Tremapterus (Patriziana) peregrinus (Hesse) Hesse, 2015

Andrew Hamilton, K. G., 2015, A new tribe and species of Clastopterinae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea: Clastopteridae) from Africa, Asia and North America, Zootaxa 3946 (2), pp. 151-189 : 181-182

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.3946.2.1

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scientific name

Tremapterus (Patriziana) peregrinus (Hesse)

comb. nov.

Tremapterus (Patriziana) peregrinus (Hesse) , comb. nov.

Sepullia peregrina Hesse, 1925: 173 View in CoL

Sepullia ståli Hesse 1925a: 174 View in CoL " (incorrect listing in Metcalf and Wade 1962 a: 17), nom. nud.

Remarks. There is no reference to stali in Hesse (1925), either in the description (pp. 173–174) or in the figure caption (p. 179) or anywhere else in this text. The error must be attributed to the Metcalf card file from which Virginia Wade extracted the bibliographic information after the scientist’s death.

Tremapterus (Patriziana) splendens sp. nov.

Etymology. splendens (adjective), shining, splendid.

Diagnosis. Orange-brown, with face, hind margin of pronotum and apical third of tegmina tawny, scutellum bright rufous; boldly patterned with black around antennal ledges, sides of tylus, disc of pronotum and patches behind eyes and on humeral angles, scutellum at base and just before tip, and tegmina on basal quarter, bulla and apical veins ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 G). Punctations, bulla and venation as in T. peregrinus . Female unknown. Length: 4.2 mm.

Type. Holotype ♂, [ NAMIBIA] S.W. AFRICA: Kombat, 1–6 April 1972, Southern African Exp. B.M. 1972- 1; in BMNH.

Remarks. Resembling T. brunneus , but with bolder markings, and central anteapical cell extending well past bulla.

Tremapterus (Patriziana) turneri sp. nov.

Etymology. patronym, named for R.E. Turner.

Diagnosis. Tawny, head thickly overlaid with brown spots and 3 stripes, 1 on midline of tylus, 2 on edges of tylus, extending to ocelli; pronotum with wavy but well-defined transverse brown bands crossing midline; scutellum ferruginous, spotted with brown; tegmina brown with paler spot on each costa just before midlength; bulla small, dark brown; claval and apical veins outlined with dark brown spots. Pronotal and tegminal punctations forming irregular striae, nearly lineate on clavi and costa; bulla on central anteapical cell well before apex ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 J).

Ovipositor with 2nd valvulae less than 3 × as long as wide at midlength, strongly tapered on apical half to upturned tip ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 M). Length: ♂ 3.7–4.1 mm; ♀ 4.0– 4.5 mm.

Types. Holotype ♀, S. AFRICA: Port St. John, Pondoland, 15–31 Aug. 1923 (R.E. Turner) Brit. Mus. 1923- 463. Paratypes: 2♂♂, same data as holotype; 2♀♀, same data, 12–30 June, Brit. Mus. 1923-363; 1♀, same data, 5– 30 April, Brit. Mus. 1923-286; 1♂, Malvern, Natal, Oct. 1897 (G.A.K. Marshall) [B.M.] 1908-212. All types in BMNH.

Remarks. Superficially resembling T. (s.s.) rufus , but with crown and pronotum striped with brown. The ovipositor is intermediate in form between those of the nominate subgenus of Tremapterus (e.g. T. rufus ) and subgenus Patriziana . It probably represents the most primitive member of the subgenus.

Tremapterus (Patriziana) wardi sp. nov.

Etymology. patronym, named for P.H. Ward.

Diagnosis. Tawny, face medially banded with dark brown (fusing laterally with brown muscle arcs), tylus edged with black and with fine, ferruginous median stripe; pronotum flecked with brown spots and with black patches behind eyes and on humeral angles; tegmina with basal half finely spotted with black, anteapical cells bearing incomplete transverse brown band, thereafter veins and bulla black. Punctations on pronotum hardly forming striae; no striae on tegmina; bulla at outer edge of central anteapical cell well before its apex ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 C). Female unknown. Length: 4.4 mm.

Type. Holotype ♂, NIGERIA: N.W. State, Kontagora R. 3 mi from Niger, 13 Aug. 1970 (P.H. Ward) shrub savanna plus elements of rainforest, B.M. 1970-604; in BMNH.

Remarks. Superficially resembling T. (Nyanja) muiri , but with facial and pronotal patterns found in various species of Patriziana .


















Tremapterus (Patriziana) peregrinus (Hesse)

Andrew Hamilton, K. G. 2015

Sepullia ståli

Metcalf 1962: 17
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