Tetrapyrgos parvispora A.H. Honan & Desjardin, 2015

Honan, Amy H., Desjardin, Dennis E., Perry, Brian A., Horak, Egon & Baroni, Timothy J., 2015, Towards a better understanding of Tetrapyrgos (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): new species, type studies, and phylogenetic inferences, Phytotaxa 231 (2), pp. 101-132 : 113-114

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.231.2.1

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Tetrapyrgos parvispora A.H. Honan & Desjardin

sp. nov.

Tetrapyrgos parvispora A.H. Honan & Desjardin View in CoL spec. nov. Fig. 5a–f View FIGURE 5

Mycobank: MB 813639

Etymology: Refers to the small spores.

Holotype:— THAILAND. Chiang Mai Province: Mae Sae Village, Highway 1095 at 50 km marker, 26 June 2005, AH Honan 130 ( CMU!).

Diagnosis: Pileus 2–19 mm diam., hemispherical to convex with straight and sometimes crenate or rivulose margin when young, becoming convex to plano-convex and slightly depressed with straight or occasionally reflexed margin in age; surface dull, dry, subglabrous or covered in white pruinae, not hygrophanous; disc dark greyish brown (6–7E– F3) to greyish brown (7D–E3) with a paler margin when young, becoming greyish white to off-white or brownish grey (6C2) overall through development, with pellucid brownish grey (6C2) striations developing in age. Context in pileus 0.5 mm thick, white. Lamellae adnate or adnate with a decurrent tooth, close to distant, with 2–3 series of lamellulae, shallowly intervenose and anastomosing, up to 2 mm broad, white, staining greyish blue. Stipe 5–34 × 1–1.5 mm, central, terete, cylindrical or with slightly flared apex and gradually narrowed downward, subinsititious from a flattened circular disc of bluish black mycelium, white-pruinose overall; apex white, base becoming dark grey to black with a hint of bluish black. Odor and taste not distinctive.

Basidiospores (4.8–) 5.6–8.8 (–9.6) × 4.8–8 μm [x mr = 6.8–7.8 × 5.8–6.2 μm, x mm = 7.3 ± 0.54 × 6.5 ± 0.18 μm, Q = 1.0–1.8, Q mr = 1.1–1.4, Q mm = 1.2 ± 0.12, n = 20, s = 4], tetrahedral, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled. Basidia 21–27 × 4–7 μm, clavate, 4-spored, hyaline, inamyloid, thin walled, clamped. Basidioles 20–28 × 3.2–7.2 μm, clavate to fusoid. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia 15–44 × 3–6 μm; apex usually smooth and bulbous, often branched; central axis diverticulate, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled; diverticula 0.8–5.6 × 0.8–4 μm, cylindrical or knob-like, occasionally branched or acute. Pileipellis a Rameales -structure of loosely interwoven diverticulate hyphae 3–8 μm diam., with nearly a trichodermium layer of erect terminal cells; terminal cells 10.5–31 × 3–5 μm, with apex smooth and bulbous, often branched, elsewhere diverticulate, hyaline or with yellowish brown pigments washing out in KOH, inamyloid, thin-walled; diverticula 0.8–4.8 × 0.8–3 μm, cylindrical or knob-like, occasionally branched, rarely acute. Lamellar trama interwoven; hyphae cylindrical, smooth. Stipe tissue monomitic; hyphae 3.2–8.8 μm diam., parallel, cylindrical, yellowish brown, inamyloid, thin-walled. Caulocystidia 24–36 × 3.2–6.4 μm, mostly with a branched, smooth, bulbous apex, elsewhere diverticulate, hyaline, inamyloid, thin-walled; diverticula 0.8–7.2 × 0.8–6.5 μm, cylindrical or knob-like, occasionally branched or acute. Clamp connections present.

Habitat and known distribution: Solitary on decaying undetermined dicotyledonous leaves and twigs. Thailand.

Material examined:— THAILAND. Chiang Mai Province: Papae Village, Highway 1095 at 22 km marker, N19˚07.57', E98˚45.647', 2 July 2003, DE Desjardin 7603 ( SFSU) ; same location, 23 June 2004, AH Honan 25 and AH Honan 26 ( SFSU) ; same location, 5 July 2004, AH Honan 66 ( SFSU) ; same location, 21 June 2005, AH Honan 122 ( SFSU) ; Chiang Mai Province: Mae Sae Village, Highway 1095 at 50 km marker, 26 June 2005, AH Honan 130 ( CMU, holotype; SFSU, isotype) .

Commentary: Tetrapyrgos parvispora appears to be endemic to a small area in Northern Thailand. This may be an artifact of limited collecting and future collections may prove that T. parvispora has a wider distribution than currently recognized. The species differs from other centrally stipitate Tetrapyrgos by having smaller basidiospores, averaging 7.3 × 6.5 μm. Morphological analyses and ITS sequence data (95% PP) support T. parvispora as a distinct species.


Chiang Mai University


Harry D. Thiers Herbarium - San Francisco State University

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