Trichomanes superbum Backhouse (1861: 15)

Boucheron-Dubuisson, Elodie, Zhao, Yanan, Rouhan, Germinal, Ebihara, Atsushi, Iwatsuki, Kunio, Darnaedi, Dedy & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves, 2024, The first record of Trichomanes s. s. (Hymenophyllaceae) in Asia and establishment of the new subgenus Asiatrichomanes, Phytotaxa 633 (3), pp. 215-229 : 224-226

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.633.3.2

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Trichomanes superbum Backhouse (1861: 15)


Trichomanes superbum Backhouse (1861: 15) View in CoL , non Trichomanes superbum van den Bosch (1863: 203) View in CoL , nom. illeg.

Nesopteris superba (Backh.) Copel. View in CoL ( Copeland 1938: 66). ≡ Cephalomanes superbum (Backh.) I.M.Turner View in CoL ( Turner 1995: 26). ≡ Callistopteris superba (Backh.) Ebihara & K.Iwats. View in CoL ( Ebihara et al. 2006: 249).

Type:— MALAYSIA. Sarawak (Borneo Island): Batu Gading locality, s.d., J. P. Van Niel 3572 (neotype L, L-3583753, image!, here designated, Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 ; isoneotype L, L-3583754, image!). Note—The protologue by Backhouse (1861) refers to a plant coming from Borneo without any further details, and no original material could be found. Therefore, a neotype was needed, and the specimen was selected because it was collected in Borneo as well, and it shows the most characteristics of the species .

= Trichomanes hispidulum Mett. (in Kuhn 1868: 389). Type:— MALAYSIA. Labuan [Federal Territory of Labuan, Borneo Island], s.d. [before 1867], J. Motley s.n. (lectotype K, K000375187 , image!, here designated; isolectotype K, K000375188 , image!). Note—Two sheets likely belong to the same gathering and should be considered as syntypes; a lectotype was designated, choosing a complete specimen showing two fronds including one fully developed and fertile one.

= Trichomanes ignobile Ces. ( de Cesati 1876: 9). Type:— MALAYSIA. Sarawak [Borneo Island]: July 1865, O. Beccari s.n. (lectotype FI, FI013659 , image!, here designated; isolectotypes K, K000375177 , image!, MICH, MICH1191464 About MICH , image!). Note—Beccari deposited at FI most of the material he collected, and the sheet at FI that is the most abundant in complete specimens with 11 individuals or clusters of individuals was selected as the lectotype.

Terrestrial ferns. Rhizomes short, erect, 0.5–1.5 cm in diameter, bearing erect, long reddish-brown, catenate, pluricellular hairs, densely covering apex and developing fronds, and with numerous robust roots. Fronds clustered, erect; stipes (5–)10–28(–33) cm long, canaliculate on the adaxial surface, fully winged with wings bearing numerous scattered hairs identical to those of rhizomes; rachises winged, bearing hairs similar to those on the stipes and rhizomes. Laminae (9–)13–20(–28) × (6–)10–20(–28) cm, usually triangular to deltoid, with truncate base and acute apex, highly dissected, up to quadri-pinnate, dark-green and opaque, one-cell thick; the largest (usually the basal-most) pinnae (3–)6–10(–16) × (0.7–)2–7(–10) cm, triangular and often asymmetric (with proximal basiscopic pinnules larger than the acroscopic ones), then lanceolate to narrowly ovate or elliptic and more or less symmetric towards the apex, (sub)horizontal to oblique, basally sub-opposite then alternate; pinnules pinnate to bi-pinnate, lanceolate to narrowly ovate; ultimate or terminal segments 0.6–1.2 mm wide, often enlarged apically, linear and single-veined with mostly rounded or obtuse apices, sometimes slightly emarginate, the veins not reaching the margin, with lamina bearing dense pale unicellular glandular-like hairs on the adaxial surface only (the abaxial surface glabrous); venation anadromous. Sori numerous, paratactic, mostly on acroscopic basal-most segments of proximal pinnules, 1.2–1.8 × 0.6–0.8 mm, usually 2–12 (sometimes more) per pinnule, up to more than 240 per pinna in the largest specimens, free and wingless, often oriented adaxially, campanulate to urceolate, with a slightly dilated mouth bearing a crown of glandular-like hairs identical to those on lamina; receptacle if mature usually exerted and quite long, up to 0.6 cm.

Distribution and habitat: —North Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (including Singapore) to Borneo ( Brunei, Labuan, Sarawak, Sabah, West and East Kalimantan) ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 ). Because the species has been poorly gathered and studied, and appears rare in herbaria, its precise distribution and possible occurrence in neighbouring areas needs further local investigations. Terrestrial on loamy soils and in wet marshy places, in the understorey of lowland rainforests (its precise altitudinal distribution also needs further local investigations).

Specimens examined: — INDONESIA. Sumatra: Djambi, July 1925, O. Posthumus 613 (L-3648095, A-02580702, BO, SING) ; Lebong Tandai , January 1913, S. J. Brooks 925 (P-P01381718, P-P01627492, MICH-V-1587366) ; Lebang Tandai , May 1912, S. J. Brooks 195 (MICH-V-1587365) ; Marbau, Bilah , March 1928, R. S. Toroes 322 (MICH-V-1587362, MICH-V-1587363, MICH-V-1587364) . West Kalimantan: Gunung Bentuang, Masa , June 1989, J. S. Burley, Tukirin et al. 2937 (L-3583752, A-02580694) ; Gunung Palung National Park , June 1986, V. Balgooy & V. Setten 5334 (L-3583758, A-02580701, KYO) ; Mandor , September 2012, Suzuki et al. IK224 ( BO, TNS-VS-1174242) ; East Kalimantan: near Sedulan, ca 50 km north of Sebulu , December 1978, K. Iwatsuki, M. Kato, G. Murata & Y. P. Mogea B-415 ( KYO) ; Samarinda, Kutoi , August 1952, W. Weijer 1008 (L-3583762, BO-1535892) ; Samarinda, Kutoi, Susuk River basin, 50 m, July 1951, A. J. G. H. Kostermans 5618 (BO-1535898) ; Samarinda , October 1930, O. Posthumus 2207 (BO-1535890) ; Samarinda, Loa Djanan , 30 m, April 1952, A. J. G. H. Kostermans 6417 (BO-1535891) .— MALAYSIA. Peninsular Malaysia : Perak, s.d., F. Scortechini 477 ( P01315419 , P01315420 , L-3648093, SING) ; Perak, November 1900, s.c. s.n. ( P01627496 ) ; Perak, L. Wray 1365 ( SING) ; Perak, C. Curtis 3111 ( SING) ; Perak, F. Kehding s.n. ( SING) ; Johore, s.d., H. N. Ridley 10974 ( SING). Sabah (Borneo Island): Tawau , Mt Lucia , between the base camp and the summit, alt. C. 400 m, Tawau River Forest Reserve , November 1968, S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 921 ( KYO, L), S. Kokawa & M. Hotta 981 ( KYO) ; Sandakan, Sepilok Forest Reserve, February 1955, C. H. S. Wood 2026 (A-01409630). Sarawak ( Borneo Island ): Bintulu , October 1963, M. Hotta 14261 ( KYO, L-3583759) ; Bintulu, route from Sungai Mah to Sungai Shinonok , Ulu S. Minah, alt. 40-150 m, October 1963, M. Hotta 14090 ( KYO, L-3583761) ; Sungai Payau , March 1964, M. Hotta 15319 (L-3583760) ; Sungai Kakus, about 4 km east from Minah camp, 30-80 m, October 1963, M. Hirano & M. Hotta 160 ( KYO, TI-00047665 ) ; 1894, s.c. s.n. ( P01627493 ) ; Borneo (without detail), November 1897, s.c. s.n. ( P01627495 ) .— SINGAPORE. Seletar Woods , s.d., C. G. Matthew s.n. (SING-32459) ;? Larut plains , L. Wray 4202 ( SING) ; August 1880, C. King 531 ( P01315418 , L-3648094, SING) .


University of the Witwatersrand


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Royal Botanic Gardens


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Herbarium Bogoriense


Singapore Botanic Gardens


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Kyoto University


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Yale University


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


University of Helsinki


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


University of Copenhagen


Nanjing University














Trichomanes superbum Backhouse (1861: 15)

Boucheron-Dubuisson, Elodie, Zhao, Yanan, Rouhan, Germinal, Ebihara, Atsushi, Iwatsuki, Kunio, Darnaedi, Dedy & Dubuisson, Jean-Yves 2024

Nesopteris superba (Backh.)

Ebihara, A. & Dubuisson, J. - Y. & Iwatsuki, K. & Hennequin, S. & Ito, M. 2006: 249
Turner, I. M. 1995: 26
Copeland, E. B. 1938: 66

Trichomanes superbum

van den Bosch, R. B. 1863: )
Backhouse, J. 1861: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF