Thalictrum hamatum Maximowicz (1890: 16)

Zeng, You-Pai, Yuan, Qiong & Yang, Qin-Er, 2018, Reinstatement of the independent specific status of Thalictrum hamatum (Ranunculaceae), with T. macrorhynchum reduced to its synonymy, Phytotaxa 369 (4), pp. 278-286 : 284-285

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.369.4.5

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scientific name

Thalictrum hamatum Maximowicz (1890: 16)


Thalictrum hamatum Maximowicz (1890: 16) View in CoL . Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3 View FIGURE 3 .

Type:— CHINA. Kansu [Gansu]: eastern Gansu, Lumbu River, 11 July 1885, G. N. Potanin s.n. [lectotype designated by Grabovskaya-Borodina (2010), LE 01014044!]. Remaining syntype: CHINA. Sichuan: northern Sichuan, valley of Honton River below Sanshei village, 13 August 1885, G. N. Potanin s.n. ( LE 01014043!). Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 .

= Thalictrum macrorhynchum Franchet (1890: 302) View in CoL , syn. nov. Type:— CHINA. Pékin [Beijing]: precise locality unknown, along river, June 1888, E. Bodinier 60 [lectotype here designated, P00147428 !; isolectotypes P00147427 !, E (without barcode)!]. Fig. 3A–C View FIGURE 3 .

Description:—Perennial herbs. Rhizome robust, roots dense, succulent. Stems 45−80 cm tall, erect, glabrous, distally several-branched. Leaves both basal and cauline; stipules membranous, white, light brown when dry, margin entire; petiole ca. 8 cm long; leaf blade broadly triangular, 2- or 3-ternate, 8−13 cm long, 10−15 cm wide; petiolule 0.1−2.0 cm; leaflet blade broadly obovate or orbicular, (1.4−) 2−4 cm long, (1.2−) 2.5−4 cm broad, herbaceous, base rounded or subcordate, apex 3-lobed or entire; lobes crenate-dentate or entire; veins slightly raised abaxially, flat adaxially; Inflorescence paniculate, nearly flat-topped. Pedicel 1.2−3.2 cm long. Sepals early deciduous, white or purplish, elliptic, ca. 3.5 mm long. Stamens ca. 4 mm long; filament narrowly oblanceolate, white, broader than anther; anther elliptic, 0.8−1 mm long. Carpels 10−20, shortly stipitate; style circinate, equaling ovary. Achene stipe ca. 0.8 mm long; body fusiform, profoundly 8-ribbed, 7−9 mm long; style persistent, ca. 2.2 mm, circinate.

Distribution and habitat:— Thalictrum hamatum is widely distributed in Beijing, Chongqing, Gansu, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Sichuan, China. It grows in forest areas or among scrub at elevations of 850−2900 m above sea level.

Phenology:—Flowering in May to June; fruiting in July to August.

Additional specimens examined:— CHINA. Chongqing: Chengkou, Y.S. Chen et al. 4570 (WUK), T.L. Tai 105442 (PE), T.L. Tai 105660 (NAS, PE); Fengjie, C.Y. Chang 25092 (PE), C.Y. Chang 25275 (PE); Wuxi, K.H. Yang 58731 (PE). Gansu: Lanzhou, Y.C. Ho 5425 (PE), E. Licent 4251 (K, P), Y.W. Tsui 10300 (PE); Qingshui, J.X. Yang 6846 (WUK); Tianshui, C.W. Chang 137 (PE, WUK), Q.X. Li 347 (PE); Xiahe, T.P. Wang 7138 (PE); Yongdeng, X.G. Sun et al. 6457 (PE). Hebei: Laishui, K.M. Liou 2213 (LBG, PE), 2531 (PE); Neiqiu, X.Y. Liu 686 (NAS, PE), X.Y. Liu 1259 (PE); Wu’an, K.C. Kuan 5839 (PE); Zhuolu, C.K. Yang 734 (E, PE), C.K. Yang 1302 (IBK, PE). Henan: Lingbao, J.M. Li et al. 14080903 (HEAC); Luanchuan, Anonymous 119 (PE), Q. Ma 214 (HENU), Q. Ma 666 (HENU); Neixiang, D.E. Boufford et al. 26113 (PE), 26328 (E); Xixia, Anonymous 371 (PE), J.M. Li 1361958 (HEAC). Hubei: Shennongjia, Z.D. Jiang & G.F. Tao 356 (E), Shennongjia Exped. 21212 (PE), Shennongjia Exped. 21382 (PE), Shennongjia Veg. Exped. 10170 (PE), Shennongjia Veg. Exped. 10215 (PE), Shennongjia Veg. Exped. 11397 (PE), Shennongjia Veg. Exped. 30741 (PE), Shennongjia Veg. Exped. 31115 (PE), D.G. Zhang 1749 (KUN); Xingshan, C.M. Hu 883 (LBG), Y. Liu 599 (NAS, PE); Zhuxi, P.Y. Li 2854 (WUK). Hunan: Shimen, Hupingshan Exped. 1397 (PE). Shaanxi: Fengxian, K.T. Fu 13054 (WUK), Y.P. Gu et al. 44 (WUK); Foping, K.T. Fu 4597 (IBK, PE, WUK), K.T. Fu 4805 (PE, WUK), P.C. Kuo 1396 (IBK, PE, WUK); Huxian, P.C. Kuo 279 (PE, WUK); Langao, Y.S. Chen et al. 498 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al.4529 (WUK); Longxian, Y. He & J.C. Hao GSL2015051162 (BNU); Ningshan, X.Q. Guo 190 (IBSC), S.F. Li et al. 17464 (XBGH), J.C. Xing 6852 (WUK); Pingli, Y.S. Chen et al. 1083 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al. 2966 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al. 3002 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al. 3064 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al. 3111 (WUK), Y.S. Chen et al. 3128 (WUK), P.Y. Li 1726 (WUK); Shiquan, J.C. Xing 6960 (HNWP, WUK), J.C. Xing 7409 (WUK); Taibai, S.F. Li et al. 15462 (XBGH), Q.R. Liu QL577 (BNU), H.J. Wang et al. 622 (WUK), J.X. Yang 1210 (PE, WUK); Zhen’an, X.X. Hou et al. 507 (IBSC, WUK), X.X. Hou et al. 637 (WUK), Z.P. Wei 507 (WUK); Zhenping, Y.S. Chen et al. 4164 (WUK). Shanxi: Jiexiu, K.M. Liou 1241 (PE); Qinxian, K.C. Kuan & Y.L. Chen 418 (HNWP, PE); Yuanqu, S.Y. Bao & S.J. Yan 105 (HNWP, PE), S.Y. Bao & S.J. Yan 2242 (HNWP, PE), Shanxi Exped. 2253 (WUK), Shanxi Exped. 2264 (WUK). Sichuan: Jiuzhaigou, Anonymous 555 (SM); Pingwu, Anonymous 10553 (PE), H.L. Tsiang 103 (PE).

Notes:—In the protologue of Thalictrum macrorhynchum, Maximowicz (1890) cited only one collection, i.e. E. Bodinier 60, but he did not specify the herbarium in which this collection was preserved. Thus the three specimens of this collection, two kept in P ( Fig. 3A, B View FIGURE 3 ) and one in E ( Fig. 3C View FIGURE 3 ), should be regarded as syntypes. Here we designate one sheet in P (P00147428; Fig. 3A View FIGURE 3 ), which bears sketches of flower and fruit parts, as the lectotype of T. macrorhynchum .

As pointed out by He (1992), although the type collection of Thalictrum macrorhynchum (= T. hamatum ) was recorded to be made from Pékin (= Beijing), no specimens of this species have since been collected from the districts or counties within the jurisdiction of today’s Beijing. Most recently, Liu et al. (2018) reported the occurrence of T. hamatum , under the name T. macrorhynchum , in the Mentougou District of Beijing. The illustration given in the work was correctly identified, but we have been unable to trace any voucher specimen from PE.


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Nanjing University


Servico de Microbiologia e Imunologia














Thalictrum hamatum Maximowicz (1890: 16)

Zeng, You-Pai, Yuan, Qiong & Yang, Qin-Er 2018

Thalictrum hamatum

Maximowicz, C. J. 1890: )

Thalictrum macrorhynchum

Franchet, A. 1890: )
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