (COL); Villa María, P.N.N. Nevados, cerca al refugio El Cisne, 4°50'N, 75°22'W, 28 Nov 2010, W.G. Vargas 22382 (COL, ICESI); Cauca: P.N. Puracé, 2°20'N, 76°24'W, 31 Aug 1972, H. Sánchez 351 (CUVC); Nariño: Cumbal, volcán de Chiles, en la antena vía El Laurel, Maldonado-Carchi, 0°49'N, 77°55'W, Jul 2012, F. Ávila 2232 (UDBC); Cumbal, volcán de Chiles, en la antena vía El Laurel, Maldonado-Carchi, 0°49'N, 77°55'W, Jul 2012, F. Ávila 2236 (UDBC); Quindío: páramo Quindío, Oct 2004, W.G. Vargas 15711 (COL, ICESI); Risaralda: Santuario-San José del Palmar, serranía de Tatamá, P.N.N. Tatamá, sectores Mirlas, Piedra Bomba, Frailejonal, Lagunas y Ventanas, acceso desde Santuario, 5°6'N, 76°3'W, 16 Jul 2009, J. Betancur, F. Gómez & J.N. Gómez 14253 (COL); Pereira, alrededores de la laguna de Otún, 4°46'N, 75°25'W, 3 Feb 1980, S. Díaz-Piedrahita, H. Valencia & R. Jaramillo 19700 (COL); Santuario, vereda Las Colonias, 400 m arriba la cascada, 5°7'N, 76°2'W, 3 Feb 1983, J.H. Torres et al. 1633 (COL); Santuario, macizo de Tamaná, cerca al campamento "El Reposo", 5°9'N, 76°4'W, 7 Feb 1983, J.H. Torres et al. 1663 (COL); Macizo de Tamaná, valle de San Francisco, cerca al campamento, 14 Feb 1983, J.H. Torres et al. 1944 (COL); Pereira, P.N.N. Nevados, laguna del Otún, 4°46'N, 75°25'W, 20 Nov 2008, W.G. Vargas 19700 (ICESI); Pereira, laguna del Otún, 4°46'N, 75°25'W, 28 Oct 2009, W.G. Vargas 21036 (COL, ICESI); Tolima: Cordillera Central, Nevado del Ruiz, páramos entre Termales y Nevado y Líbano, above turn-off of road to Líbano, 4°56'N, 75°20'W, 18 Dec 1958, H.G. Barclay & P. Juajibioy 6409 (COL); Santa Isabel, camino del paso de la quebrada del África, 4°45'N, 75°22'W, 7 Feb 1980, S. Díaz-Piedrahita & R. Jaramillo 1918 (COL); road on N side of Nevado del Ruiz, near fork in road that leads to El Rosario, approx. 8 km E of intersection with road to Manizales, 4°55'N, 75°17'W, 23 Jan 1986, V.A. Funk 8044 (COL); road on N side of Nevado del Ruiz, near fork in road that leads to El Rosario, approx. 8 km E of intersection with road to Manizales, 4°55'N, 75°17'W, 23 Jan 1986, V.A. Funk 8046 (COL); Cajamarca, corregimiento Anaime, La Castellana, 5 Jun 1994, B. Restrepo 430 (COL); Cajamarca, páramo de Anaime, reserva Semillas de Agua, 4°15'N, 75°33'W, 6 Jun 2000, W.G. Vargas 8108 (ICESI); Valle del Cauca: Riofrío, Venecia, páramo El Duende, 4°4'N, 76°30'W, 3 Jun 2010, J.C. Benavides 4859 (COL); Los Farallones, cuenca del río Timba, vert. oriental, quebrada Valle Escondido, 3°18'N, 76°44'W, 23 Aug 1991, E. Calderón 88A (COL); cabeceras de los ríos Tuluá y Bugalagrande, páramo de Las Vegas, 4°4'N, 75°47'W, 22 Mar 1946, J. Cuatrecasas 20322 (CONC); Pradera, I.P. Bolo Azul, finca La Cabaña, 3°26'N, 76°3'W, 28 Nov 1989, S. Sarria 591 (COL, CUVC); Palmira, La Nevera, 3°31'N, 76°4'W, 23 Mar 2008, W.G. Vargas 18840 (ICESI); Tuluá, corregimiento de Barragán, 4°0'N, 75°48'W, 21 Nov 1997, W.G. Vargas 4201 (COL). Ecuador. Carchi: road between Tulcán and Maldonado, S of volcán Chiles, 0°47'N, 77°58'W, 12 Mar 1985, B. Eriksen 59010 (QCA, QCNE); paramo El Ángel, between towns of El Ángel and Tulcán near the pass, 4 Mar 1992, V.A. Funk & M. Gavilanes 11069 (QCA, QCNE); paramo El Ángel, between towns of El Ángel and Tulcán near the pass, 4 Mar 1992, V.A. Funk & M. Gavilanes 11070 (QCA, QCNE, US); volcán Chiles, rd. from Tulcán to Maldonado, 36 km W of the bridge at the W edge of Tulcán, 5 Mar 1992, V.A. Funk & M. Gavilanes 11073 (QCA, QCNE); volcán Chiles, rd. from Tulcán to Maldonado, 38 km W of the bridge at the W edge of Tulcán, 5 Mar 1992, V.A. Funk & M. Gavilanes 11077 (QCA, QCNE); Espejo, reserva ecológica El Ángel, sitio de lagunas El Voladero, 0°42'N, 77°53'W, 31 Oct 1993, W. Palacios 11680 (QCNE); S slopes of volcán Chiles, 0°49'N, 77°57'W, 21 Oct 1987, P.M. Ramsay & P.J. Merrow-Smith 869 (QCA, QCNE); páramo del Ángel, lado ecuatoriano del volcán Chiles, 0°48'N, 77°56'W, May 1989, O. Rangel et al. 4406 (COL, US); SW side of volcán Chiles, 0°48'N, 77°57'W, 20 Jun 1995, P. Sklenář & V. Kostečková 37-8 (QCA); SW side of volcán Chiles, 0°48'N, 77°57'W, 22 Jun 1995, P. Sklenář & V. Kostečková 48-1 (QCA); volcán Chiles, SW side of the volcano, 0°48'N, 77°57'W, 23 Jun 1995, P. Sklenář & V. Kostečková 713 (QCNE); Espejo, reserva ecológica El Ángel, asociación 23 de Julio, 0°43'N, 77°55'W, 3 Aug 2003, D. Suárez, M. Chinchero & M. Cabascango 1355 (QCNE); Chimborazo: Altar, hacienda Releche, sector Pashuazo, 1°40'S, 78°27'W, 23 Jul 2009, D. Cárate, F. Naranjo & S. Chiriboga 1054 (QCA); Atillo, frente al campamento de ingenieros del ejército, 2°10'S, 78°30'W, 12 Apr 2009, D. Cárate, J. Salvador & S. Rojas 151 (QCA); Napo: road Quito-Baeza, near the pass at Papallacta, 0°20'S, 78°12'W, 30 Oct 1983, B. Eriksen & B.B. Larsen 45435 (QCA, QCNE); páramo de Papallacta, sector El Paso, 0°19'S, 78°12'W, 28 Oct 1984, A. Freire 27 (QCA); Pisayambo, laguna Cochas Negras, 1°6'S, 78°19'W, 14 Jan 1999, B. Merino & Á. Sánchez s.n. (LOJA [mixed with X. humile ]); Llanganati, páramo SE of choza Aucacocha, between Aucacocha and Pan de Azúcar, 1°9'S, 78°18'W, 15 May 1982, B. Øllgaard et al. 38514 (QCA); reserva ecológica Oyacachi, 0°15'S, 78°5'W, 29 Sep 2007, K. Romoleroux et al. 4642 (QCA); La Virgen de Papallacta, a 50 m desde la vía al Tena, hacia el interior del páramo, 0°21'S, 78°11'W, 31 Mar 2010, C.V. Sandoya-Sánchez, E. Gortaire & J. Irazábal 335 (QCA); NE side of volcán Antisana, 0°27'S, 78°8'W, 18 Aug 1997, P. Sklenář & V. Sklenářová 3559 (QCA); Tena, P.N. Llanganates, vía Salcedo-Tena, de laguna Chaloa Cocha desvío a Rayo Filo, 0°57'S, 78°23'W, 20 Sep 1998, H. Vargas, E. Narváez & S. Orellana 2630 (QCNE); Pichincha: Cordillera Oriental, cerro de Corrales, páramo de Guamaní, on north side of boquerón, highest point of road to Papallacta, 0°19'S, 78°12'W, 16 Aug 1959, H.G. Barclay & P. Juajibioy 8855 (COL); Quito, embalse Salve Faccha, 0°20'S, 78°15'W, 31 Aug 2001, D. Fernández, G. Pérez & L. Calvopiña 416 (QCNE); páramo de Guamaní, carretera Quito-Pifo-Papallacta, 0°23'S, 78°9'W, 20 Oct 1990, E. Guerrón 15 (QCA); páramo de Guamaní, close to paso de La Virgen, 0°20'S, 78°13'W, 8 Feb 1984, S. Laegaard 51328 (QCA); páramo de Guamaní, paso de la carretera Quito-Baeza, 0°19'S, 78°12'W, 25 Aug 1985, B.B. Larsen & B. Dall 191 (QCA); páramo de Guamaní, carretera Pifo-Papallacta, km 23, 0°18'S, 78°14'W, 4 Nov 1990, S. León 1012 (LOJA, QCA); páramo de Guamaní, laguna de Hoyas, 0°15'S, 78°12'W, 8 Aug 1987, P.M. Ramsay & P.J. Merrow-Smith 140 (QCA); páramo de Guamaní, on the right of the road Quito-Papallacta, 0°20'S, 78°12'W, 28 Jun 1997, P. Sklenář & V. Sklenářová 2010 (QCA); páramo de Guamaní, along the road to the antennas, 0°19'S, 78°12'W, 19 Jun 1999, P. Sklenář 7314 (QCA); N side of nevado Cayambe, on the right side along the road towards the military antennas, 0°5'N, 77°58'W, 6 Aug 2004, P. Sklenář 8175 (QCA); Tungurahua: P.N. Llanganates, laguna Cable, 1°8'S, 78°18'W, 28 Nov 1996, J.L. Clark & J. Fair 3521 (QCNE); Llanganates, entre bordes de Mesa Tablón y entrada de Aucacocha, 1°9'S, 78°19'W, 27 Dec 1983, J. Jaramillo, V. Zak & J. Yépez 6004 (F, QCA); Aucacocha, sector NE de la laguna Aucacocha, 1°9'S, 78°19'W, 29 Dec 1983, J. Jaramillo 6091 (QCA); Aucacocha, sector NE de la laguna de Aucacocha, 1°9'S, 78°19'W, 30 Dec 1983, J. Jaramillo, V. Zak & J. Yépez 6262 (QCA); Santiago de Píllaro, P.N. Llanganates, base of cerro Hermoso on W side, near lake, 1°13'S, 78°17'W, 13 Nov 1999, D. Neill et al. 12049 (QCNE); Santiago de Píllaro, P.N. Llanganates, SW flank of cerro Hermoso, above lake, 1°13'S, 78°17'W, 14 Nov 1999, D. Neill et al. 12064 (QCA, QCNE); Patate, P.N. Llanganates, alrededores de la laguna Pan de Azúcar, 1°9'S, 78°17'W, 14 Oct 1998, H. Vargas, J.C. Ronquillo & N. Granda 2870 (QCNE).