Trapa plioincisa Doweld, 2016

Doweld, Alexander B., 2016, New names of fossil Hemitrapa and Trapa (Lythraceae), Phytotaxa 252 (3), pp. 228-230 : 229-230

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.252.3.5

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Trapa plioincisa Doweld

nom. nov.

Trapa plioincisa Doweld , nom. nov.

Lectotype (here designated):— JAPAN: Akashi, near Kobe, Hyôgo Prefecture ( F18254 [figured by Miki, 1937: fig. 9b]; Osaka Museum of Natural History , Osaka, Japan ).

Replaced synonym:— Trapa pseudoincisa V.N. Vassiljev (in Baranov, 1954: 114), nom. illeg., non Trapa pseudincisa Nakai (1942: 436) .


Trapa pseudoincisa V.N. Vassiljev View in CoL was established on the fruits from Pliocene sediments of Japanese Archipelago (Akashi, near Kobe, Hyôgo Prefecture), which were described in brief and figured by Miki (1937), now housed in the Osaka Museum of Natural History ( Kokawa & al. 2006); however, it is an illegitimate later homonym of the extant species Trapa pseudincisa Nakai (1942: 436) View in CoL , described from Korea.

Note:—IFPNI registration record: “ C60D0741-E3C9-4565-ADFD-A0541E918DC0 ”.


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Trapa plioincisa Doweld

Doweld, Alexander B. 2016

Trapa pseudincisa

Nakai 1942: 436
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