Trichanthecium calvum (Stapf) Zuloaga

Zuloaga, Fernando Omar, Aliscioni, Sandra, Delfini, Carolina & Salariato, Diego Leonel, 2024, Old World species of Trichanthecium (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) including a new species from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Phytotaxa 646 (3), pp. 230-264 : 239-241

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.646.3.2


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scientific name

Trichanthecium calvum (Stapf) Zuloaga

comb. nov.

3. Trichanthecium calvum (Stapf) Zuloaga , comb. nov.

Panicum calvum Stapf (1920: 723) .

Lectotype (here designated):— KENYA. Aberdare forests, E. Batiscombe 685 ( K [ 000282433 !], isolectotype K [ 000282434 !]) . Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4

Perennial, not tufted; culms slender, (15–)20–90(–130) cm long, rooting and branching from lower nodes, then erect; internodes cylindrical, 2–14 cm long, longer than sheaths, hollow, glabrous; nodes brownish, compressed, glabrous. Sheaths striate, 2–12 cm long, densely hispid to glabrous, the upper margins ciliate. Ligule membranous, 0.5 mm long; collar pilose. Blades ovate-lanceolate, 4–13× 0.5–2 cm, herbaceous densely hirsute to glabrous, the base cordate, amplexicaul, acuminate, the margins shortly ciliate. Inflorescence a terminal exserted, lax and open panicle, (8–)13– 19(–25) × 12–20 cm; peduncle cylindrical, 10–20 cm long, glabrous, pulvini glabrous; first-order branches alternate to subopposite, axis of the branches glabrous, spikelets sparsely distributed on second-order branches, pedicels 2–5 mm long, claviform, glabrous. Spikelets narrowly ellipsoid, 2–2.6× 0.8–0.9 mm, tinged with purple; lower glume 1–1.4 mm long, 1/2 to 2/3 the length of the spikelet, 1–3-nerved, acute, membranous, glabrous; upper glume (5–)7- nerved, membranous, acute, glabrous; lower lemma glumiform, (5–)7-nerved, acute, glabrous; lower palea absent, lower flower neuter. Upper anthecium ovoid, 1.7–1.9 × 0.7–0.8 mm, indurate, glabrous, smooth, shiny. Caryopsis ellipsoid, 1.5 × 0.6 mm; hilum punctiform, embryo less than 1/3 the length of the caryopsis.

Distribution and habitat: —Species widely distributed in West and East tropical Africa. It grows in forest shades and forest margins, at 1000–2900 m elevation.

Typification: — Stapf (1920) included four syntypes, from Kenya and Uganda, in his diagnosis of P. calvum . We choose Batiscombe 685 (K000282433), as the lectotype, since it includes a full specimen that has original drawings by Stapf (1920), and agrees completely with the original description of the species.

Other syntypes of P. calvum are: UGANDA: Ruwenzori: in shady forest near Kivata, May 1893, Scott Elliott 7647 (BM [000923141] image!, K [000282435!], 7686 (BM [000923140] image!, K [000282436!]): Mt. Elgon in thickets about Butalivi, January 1918, R. A. Dummer 3727 (K [000282437!]).

Note: — Brown (1977) reported that this is a non-Kranz species.

Representative specimens examined: — BURUNDI. Bujumbura. Ijenda-Mayuyu, 18 May 1969, Lewalle 3569 ( P). Muramvya. Bugarama , 5 June 1976, Reekmans 5214 ( BR, MO) ; Nyabigondo, 2 February 1967, Lewalle 1548 ( BR). CAMEROON. Buea , December 1927, Maitland 104 ( BR, US) ; versant occidental et crete montagne de Tabenken, 10 km SE Nkambe , 14 November 1974, Letouzey 13255 ( P) ; Bambari , 18 April 1981, Rousvoal 61 ( P) ; Tchabal Mbabo, de Ardo Bouba a Ardo Niakol , 1 November 1967, Jacques-Felix 8962 ( P) ; Massif du Manengouba, 15 km NW Nkoncsamba , 30 August 1975, Letouzey 14405 ( P) ; Mont Cameroun, 31 July 1974, Dujardin 251 ( BR). DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Mikeno, Parc National Albert , 17 August 1937, Louis 5239 ( BR, P), flanc NW du Volcan Karisimbi, s.d., Louis 5248 ( BR), August 1937, Lebrun 7278 ( P) ; District Kivu Nord, Virungavulkane, Nyamuragira , N-Hang, 22August 1954, Stauffer 128 ( P). ETHIOPIA. 15 km SW of Gera on trail to Afallo , 2 December 1964, Meyer 8859 ( P) ; 22 km west of Bonta, Kaffa Prov., 2 January 1965, Meyer 9072 ( P), 34 km S of Gore, 6 km S of Gurbadima , along Gore-Mossha track, 17 December 1972, Friis et al. 1841 ( BR, C) ; 25 km S of Gore along the Gore-Mossha track, Ainingeria forest, 19 December 1972, Friis et al. 1862 ( BR, C). KENYA. Fort Hall District: Kimakia Forest Reserve , 3 May 1957, Napper 664 ( K) ; 15 miles SSW of Nyeri , 14 November 1956, Bogdan 4346 ( P) ; Aberdare Range, E edge of gate to Aberdare National Park, Croat 28398 ( MO). SIERRA LEONE. Loma Mountains , Jaeger 8317 ( P). TANZANIA. Moshi District: Weru Weru Furrow , 20 November 1967, Vesey-Fitzgerald 5472 ( K) ; Lushoto District: Mazumbai, W. Usambaras , 9 May 1953, Drummond & Hemsley 2454 ( K, P) ; Lushoto, Renvoize 1765 ( K, US) ; Makete District: Livingstone Mountains, ca. 1.5 km W of church at Madihani , 15 June 1992, Gereau & Kayombo 4722 ( MO) ; Rungwe District: Ngozi Forest, Faden et al. 96/411 (US). UGANDA. Kigezi District : Kachwekano , 3 July 1945, Thomas 4230 ( K). Mbale District: Butandiga, 12 September 1927, Snowden 1231 ( K, US) .


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Trichanthecium calvum (Stapf) Zuloaga

Zuloaga, Fernando Omar, Aliscioni, Sandra, Delfini, Carolina & Salariato, Diego Leonel 2024

Panicum calvum

Stapf 1920: 723
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