Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872

Lee, Sue Yeon, Yoo, Jung Sun & Kim, Chang Moon Jang and Seung Tae, 2023, Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872 (Araneae: Philodromidae) new to the Korean spider fauna, Journal of Species Research 12 (4), pp. 277-280 : 278-279

publication ID 10.12651/JSR.2023.12.4.277

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872


Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872 View in CoL ( Fig. 1 View Fig )

ặǵḅNjĄŔ (ljḡ)

Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872: 157 View in CoL ; Lenz, 1897: 76; Sørensen, 1898: 225; Fedotov, 1912: 463; Kulczyński, 1916: 24; Holm, 1958: 530; Dondale, Turnbull & Redner, 1964: 651; Holm, 1967: 81; Holm, 1968: 205; Hauge, 1976: 122; Dondale & Redner, 1978: 119; Marusik, 1991: 50; Logunov, 1996: 147; Almquist, 2006: 469; Tang & Wang, 2008: 78; Ono & Ban, 2009: 476; Pajunen, 2009: 86; Zhang, Peng & Zhang, 2022: 264; Marusik & Szűts, 2023: 95.

Thanatus mediocris Kulczyński, 1908: 66 View in CoL ; Logunov, 1996: 135.

Thanatus lapponicus Jackson, 1932: 109 View in CoL .

Thanatus kolymensis Marusik, 1991: 48 View in CoL ; Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2011: 209.

Specimens examined. 1$, Mt. Chiaksan National Park, Hakgok-ri, Socho-myeon , Wonju-si , Gangwon-do , 4 May 2018 (Kim S. T. & Lee S.Y. leg.); 1$, Namchang Val- ley, Mt. Naejangsan National Park , Sinseong-ri, Bukhamyeon, Jangseong-gun, Jeollanam-do, 16 May 2018 (Kim S. T. & Lee S.Y. leg.) .

Description. Female. Total length 6.70. Carapace: 2.83 long, 2.62 wide. AER 0.78, PER 1.19. Chelicera: 0.92 long, 0.51 wide. Endite: 0.50 long, 0.41 wide. Labium: 0.27 long, 0.44 wide. Sternum: 1.50 long, 1.38 wide. Legs: I 7.94 (2.37, 1.16, 1.82, 1.47, 1.12)/ II 8.94 (2.68, 1.29, 2.08, 1.70 1.19)/ III 7.80 (2.43, 1.15, 1.86, 1.47, 0.89)/ IV 8.76 (2.65, 1.16, 1.99, 1.86, 1.10). Palp: 2.57 (0.79, 0.49, 0.53, -, 0.76). Epigynum 0.53 long/0.67 wide.

Carapace pear-shaped, brown, clothed densely with short, recumbent, and white hairs, lateral sides dark, cer- vical and radial furrows distinct and dark brown, trans- verse fovea slightly depressed, longer than wide ( Fig. 1A View Fig ). Eight eyes enclosed with a dark patch in two rows, AER slightly recurved and PER strongly recurved, median eyes slightly smaller than lateral eyes ( Fig. 1C View Fig ). Chelicera brown with two promarginal teeth (distal tooth larger than basal tooth). Endite pale brown, anterior margin truncated, longer than wide ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Labium brown, wider than long ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Sternum heart-shaped, brown with dark margin, convex, longer than wide, posterior tip round and not protruded between coxae IV, margin clothed sparsely with blackish brown recumbent bristles ( Fig. 1D View Fig ). Legs brown, robust and strongly developed, femora with two dark parallel lines on dorsal surface and two streaks on retrolateral surface, tibiae with a dark smudge proximal- ly, leg spination: I (femur 0-0-0-1-1-1-2d/0v; tibia 0-1d/ 1-2-2v; metatarsus 0d/2-2-0v; tarsus 0d/0v); II (femur 0-1-1d/0v; tibia 0-1d/2-2-2v; metatarsus 0d/2-2-0v; tarsus 0d/0v); III (femur 0-1-1d/0v; tibia 1-2d/2-2-2v; metatarsus 0-1-3d/2-2-1v; tarsus 0d/0v); IV (femur 0-1-1d/0v; tibia 0-2-2d/1-2-2v; metatarsus 1d/2-2-3v; tarsus 0d/0v), leg formula II-IV-I-III. Abdomen ovoid, pale grayish brown, clothed densely with short white hairs, longer than wide, dorsum with a blackish brown longitudinal spear-shaped cardiac pattern occupying anterior half, a pair of blackish brown short streaks posteriorly, clothed sparsely with long blackish brown recumbent bristles ( Fig. 1A View Fig ), venter pale grayish brown, clothed densely with short white and brown hairs ( Fig. 1B View Fig ). Epigynum ( Fig. 1E View Fig ): round and simple, sclerotized, wider than long; median septum broad anteriorly narrowing posteriorly; lateral guide pocket auricu- lar; anteromedial copulatory opening slit-shaped. Internal genitalia ( Fig. 1F, G View Fig ): spermatheca kidney-shaped and grooved posteriorly, almost contiguous each other; receptaculum spherical, approximately equal to receptaculum duct in length, protruded anteromesad.

Habitat. Mountainous mixed forest.

Distribution. Korea (new record), USA (Alaska), Canada, Greenland, Northern Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East), Kazakhstan, China, Japan.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics














Thanatus arcticus Thorell, 1872

Lee, Sue Yeon, Yoo, Jung Sun & Kim, Chang Moon Jang and Seung Tae 2023

Thanatus kolymensis

Marusik, Y. M. & M. M. Kovblyuk 2011: 209
Marusik, Y. M. 1991: 48

Thanatus lapponicus

Jackson, A. R. 1932: 109

Thanatus mediocris Kulczyński, 1908: 66

Logunov, D. V. 1996: 135
Kulczynski, W. 1908: 66

Thanatus arcticus

Marusik, Y. M. & T. Szuts 2023: 95
Zhang, F. & J. Y. Peng & B. S. Zhang 2022: 264
Ono, H. & M. Ban 2009: 476
Pajunen, T. 2009: 86
Tang, G. M. & J. J. Wang 2008: 78
Almquist, S. 2006: 469
Logunov, D. V. 1996: 147
Marusik, Y. M. 1991: 50
Dondale, C. D. & J. H. Redner 1978: 119
Hauge, E. 1976: 122
Holm, A. 1968: 205
Holm, A. 1967: 81
Dondale, C. D. & A. L. Turnbull & J. H. Redner 1964: 651
Holm, A. 1958: 530
Kulczynski, W. 1916: 24
Fedotov, D. 1912: 463
Sorensen, W. 1898: 225
Lenz, H. 1897: 76
Thorell, T. 1872: 157
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