Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox

Pollock, Darren A. & Reichert, Lisa A., 2019, Review of the Nearctic genus Wilcoxia James (Diptera: Asilidae: Stenopogoninae) with descriptions of three new species, Zootaxa 4695 (5), pp. 401-437 : 420-426

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4695.5.1

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scientific name

Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox


8. Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox View in CoL

( Figs 15–16 View FIGURES 13–16 , 25 View FIGURES 17–25 , 36–37 View FIGURES 30–37 , 57 View FIGURES 47–58 , 66 View FIGURES 65–66 )

Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox 1972: 43 View in CoL . Type locality: “ California, Riverside Co., White Water”; Wood 1981: 560, Fig. 32 View FIGURES 30–37 [anterior view of head]; Poole & Gentili 1996: 64.

Types. Holotype, male ( CAS), labeled: “White Water, Cal. XI-25 1947 // J. Wilcox Coll. // [blue label] HOLOTYPE ♂ Wilcoxia martinorum J. Wilcox View in CoL // California Academy of Sciences Type No. 11714 // ALLOTYPE IS STORED IN THE GENERAL COLLECTION”. The holotype was not examined (images studied at: http://researcharchive. calacademy.org/research/entomology/typesDB/default.asp). The allotype was examined.

Derivation of specific epithet. Named after Charles and Dorothy Martin, who found individuals of this species “literally swarming on the hillside rocks near the entrance to White Water Canyon” ( Wilcox 1972: 44).

Diagnosis. This species may be separated from the other three members of the martinorum group by the following characters: outer lateral surface of all femora more or less uniformly pollinose; tergite 1 with bare patch wider anteriorly than posteriorly; tergite 2 with medial bare patch isolated from lateral bare areas; wings hyaline; halter knob yellow, not contrasting yellow stem.

Description. Male ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 13–16 ). TL 5.5–7.8 mm; wing 4.8–6.5 mm.

Head ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 17–25 ) black, covered in pale grey tomentum, usually tinted brown on ocellar tubercle and frons, face (in profile) barely projecting beyond eye; hairs and setae of head white, usually with a slight amber cast; lower occipital hairs long, dense, “wispy”; ocellar tubercle with about 8 long setae and several long hairs (> length of scape + pedicel), white to amber in color; mystax ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 17–25 ) moderately dense, consisting of long setae (ca. length of antenna) and slightly shorter hairs, occupying almost entire face; setae and hairs white, bases perpendicular to plane of face; no distinct hairs on face separate from mystax; palpi and proboscis dark brown to black with white hairs; antennomeres brown to black, pollinose, scape and pedicel with very thin pollinosity medially; scape and pedicel with several long ventral setae (pedicel with one long, stout seta) and hairs and several short hairs dorsally; ratio of antennomere lengths (scape: pedicel: postpedicel: style + spine) = 6: 6: 18: 11.

Thorax black, covered in pale grey tomentum; scutum with divided median stripe, light to dark brown pollinose; acrostichal setae present, 5–6 per row; scutum surface uniform, without distinct non-pollinose or differently colored spots; scutum with sparse pile of long white hairs (length of postpedicel), densest presuturally but longer postsuturally; most specimens with 2 notopleural setae, 1 supraalar seta and 1 postalar seta; stoutest thoracic setae with amber cast; scutellum uniformly pale grey pollinose; 5–6 white to pale yellow marginal setae, longest setae greater in length than scutellum, perpendicular to plane of scutellum, subparallel to each other; very few short marginal hairs present; disc of scutellum with few shorter, partially appressed hairs; pleura pale grey pollinose; katatergite with about 20 long, fine white setae, tips “crinkly” (e.g., Fig. 43 View FIGURES 41–46 ); wings hyaline; costa complete around entire wing margin; microtrichiae very sparse, scattered, in distal 1/3 of wing; halter with base brown and yellow, stem and knob yellow; legs ( Figs 15–16 View FIGURES 13–16 ) uniformly brown to black, hair and setae white to slightly yellow; all femora pollinose, at least dorsally, front and middle femora with anteroproximal half non-pollinose; hind femur uniformly pollinose dorsally, but anteriorly confined to distal 1/3; femora dorsally with relatively dense, white appressed hairs (<femur width) and a few longer (about width of femur) erect white setae; ventrally with many longer, suberect white hairs (longest> femur width); tibiae with dense, short (<tibia width) appressed white hairs, ventrally with a few longer, more erect hairs, especially on front tibia; mesotibial spine light brown; protibiae without sigmoidal spine.

Abdomen ( Figs 15 View FIGURES 13–16 , 36 View FIGURES 30–37 ) black; tergites 2–7 with “checkerboard” pattern of pale grey pollinosity and bare patches; tergites 1–7 densely pale grey pollinose, hairs white; tergites 1–7 with dorsocentral bare patch, on 2–7 extending from posterior margin to about midlength; tergite 1 with bare patch widest anteriorly; tergites 2–6 with anterolateral bare patch; sternites pale grey pollinose, with sparse, long fine white hairs, longest on anterior sternites.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 57 View FIGURES 47–58 ). Apex of dorsal gonocoxite process deeply bifid, both lobes subequal in length, with carina on outer lobe; dorsal process extending past apex of ventral gonocoxite process; medial gonocoxite processes thin, acute, distinctly curved towards phallus; gonostylus relatively wide, angulate, apex truncate; phallus with indistinct, subapical denticle on lateral margins; lateral margins evenly narrowed to apex.

Female ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 13–16 ). TL 6.0–10.0 mm; wing 5.2–8.8 mm; with characters similar to male except for the following: frons and ocellar tubercle with brown tomentum; median stripe of scutum and much of dorsal pollinosity brown; tergites 7–8 thinly pollinose to bare ( Fig. 37 View FIGURES 30–37 ).

Natural history. Specimens of W. martinorum were said by Wilcox (1972: 44) to be “literally swarming on the hillside rocks near the entrance to White Water Canyon”. This behavior is shared (though perhaps not “swarming”) with individuals of W. apache and W. forbesi , which we have collected also only on rocks or stony/rocky substrate. Four paratypes (CAS) of W. martinorum have associated prey items pointed on the same pins. Bulk index of the prey items ranged from 1.3–7.3; ratio of bulk index of predator:prey ranged from 2.6 (largest prey item) to 11.4 (smallest prey item) (average = 7.7). Prey items comprise HYMENOPTERA ( Encyrtidae : Bothriothorax cf. californicus ) and DIPTERA (2 Phoridae ( Megaselia sp.) and 1 Anthomyiidae ). The latter specimens were called “borborids” [= Sphaeroceridae ] by Wilcox (1972), but in fact they are Phoridae , genus Megaselia (Steve Gaimari and Brian Brown, pers. comms.). Wilcox (1972) mentioned a small winged termite (Isoptera) as a prey item also; this specimen was not seen. Specimens were collected from 10.x–2.ii.

Non-primary type material examined. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Arizona. Yuma Co. Telegraph Pass [32.667783, -114.315430], Gila Mts GoogleMaps ., 6.i.1986, D. Lightfoot, ( NMSU, 1♂) . California. Riverside Co. White Water [33.926128, -116.635048] GoogleMaps , 23.xii.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 44♂, 24♀; CNC, 2♂, 1♀; NMSU, 1♀; BME, 1♀ [UC BME P 0003966 ]); same locality GoogleMaps , 25.xi.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 20♂, 23♀; NMSU, 1♂; CNC, 1♂); same locality GoogleMaps , 28.xi.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 6♂, 4♀; CNC, 1♀); same locality GoogleMaps , 3.xii.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 3♂, 3♀) ; same locality , 10.xii.1962, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 1♂) ; same locality , 27.xii.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 2♂, 2♀) ; same locality , 16.xii.1964, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 1♂, 1♀) ; same locality , 6.i.1948, A.F. Howland, Paratype, ( CAS, 1♀) ; same locality , 13.xi.1966, E. Fisher, Paratype, ( EMFC, 8♂, 5♀; USNM [ USNMENT 01457176 About USNM ], 1♂); same locality , 16.xii.1962, E. Fisher, Paratype, ( EMFC, 4♀; WBEM, 1♂; USNM [ USNMENT 01457177 About USNM ], 1♀); same locality, 1500 ft. , 29.xi.1978, E.M. Fisher, ( EMFC, 8♂, 5♀) ; 3 mi. N. Whitewater [33.969801, -116.634963], 1600 ft., 13.xi.1979, E.M. Fisher, ( EMFC, 1♂, 1♀) ; Palm Springs [33.831958, -116.546514], P.H. Arnaud, Paratype, 7.i.54, ( CAS, 10♂, 10♀) ; same locality and collector, Paratypes , 8.i.1954, ( CAS, 4♂, 3♀) ; 2.i.1954, ( CAS, 7♂, 7♀) ; 3.i.1954, ( CAS, 14♂, 10♀) ; 1.i.1954, ( CAS, 2♂, 2♀) ; 5.i.1954, ( CAS, 1♀) , 6.i.1954, ( CAS, 3♂, 1♀) , 10.i.1954, ( CAS, 1♀) , 11.i.1954, ( CAS, 1♂) , 21.i.1953, ( CAS, 2♂, 1♀) , 29.xii.1953, ( CAS, 11♂, 8♀; EMFC, 2♂, 1♀) , 30.xii.1953, ( CAS, 8♂, 10♀; EMFC, 1♀) , 31.xii.1953, ( CAS, 4♂, 3♀) ; same locality , 21.i.1953, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 5♂) ; Palm Springs, Chino Canyon [33.863946, -116.571141], P.H. Arnaud, coll. on rock, Paratype, 22.xii.1950, ( CAS, 6♂, 3♀) , 24.xii.1950, ( CAS, 1♀) , 25.xii.1950, ( CAS, 2♂, 4♀) , 26.xii.1950, ( CAS, 1♂, 2♀) , 27.xii.1950, ( CAS, 2♀) ; same locality , 23.xii.1950, P.H. Arnaud, coll. nr. rock wall, ( CAS, 2♂, 4♀) ; 1 mi. W. Palm Springs [33.828159, -116.563264], 12.i.1977, E.M. Fisher, ( EMFC, 3♂) ; Palm Desert, 10.x.1964, E. Fisher, ( EMFC, 2♂) ; P.L. Boyd Des. Res. Center 3.5 mi. S. Palm Desert, marker #57, Mal- aise trap, 18-22.xi.1969, S. Frommer & R. Worley, ( UCRC, 1♀ [ UCRC ENT 21094]; 3.5 mi. S. Palm Desert (P.L. Boyd Des. Res. Center) [33.633179, -116.399856], Malaise trap GoogleMaps , 25-27.x.1978, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 152970 View Materials ]) , 8-12.i.1979, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 76690]); Deep Cyn. Des. Res. Center Sec. 17, R6E, T6S, 116°22’36”W, 33°38’19”N [33.638911, -116.376667], 10 year Malaise trap study, J.D. Pinto & S.I. Frommer GoogleMaps , 21-24.xi.1979, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 153339 View Materials ]) , 24-26.xi.1979, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 153399 View Materials ]) , 26-28.xi.1979, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 153530 View Materials ]) , 28-31.xii.1979, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 153569 View Materials ], 1♀ [ UCRC ENT 153571 View Materials ]) , 1-4.ii.1980, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 153328 View Materials ]); 8 mi. N. Jct. Horsethief Cr. & Deep Cr., Sec. 6; T7S, R6E [33.590700, - 116.401865], elev. 2960 ft. GoogleMaps , 27.x-3.xi.1973, A.B. Tabet, Malaise, ( UCRC, 1♂ [ UCRC ENT 152594 View Materials ]); Palm Desert , Philip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Research Center, 33°38’52.3N, 116°22’36.0W [33.647861, -116.376667], 940 ft. GoogleMaps , 27.i-2.ii.2007, P.H. & M.M. Arnaud, malaise trap, ( USNM, 6♂ [USNMENT 01457183, 01457184, 01457185, 01457187, 01457188, 01457189], 1♀ [ USNM 01457186 About USNM ]); Palm Desert, Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Research Cen- ter, 33°38’53.2”N, 116°22’38.5”W [33.648111, -116.377361], ca 250m GoogleMaps , 20-26.ii.2006, P.H. & M.M. Arnaud, malaise trap, ( USNM, 2♂ [USNMENT 01457190, 01457191]); Palm Desert, Philip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Research Center [33.647927, -116.376534] GoogleMaps , 15.ii.1995, P.H. & M.M. Arnaud, ( USNM, 1♂ [USNMENT 01457182]); Mag- nesia Falls Cyn. [33.719804, -116.420504, est.] GoogleMaps , 15.xi.1978, E.M. Fisher, ( EMFC, 2♀) . San Bernardino Co. Vidal [34.118958, -114.510178], 12.x.1987, ( UCRC, 1♀ [ UCRC ENT 80350]). San Diego Co. 5 mi. S. Oasis [33.395074, -116.098033] GoogleMaps , 13.xi.1947, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 1♂, 1♀) ; same locality, Paratype , 17.xi.1947, ( CAS, 5♂, 7♀) ; 10 mi. S. Oasis [33.315356, -116.095741], 10.xii.1962, J. Wilcox, Paratype, ( CAS, 3♀) .

Distribution ( Fig. 66 View FIGURES 65–66 ). When the paratypes of W. martinorum that now are designated as W. flavipennis , n. sp. were removed from the original type series, the distribution of W. martinorum became much narrower than when described by Wilcox (1972). Most specimens of W. martinorum form a fairly tight cluster in several southern California counties (esp. Riverside). Elevations of collecting localities range from 433 to 3772 feet.


California Academy of Sciences


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


University of California, Riverside














Wilcoxia martinorum Wilcox

Pollock, Darren A. & Reichert, Lisa A. 2019

Poole, R. W. & Gentili, P. 1996: 64
Wood, G. C. 1981: 560
Wilcox, J. 1972: 43
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