Tropidauchenia jiangjilini Z.-G. Chen, Z.-Y. Chen & R .-X. Lin, 2024

Chen, Zhong-Guang, Chen, Zhe-Yu, Lin, Ran-Xi, Dai, Yu-Ting, Wu, Xiao-Ping, Jiang, Jiao & Ouyang, Shan, 2024, A new species of Tropidauchenia Lindholm, 1924 (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae, Garnieriinae) from Guangdong, China, Zoosystematics and Evolution 100 (3), pp. 1075-1084 : 1075-1084

publication ID 10.3897/zse.100.130661

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Zoosystematics and Evolution by Pensoft

scientific name

Tropidauchenia jiangjilini Z.-G. Chen, Z.-Y. Chen & R .-X. Lin


Tropidauchenia jiangjilini Z.-G. Chen, Z.-Y. Chen & R.-X. Lin , sp. nov.

Figs 2 A View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 A, B View Figure 4 , 5 B – D View Figure 5

Type material.

Holotype. 24_NCU_XPWU_YG 01 , Julongdong Scenic Spot [聚龙洞风景区], Pingtang Town [苹塘镇], Luoding City [罗定市], Guangdong Province [广东省], China, 22 ° 43 ' 26 " N, 111 ° 44 ' 56 " E, leg. Ji-Lin Jiang, May 2024 GoogleMaps .

Paratypes. 11 specimens. 24_NCU_XPWU_YG 02 –09, HBUMN 10073–74 , other information same as holotype GoogleMaps ; 24_NCU_XPWU_YG 10 , Longji village [龙吉村], Luoding City [罗定市], Guangdong Province, China, 22 ° 44 ' 40 " N, 111 ° 48 ' 01 " E, leg. Ji-Lin Jiang & Ran-Xi Lin, May 2024 GoogleMaps .


Shell entire (vs. decollated or fragile to almost decollated in T. bavayi , T. dorri , T. donggiaensis Nordsieck, 2002 , T. giardi and T. proc tostoma (Mabille, 1889 )), slender-fusiform (vs. broader in T. danjuan , T. hitomiae , T. lucida , T. mengyuanensis , T. messageri (Bavay & Dautzenberg, 1899) , T. nakaharai , T. napoensis , T. orientalis , T. palatalis , T. parasulcicollis and T. sulcicollis ), fragile; teleoconch with very thin and dense ribs (vs. smooth in T. yanghaoi ; ribs stronger but sparser in T. danjuan , T. messageri , T. orientalis , T. ootanii , T. parasulcicollis and T. sulcicollis ; ribs weaker and sparser in T. hitomiae , T. lucida , T. mengyuanensis , T. nakaharai , T. napoensis and T. palatalis ); aperture colored, lower part reddish-brown; penial pilasters transversal, relatively sparse, irregular zigzag.


Shell (n = 12). Entire, with 10.5–11.5 whorls, hardly decollated, slender-fusiform, thin, fragile, semitranslucent, light brown, with indistinct darkish-red ribbon beneath the suture; body whorl in front of lunella darker; apical part conical to slowly attenuated. Suture shallow. Protoconch smooth with 2.5–3.0 whorls. Ribs on the teleoconch very thin and dense, extending across the whole whorl, rather evenly distributed and narrowly spaced; on the neck riblets white, broader, stronger, more widely spaced and undulate. Aperture vastly extended, oval. Peristome expanded, thickened, slightly reflected, lower part reddish-brown. Only the superior lamella visible through aperture. Superior lamella bent, fused with inferior lamella but separated with spiral lamell. The end of superior lamella longer than that of spiral lamella. Subcolumellar lamella invisible in oblique view, strong, bent, its end shorter than the end of superior lamella. Lunella invisible in oblique view, vertical. Principal plica short, initiates ventrolaterally and extending laterally, not reaching peristome. Clausilium plate invisible in oblique view, semitranslucent; overall slender; stalk thin; plate relatively broad.

Genitalia (n = 4). Atrium short and relatively narrow. Penis relatively slender, almost cylindrical. Penial pilasters transversal, relatively sparse, irregular zigzag. Penial caecum strong, long, tubular. Epiphallus slender, shorter and thinner than penis. Penial retractor relatively thick and long, inserted at the middle part of penis. Vas deferens relatively slender and short. Vagina relatively slender, cylindrical. Diverticulum slender, unexpanded. Bursa copulatrix duct slender and long. Bursa copulatrix small, oval.

Measurements. Holotype: shell height 27.7 mm, width 5.0 mm; aperture height 5.6 mm, width 5.3 mm. Paratypes: shell height 23.6–28.8 mm, width 4.6–5.2 mm; aperture height 4.9–5.9 mm, width 4.6–5.2 mm (n = 11).


The species is named after Ji-Lin Jiang who first discovered the new species and assisted with the field survey.

Vernacular name.

江氏伞管螺 (Pinyin: jiāng shì sǎn guǎn luó).

Distribution and ecology.

Tropidauchenia jiangjilini sp. nov. is found from two adjacent hills in Luoding (Figs 6 View Figure 6 , 7 View Figure 7 ). Other surrounding hills are also potential distributions but require further survey. It inhabits the vertical limestone cliff together with Gyliotrachela sp. (Figs 5 B – D View Figure 5 ).


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile