Vargapupa biheli viridis, Páll-Gergely & Grego, 2019

Páll-Gergely, Barna & Grego, Jozef, 2019, Notes on Pseudopomatias Möllendorff, 1885 and Vargapupa Páll- Gergely, 2015 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Pupinidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 67, pp. 586-594 : 591

publication ID 10.26107/RBZ-2019-0044

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scientific name

Vargapupa biheli viridis

subsp. nov.

Vargapupa biheli viridis View in CoL , new subspecies

( Fig. 5A–L View Fig )

Type material. Holotype (H: 10.2 mm, D: 3.6 mm, Figs 5A–F View Fig ) ( HNHM 104398 ), Laos, Xianghouang prov. , ca. 4 km

SW of Ban Khong , cliffs foot above larger vertical cave, 1,230 m a.s.l., 19°22.670′N, 102°58.742′E, coll. J. Grego, 23 February 2017 GoogleMaps ; figured paratype (HNHM 104399, Figs 5G–L View Fig ), same data as for holotype; 2 paratypes ( SMF 326927 About SMF ), same data as for holotype; 2 paratypes ( NHMUK 20190575 About NHMUK ), same data as for holotype; 1 paratype (ZRC.MOL.015633), same data as for holotype; 47 paratypes (JG/47), same data as for holotype; 2 juvenile shells (not paratypes, JG/2), same data as for holotype; 1 paratype broken to two parts (JG/1), Laos, Xianghouang prov. , Caverns among boulders at large sinkhole below small settlements (5 houses about 6 km SW of Bang Knong), 1,060 m a.s.l., 19°23.251′N, 102°58.498′E, coll. J. Grego, 23 February 2017 GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. A subspecies of Vargapupa biheli with greenish shell colour and weaker periumbilical keel.

Measurements (in mm). H = 8.4–11, D = 3.4–3.7 (n = 7).

Differential diagnosis. Vargapupa biheli viridis , new subspecies differs from the nominotypical subspecies ( Fig. 5M–Q View Fig ) by the lower, slightly denser ribs and weaker keel. The keel of Vargapupa biheli viridis is less clearly visible from standard apertural view (i.e., more visible in Vargapupa biheli biheli ), and it is overall less elevated, and less marked by deep sutures on both sides. Fresh shells of the new subspecies are semitransparent greenish. Although we had no possibility to examine fresh shells of the nominotypical subspecies, the reddish colouration of the apical whorls of some shells, such as the holotype, indicates that fresh shells might have a reddish brown colour.

The differences mentioned between Vargapupa humilis Páll- Gergely, 2016 and V. biheli are true to the new subspecies as well. These are the following: Vargapupa biheli has a much stronger keel, a slender triangular shell (rather spindleshaped in V. humilis ), a less oblique peristome to the shell axis and a somewhat rectangular aperture (nearly rounded, teardrop-shaped in V. humilis ).

Remarks. We initially considered to handling the two subspecies as species in their own right. However, due to the similar size, shape and the lack of fresh specimens of V. biheli biheli , we rather keep the new taxon on a subspecific level.

Etymology. The name “viridis” refers to the greenish colour of fresh shells of the new subspecies.

Distribution. The new subspecies is known from two nearby sites, practically a single population in Xianghouang Province, Laos.

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