Urophorus (Anophorus) cordiformis Ito and Powell, 2023

Ito, Naoya & Powell, Gareth S., 2023, A New Species of Urophorus (Anophorus) Kirejtshuk, 1990 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) from Ishigaki-Jima Island, Southern Ryukyu, Southwestern Japan, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (3), pp. 462-468 : 463-468

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1649/0010-065X-77.3.462

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scientific name

Urophorus (Anophorus) cordiformis Ito and Powell

sp. nov.

Urophorus (Anophorus) cordiformis Ito and Powell , new species zoobank.org/ urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:8993FF7B-216C-4DE6-AA91-076967301516 (Japanese name: Kaku-mune-kata-beni-deokisui) ( Figs. 1–5 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig )

Type Specimens. Holotype: ♂, Japan: “[ Japan: Ishigaki-jima Is.]/ Hirakubo, Ishigaki City,/ Okinawa Pref.,/ 27–29.VI.2022,/ Naoya ITO leg./ by fruit trap (pineapple)// HOLOTYPE // Urophorus (Anophorus) cordiformis sp. nov. / Ito et Powell, 2023” ( BLKU) . Paratypes (15 ♂, 8 ♀): [Ishigaki-jima Is.] 2 ♂, Hirae, 16.X.2013, N. Ito leg., by fruit trap (banana) ( BLKU) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, ditto, 24–28.III.2014, N. Ito leg., by fruit trap (pineapple) ( BLKU) ; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, ditto, 27.III.2014, N. Ito leg., by tree sap ( Fraxinus griffithii ) ( BLKU) ; 1 ♀, ditto, 28.III.2014, N. Ito leg., by tree sap ( Fraxinus griffithii ) ( BLKU) ; 5 ♂, ditto, 30.X.2021, N. Ito leg., by fruit trap (banana) ( BLKU) ; 3 ♂, 2 ♀, ditto, 23–27.VI.2022, N. Ito leg., by fruit trap (banana) (1 ♂, 1 ♀: BYU; 2 ♂, 1 ♀: BLKU) ; 3 ♂, 3 ♀, Hirakubo, 27–29.VI.2022, N. Ito leg., by fruit trap (pineapple) (1 ♂, 1 ♀: FSCA; 1 ♂, 1 ♀: BLKU; 1 ♂, 1 ♀: KUM) .

Etymology. The specific epithet of the new species is formed from the Latin “ cordis ” (heart) + “ formis ” (form), which is derived from the arrangement of minute projections on the male abdominal sternite VII forming a weak heart shape.

Diagnosis. This species differs from its conge- ners by the following characteristics: abdominal sternite VII of male with minute projections in a heart-shaped arrangement; abdominal sternite VII of female pentagonal; lateral lobe of tegmen not narrowed from distal half towards the apex.

Description. Male. Measurements and proportions (n = 13): BL 2.25–2.70 mm (mean 2.43 mm), BW 1.45–1.80 mm (mean 1.58 mm), PL 0.92–1.09 mm (mean 1.00 mm), PW 1.38–1.67 mm (mean 1.50 mm), EL 1.33–1.60 mm (mean 1.43 mm); EW 1.45–1.80 mm (mean 1.58); BW/BL 0.64–0.67 (mean 0.65), PW/PL 1.46–1.53 (mean 1.50), EW/EL 1.08–1.13 (mean 1.10).

Body ( Fig. 1 View Fig ) oblong; moderately convex dorso- ventrally; dorsum and venter shining; dorsum and venter feebly covered with recumbent, short, yel- lowish pubescence. Body coloration dark brown; antennae, mandibles, lateral margin of pronotum, humeral area of elytra, and legs reddish-brown.

Head ( Fig. 2E View Fig ) punctate; punctures on disc large and dense, on occipital region larger and deeper than that of the disc. Labrum ( Fig. 2A View Fig ) deeply notched in middle. Antenna ( Fig. 2F View Fig ) with three antennom- eres in club oblong; antennal club approximately 1.2 times as long as wide; antennomere X widest, antennomere IX distinctly narrower than X; antennomere XI obtusely pointed apically. Mandible ( Fig. 2D View Fig ) with an inner tooth. Labial palpi with mentum as figured ( Fig. 2B View Fig ); terminal segment of labial palpomere widened to truncate apex, and longer than width; mentum with large punctures, and widest near mid-length. Maxilla as shown in Fig. 2C View Fig ; last maxillary palpomere elongated, narrowed near basal two-thirds.

Pronotum convex, transverse, approximately 1.5 times as wide as long; disc moderately punctate, punctures separated by about their diameter, progres- sively larger towards the lateral sides; interspace 464 between punctures smooth; lateral margins widest near basal one-fourth, strongly narrowed anteriorly and weakly narrowed posteriorly; anterior corner subrounded, and posterior corner right angle; anterior margin slightly emarginated, posterior margin sinuate; dorsolateral fovea on pronotum indistinct. Prosternum with large, dense punctures separated by less than their diameter, interspaces smooth; prosternal process strongly expanded behind procoxae, disc without punctures, glabrous. Mesoventrite with punctures that larger than on prosternum, interspaces between punctures with microreticulation. 466 Metaventrite densely punctate, disc flattened and large as on pronotal disc; interspaces between punc- sparsely punctate. tures smooth; apical margins broadly rounded, hind Elytra 1.08–1.13 times wider than long; lateral sutural angles obtuse.

margins subparallel-sided, widest near mid-length, Abdomen with three terminal tergites exposed; wider than pronotal width; punctures on disc as punctures of dorsum and venter finer than those of elytra; setae of dorsum and venter shorter than those of head, pronotum, and elytra; posterior margin of abdominal sternite VI slightly emarginated, possessing a pair of small projections near the middle, with tuft of setae apically about as long as on elytra ( Fig. 2G View Fig ); abdominal sternite VII deeply depressed with densely arranged, minute projections; minute projections of abdominal sternite VII absent along the median line, arrangement somewhat heart shaped ( Fig. 2H View Fig ).

Male genitalia ( Figs. 3A–C View Fig ) as figured; each lateral lobe of tegmen subparallel-sided, apical margin truncated in dorsal view, narrowing to acute apical point in lateral view, apical region with dense, long setae; inner region of each lobe depressed in dorsal view; lateral lobes strongly curved, inner margin in distal half dentate in lateral view; tegminal strut gently widened distally, as long as tegminal length.

Female. Measurements and proportions (n = 6): BL 2.44–3.01 mm (mean 2.68 mm); BW 1.64– 1.94 mm (mean 1.76 mm); PL 0.99–1.20 mm (mean 1.09 mm); PW 1.53–1.82 mm (mean 1.65 mm); EL 1.45–1.80 mm (mean 1.60 mm); EW 1.64–1.94 mm (mean 1.74 mm); BW/BL 0.65–0.67 (mean 0.66); PW/PL 1.51–1.55 (mean 1.52); EW/EL 1.08–1.13 (mean 1.10).

External features similar to those of males except for the following. Abdominal sternite VI ( Fig. 2K View Fig ); posterior margin straight and without a pair of small projections. Abdominal sternite VII ( Fig. 2L View Fig ) pentagonal. Pygidium triangular with apex rounded; punctures on subapical region smaller than on disc. 468 Ovipositor ( Fig. 3D View Fig ) with styli near apex; each sty- Distribution: Japan (the Ryukyu Islands: lus with 3 short setae at apex. Okinawa-jima, Ishigaki-jima, Iriomote-jima, Distribution. Japan: Ishigaki-jima Is. ( Fig. 5 View Fig ). and Minamidaito-jima Is.), Nepal, India, China, Remarks. Urophorus (A.) humeralis and U. (A.) Taiwan.................... U. (A.) foveicollis Murray foveicollis are commonly found around the agricul- tural environments, e.g., pineapple fields on Ishigaki-

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS jima Island. In contrast, this new species has been collected only from fruit traps set in forests or tree This study was partly supported by the Collaborative sap of Fraxinus griffithii C. B. Clarke ( Oleaceae ), Research of Tropical Biosphere Research Center, suggesting that its preference of habitat is likely to University of the Ryukyus. GSP thanks the Florida differ from that of the other two species. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, The mating posture of this species was observed Division of Plant Industry, for their support. Lastly, under laboratory conditions. In the open, after gen- we thank the reviewers and editorial staff for ital contact, the male detaches all legs from the their recommendations that greatly improved the dorsum of the female, leaving only the abdomen manuscript. connected between the sexes ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Even in closed spaces, the sexes always maintained only the abdomen connection in an inverted position. The struc- REFERENCES CITED ture of the male genitalia and the abdominal sternite Audisio, P. 1993. Coleoptera Nitidulidae-Kateretidae. VII may be related to this unique mating posture. Fauna d’Italia 32. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna,

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Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology













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