Triphysa issykkulica Dubatolov, Korb & Yakovlev, 2023

Dubatolov, Vladimir V., Korb, Stanislav K. & Yakovlev, Roman V., 2023, A review of the genus Triphysa Zeller, 1858 (Lepidoptera, Satyridae), Ecologica Montenegrina 61, pp. 88-123 : 101-102

publication ID 10.37828/em.2023.61.9

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Triphysa issykkulica Dubatolov, Korb & Yakovlev

sp. nov.

Triphysa issykkulica Dubatolov, Korb & Yakovlev sp.n.

Figs. 2c–h View Figure 2 , 6a View Figure 6 , 9 View Figures 8–9 , 24 View Figures 20–24 .

Description. Male. Forewing length in holotype 16 mm, in paratypes 14–17 mm. Upperside brown. Fringes gray or brownish. Underside brown, with whitegreyish suffusion along the veins; forewing under surface with incomplete submarginal row of black round spots with white centers (no spot in anal region of this wing is present); hindwing underside with full submarginal row of black spots with white centers; each spot in submarginal series is located in yellowish oval elongated stroke. Discal cell of hindwing underside with yellowish short stroke. Female. Forewing length 12–15 mm. Wing upperside, fringes and abdomen are white, submarginal pattern of underside is visible. Underside grayish-brown, veins bright, white, and on the under surface of forewing is located an incomplete submarginal row of black rounded spots with white centers (no spot in anal region of this wing is present); on the hindwing underside the full submarginal row of black spots with white centers is present. Each spot in submarginal row is located inside of yellowish oval stroke, in some specimens these strokes form an almost full band.

Male genitalia. Tegumen helmet-like with long transverse fold from apex to base. Uncus long, with wide, rounded obtuse apex and broad base of trapezoidal shape. Gnathos short, massive, semi-circular. Valva long, with wide base and narrow pointed apex. Ventral part of valva is wrapped. Saccus elongated, narrow, cylindrical, with smoothly rounded apex. Aedeagus massive, long (longer than valva), tapering to apex. Middle section of aedeagus is covered by small teeth, apex has large strongly sclerotized teeth. Five specimens dissected.

Diagnosis: From all other species of the genus, this one is well distinguished by the strongly sclerotized teeth on the apex of aedeagus (in other species it is not present) and by the shape of valva (especially its caudal part) and tegumen. The good external difference between the new species and others is in the antenna apex color: in the new species it is always light, yellow, or with very small dark top, whereas in other species it can be completely dark or at least half dark.

Material examined. Holotype, male, Kazakhstan, W of Almaty, 800 m, 03-V-2009, leg. P. Egorov ( ZMMU) . Paratypes: 3 males, 6 females, Kirgiziya, Issyk-Kul’ reg., Sarydzhaz, S slope of Inylchek Mts. , Tashkoro , 3100 m, 4-VII-1986, I. Pljustch ( ISEAN; IPK) ; 2 males, 2 females, Kazakhstan, W of Almaty, 800 m, 03-V-2009, leg. P. Egorov ( SKNN) ; 1 male, Kirghizstan, Kirghiz Mts., Krasnyi Kanyon , 1600 m, 29- VI-2009, leg. S.K. Korb ( SKNN) ; 1 male, Kirghizstan, Terskey Ala-Too Mts., 4th km road Kok-Moynok – Kochkor , 1700 m, 30-VI – 01-VII-2009, leg. A. Shaposhnikov ( SKNN) ; 1 male, 1 female, Tian-Shan, Sjugoty Mts. , 1500 m, A. Zhdanko ( SCR) .

Distribution. Kyrgyzstan (Issyk-Kul’ reg., Central Tian- Shan: Enilchek Mts., Khan-Tengri peak area; North Tian-Shan: Kirgizskii Mts.) ( Tshikolovets 2005), Kazakhstan (Transili Alatau Mts.) (nominotypical subspecies) and West Tian-Shan (Talasskij Alatau) ( ssp. pljushchi ).

Triphysa issykkulica pljushchi Dubatolov, Korb et Yakovlev , ssp. n.

Figs. 2i–l View Figure 2 , 6a View Figure 6 .

Description. Male. Forewing length 18–19 mm. Postdiscal eyespots on the forewing underside with a ledge between the cubital and other spots; cubital spots are are slightly larger. Upperside with no brightening, underside with small eyespots. Female. Forewing length 19 mm. Upperside light yellow. Underside is characteristic for this species; eyespots are very small with slightly visible white centers.

Diagnosis. Bordering on veins is narrow, without any extension (in nominotypical subspecies it has extension, so looks quite wide).

Type material. Holotype, male, W. Kirgiziya, Talasskii Mts. , Manas, 9-VI-1996, I. Pljustch ( ZMKU) . Paratypes: 1 male, 1 female, same locality and data ( IPK) .

Distribution. Kyrgyzstan: West Tian-Shan: Talassky Ala-Tau Mts.


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