Togoperla clavata, Stark & Sivec, 2008

Stark, Bill P. & Sivec, Ignac, 2008, The Genus Togoperla Klapálek (Plecoptera: Perlidae), Illiesia 4 (20), pp. 208-225 : 212

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4754843


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Togoperla clavata

sp. nov.

Togoperla clavata View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs. 7‐14 View Figs )

Material examined. Holotype ♂ (alcohol) and 7♂, 1 ♀ (pinned) from Vietnam, Vinh Phu , Tam Dao Hill Station , stream 5 km along trail at west edge of town, UV light, 11 May 1996, B. Hubley, M. Hanson, ROM 961013 About ROM ( ROM). Additional paratypes: Vietnam: Vinh Phu , Tam Dao , lower waterfall of stream flowing through town, UV light, 11 May 1996, B. Hubley, D.C. Darling, ROM 961030 About ROM , 4 ♂ ( ROM, IEBR). Vinh Phu , Tam Dao Hill Station , 2 km along trail at west edge of town, 4‐31 May 1996, ROM 961005 About ROM , B. Hubley, 1 ♀ (pinned, ROM). Thua Thien‐ Hue , Bach Ma National Park, Campsite trail, edge of small stream, 1200 m, 2 June 2000, ROM 2000502 About ROM , B. Hubley, 1 ♀ (pinned, ROM).

Adult habitus. General color dark brown. Head mostly brown except for pale M‐ line and sublateral areas between lappets and dark area along anterior frons ( Fig. 7 View Figs ); area between eyes almost entirely dark brown. Pronotum dark brown with darker rugosities and slightly paler area along median suture. Wings dark brown, veins darker except for pale band on costa from base to cord. Femora banded with basal yellow band and dark brown apical band; tibiae and tarsi dark brown.

Male. Forewing length 21‐23 mm.Hairbrushes well developed on metathoracic basisternum and abdominal sterna 6‐7, weakly developed on sterna 5 and 8. Abdominal tergum 5 produced into a truncate or emarginate lobe partially covering T 6; T 6‐9 with mesal sclerite set in large membranous posteromesal field bearing long setae ( Fig. 8 View Figs ). Hemitergal finger process longer than basal callus, area forward of callus ca. 1.8X longer than callus; process deeply grooved between lateral margin and callus in dorsal aspect, and somewhat club shaped in lateral aspect ( Figs. 13‐14 View Figs ). Basolateral lobes of aedeagal tube well developed and covered with fine spines; aedeagal sac armature consists of coarse triangular spines and smaller spicules covering most of sac in lateral and dorsal aspects ( Figs. 11‐12 View Figs ); patch terminates at level of lateral lobes and is constricted on dorsal surface forward of lobes; patch is very narrowly divided along median field. Sac bears a pair of apical dorsolateral lobes and a smaller mesal one above a terminal ventroapical polyp shaped lobe; the latter lobe bears a sparse coat of fine, long setal‐ like spines.

Female. Forewing length 26‐29 mm. Subgenital plate parabolic with small apical emargination ( Fig. 9 View Figs ); dorsal sclerite present on plate; intersegmental membrane between sterna 9 and 10 covered with microtrichia. Vagina slightly swollen posterior to midlength ( Fig. 10 View Figs ) and lined with pale brown spinules.

Egg. Outline oval, collar absent, chorion smooth, similar to T. canilimbata .

Larva. Unknown.

Etymology. The species name refers to the club shaped lateral aspect of the male hemitergal lobes.

Diagnosis. The long hemitergal lobes and banded femora are similar to those of T. poilanina (see below) and T. fortunati . It differs from males of the latter in shape of the hemitergal lobes in lateral aspect and in aedeagal armature and shape. The aedeagus for T. fortunati is more cylindrical, lacks the basolateral lobes and also differs in armature patterns. Externally the presence of brown sclerites on terga 6‐9 is typical of T. clavata but not T. fortunati . Two of the Chinese species described by Du & Chou (1999) also share these tergal sclerites, but neither have the same pattern of aedeagal armature and one of them ( T. noncoloris ) also differs in pigment pattern and in hemitergal lobe shape. The subgenital plate form will not distinguish females of this species from other Togoperla , but the barrel shape of the vagina and the color pattern will help in recognition.


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