Tonkinaphaenops anthonyi Faille & Tian, 2019

Huang, Sunbin, Tú, Výõng Tân, Phú, Ph ạm Văn, Tian, Mingyi & Faille, Arnaud, 2019, Contributions to the knowledge of the genus Tonkinaphaenops Deuve, 2013 from China and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae), Zootaxa 4701 (1), pp. 35-53 : 48-52

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4701.1.3

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scientific name

Tonkinaphaenops anthonyi Faille & Tian

sp. nov.

Tonkinaphaenops anthonyi Faille & Tian View in CoL , sp. nov.

( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 11–13 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 , 14F View FIGURE 14 )

Holotype. ♂; Vietnam: Cao B ằng province: Hạ Lang district , Đồng Loan commune, Lũng Rúm: Hang Dõi (bat cave); 22°44’47.7”N 106°44’35.9”E, 386 m; 20 October 2018; coll. A. Faille, P.V. Phu, V.T. Tu; MNHN GoogleMaps . Paratypes. 1 ♂ (DNA extraction code: SMNS _ L1791 About SMNS ) and 1 ♀; same data as holotype; IEBR GoogleMaps . 1 ♀; spare in ethanol; same data as holotype; SMNS GoogleMaps .

Description. Habitus as in Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 . Length: 6.0 mm (from the middle of the labrum to the apex of the elytron). Anophthalmous. Body elongate, elytra long and subparallel. Narrow fore-body: elytra wider than pronotum, which is wider than head. EL: 3.4 mm, EW: 1.9 mm. PL: 1.4 mm, PW: 1.0 mm. HL: 1.0 mm, HW: 0.76 mm. AL: 4.5 mm.

Color: body dark-reddish brown, concolor, shiny.

Microsculpture fine but distinct across dorsal surface of pronotum and most of head. On head, only the vertex lacks micro-sculpture. Elytra with very fine polygonal micro-sculpture.

Glabrous on dorsal surface of pronotum, sparsely pubescent on the head and pubescent on elytra, except on the disk.

Head (without mandibles) longer than wide, HLl/HW = 1.3; frontal furrows incomplete, deep and long, slightly and regularly curved, convergent in anterior portion to their mid-length, then slightly divergent; labrum bisinuate, six-setose. Clypeus quadrisetose, without additional setae; right mandible bidentate; eyes absent, two pairs of supraorbital pores present; mentum bisetose, base widely concave, mental tooth simple, slightly protruding; lateral lobe sharp and pointed at apex; labial suture invisible; submentum 6-setose; ligula slightly protruding at apex, multi-setose; penultimate article of the labial palps about 1.5 times longer than the last, quadrisetose, with two setae located on inner and two on outer margin. penultimate article of the maxillary palps much longer than the last one; antennae extending to about the last third of elytra; scape with a few setae; the 2 nd– 11 th antennomeres pubescent; the 2 nd antennomere a little longer than scape; antennomere 3–7 the longest, subequal, then other antennomeres decreasing in length posteriorly until the 10 th which is shorter than the 11 th.

Pronotum longer than wide, PW/PL = 0.7, wider than head, PW/HW = 1.3, front wider than base, PbW/PfW = 0.9; lateral margins slightly bordered throughout; two pairs of marginal setae present, at the level of 1/5 from front and a little before hind angle respectively.

Elytra elongate, much longer than wide, EL/EW = 1.8, subparallel, widest at about 1/3 from the base, much longer than pronotum, EL/PL = 3.4, wider than pronotum, EW/PW = 1.9; chaetotaxy as in Fig. 14F View FIGURE 14 : basal pores present at the beginning of the 2 nd stria; 4 dorsal setiferous pores present in 3 rd stria; the first pore of the umbilicate series shifted to level of the 7 th stria (hardly discernible) and a little before the 2 nd pore; the 3 rd pore of marginal umbilicate series much closer to 2nd than to 4 th, making distance between 3 rd and 4 th twice as that between 2 nd and 3 rd; the two setae of the middle group at about the half of elytra from base; two apical pores present.

Etymology. The specific name is a genitive proper noun in honor of the late Anthony « Tony » Whitten for his contribution to the protection of karstic areas of Asia, and his understanding of the importance of taxonomy in the protection of cave fauna.

Remarks. This new species shares the characters of the genus Tonkinaphaenops : protibiae without anterior grooves, mentum and submentum completely fused.

From T. marinae and T. yinquanicus , this species differs in its greater size, less convex, longer and nearly parallel elytra, its head with only a few setae whereas pubescent in T. marinae and T. yinquanicus , and depression along the suture in the first quarter of the elytra. Punctation of elytra less marked, with striae reaching nearly the apex, whereas the striae are ending at the third of the elytra in T. marinae and T. yinquanicus . Finally, it differs at the first glance from T. jingxicus by the shape of elytra, parallel with prominent shoulders whereas ovoid in this last species.

Distribution. Known only from the four type specimens collected in Hang Dõi cave, Đồng Loan ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 ).


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