Unilobus scleroni, Modak & Adhikari & Basu & Haldar, 2012

Modak, Biplob Kr, Adhikari, Ranatosh Kr, Basu, Saugata & Haldar, Durga P., 2012, Two New Species of Unilobus Théodoridès, Desportes and Jolivet, 1984 (Apicomplexa: Conoidasida) Parasitizing Tenebrionid Beetles along with the Remarks on the Genus and Its Family Status, Acta Protozoologica 51 (2), pp. 179-186 : 183

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.4467/16890027AP.12.014.0518

persistent identifier


treatment provided by


scientific name

Unilobus scleroni

sp. nov.

Unilobus scleroni n. sp.

Trophozoite ( Figs 10–12 View Figs 10–19 ): Typical tri-partite trophozoite stage is absent. Bi-partite intracellular stage with a protomerite and a deutomerite is also observed in sections.

Gamont ( Figs 13–15 View Figs 10–19 ): Early gamonts are found to attach with the epithelial cells ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10–19 ) but mature forms mainly remain in association. A few solitary forms are also encountered. Mature gamonts are cylindrical or very narrowly oblong measuring 61 to 232 µm in total length. Protomerite is hemispherical or very broadly elliptoidal, separated from deutomerite by a distinct septum. Deutomerite is cylindrical or very narrowly oblong with uniform granulation but denser than protomerite. Nucleus is spherical or orbicular, situated either in the middle or in the posterior end of the deutomerite.

Association ( Fig. 16 View Figs 10–19 ): Association is late and always caudofrontal. Both the primite and the satellite are morphologically similar except the shape of the







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