Tetragonula (Tetragonula) florilega, Engel & Herhold & Davis & Wang & Thomas, 2021

Engel, Michael S., Herhold, Hollister W., Davis, Steven R., Wang, Bo & Thomas, Jennifer C., 2021, Stingless bees in Miocene amber of southeastern China (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Journal of Melittology 2021 (105), pp. 1-83 : 25-33

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.17161/jom.i105.15734

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scientific name

Tetragonula (Tetragonula) florilega

new species

Tetragonula (Tetragonula) florilega Engel, new species

ZooBank: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:E37B966D-89B6-4F39-8C2E-CF9EDDAEFB27

( Figs. 24–43 View Figures 24–26 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figures 29–31 View Figures 32–34 View Figures 35–39 View Figures 40–42 View Figures 43–44 )

DIAGNOSIS: Tetragonula florilega intermingles traits of the last two informal species groups in the above key: the forewing length, including the tegula, is approximately 3.3 mm in most specimens, fiting the iridipennis -group, yet the mesoscutum is quite clearly evenly and finely setose ( Fig. 38 View Figures 35–39 ), without any longitudinal glabrous bands as is otherwise present the laeviceps -group. In addition, the clypeus is apically marked with tawny to yellow coloration ( Figs. 27–30 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figures 29–31 ), and the mesoscutellum is sometimes tawny brown. As in most Tetragonula , the setae of the mesepisternum are distinctly sparser posteriorly ( Fig. 36 View Figures 35–39 ), contrasting with the more numerous setae of the anterior portion as well as the metepisternum.

DESCRIPTION: ⚲: Total body length approximately 3.0–3.3 mm, forewing length (including tegula) 3.2–3.5 mm. Head wider than long, width 1.1–1.5 mm, length 1.12–1.15 mm; compound eye length 0.92–0.95 mm; upper interorbital distance 0.82–0.86, lower interorbital distance 0.58–0.63. Scape length 0.44–0.46 mm, shorter than torulocellar distance, torulocellar distance 0.63 mm. Clypeus broader than long, approximately 2× as wide as long, length 0.14–0.15 mm, width 0.28–0.30 mm. Malar space linear ( Figs. 24 View Figures 24–26 , 27–30 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figures 29–31 , 32 View Figures 32–34 ). Mandible with two, small preapical teeth ( Fig. 31 View Figures 29–31 ), with narrow incision separating first preapical tooth (P 1) from apical edentate margin; incision separating P 1 and P 2 slightly less than orthogonal, with acutely rounded angular geometric vertex. Labrum transverse, surface gently convex, apical margin faintly and broadly convex. Labial palpomeres I and II with elongate straight to slightly wavy ventral setae ( Figs. 27 View Figure 27 , 29, 30 View Figures 29–31 ). Mesoscutellum comparatively thick and broadly rounded in profile, overhanging metanotum and base of propodeum; basal area of propodeum subequal or slightly shorter than mesoscutellum, steeply sloping to rounded angle with vertical posterior surface. Forewing extending beyond apex of metasoma, marginal cell narrowly open apically, with faint nebulous stub (appendiculate), stub not bent and without stub of 2r-rs at origin; 1M slightly offset proximad 1cu-a; M straight, 2M terminating bluntly at nebulous 1m-cu ( Fig. 37 View Figures 35–39 ); hind wing with 5 distal hamuli ( Fig. 39 View Figures 35–39 ), 1M distinctly bent proximally. Metatibia triangular, approximately 3× as long as greatest width; retromarginal contour slightly convex, with subangulate superior distal angle; corbicula shallowly concave, occupying distal third of prolateral surface ( Fig. 40 View Figures 40–42 ); keirotrichiate zone of retrolateral surface separated from supraglabrate zone by steep clivulus. Metabasitarsus with proventral margin straight, retrodorsal margin gently convex; superior distal angle not projecting ( Figs. 33, 34 View Figures 32–34 , 40, 41 View Figures 40–42 ); retrolateral surface with prominent basal sericeous area ( Fig. 41 View Figures 40–42 ). Metasoma short, subequal to head width, widest second and third segments, remaining terga progressively narrower.

Integument generally black to dark brown (silvery reflective surfaces on some specimens result from microscopic separation of integument from amber matrix; separation produces microscopic reflective air spaces that appear silvery, particularly under strong reflective lighting); mouthparts pale brown; mandible largely tawny to yellow, with black apical margin ( Figs. 29–31 View Figures 29–31 ); labrum brown to tawny; clypeus largely black except apically tawny to yellow (in finest preserved specimens clypeus is apically yellow, progressing to a more brownish appearance in less well preserved individuals) ( Figs. 24 View Figures 24–26 , 27–29 View Figure 27 View Figure 28 View Figures 29–31 ); scape light brown to tawny, slightly darker dorsally ( Figs. 25 View Figures 24–26 , 27 View Figure 27 , 28 View Figure 28 , 30 View Figures 29–31 ), flagellum dark brown; remainder of head black. Mesosoma black, pronotum brown, pronotal lobe often light brown ( Fig. 28 View Figure 28 ); tegula light brown, sometimes appearing slightly semi-translucent; mesoscutellum black ( Figs. 35, 38 View Figures 35–39 ) to partly tawny brown with black or dark brown on axillae and anterior of mesoscutellum in some individuals ( Fig. 26 View Figures 24–26 ). Wing membranes hyaline clear ( Figs. 24, 26 View Figures 24–26 , 37 View Figures 35–39 ); tubular veins dark brown to brown, pterostigma lighter centrally, nebulous veins brown to light brown. Legs largely black to dark brown, slightly lighter on pro- and mesotarsi. Metasoma dark brown to black.

Integument mostly smooth and shining, with scatered, faint, shallow, minute punctures; clypeus with minute punctures separated by 1–2× a puncture width, face with faint minute punctures sparser, separated by 2.5–5× a puncture width, punctures of gena as on face, postgena apparently impunctate and faintly imbricate. Mesosoma largely smooth and shining; mesoscutum and mesoscutellum with sparse, faint, shallow, minute punctures; tegula finely and faintly imbricate; mesepisternum apparently impunctate; basal area of propodeum smooth, polished. Metasomal terga smooth, impunctate; sterna faintly imbricate.

Pubescence largely decumbent and pale. Labrum with sparse, minute, simple setae except apically setae longer; face with abundant, fine, decumbent, minute, simple setae, not obscuring integument ( Figs. 24 View Figures 24–26 , 28 View Figure 28 , 30 View Figures 29–31 ), such setae on lower two thirds to one half of face minutely plumose, particularly around antennal toruli; setae of vertex and ocellocular area longer and erect; setae of gena like those of face; postgena with scatered, erect, simple setae. Mesoscutum with scatered, fine, erect, short, simple, such setae abundant but not obscuring integument, uniformly distributed (i.e., not organized into linear bands with longitudinal glabrous interspaces) ( Figs. 35, 38 View Figures 35–39 ); mesoscutellum with setation as on mesoscutellum except some setae slightly longer ( Fig. 38 View Figures 35–39 ), particularly posteriorly; mesepisternum with decumbent, fine, minutely plumose setae anteriorly, posteriorly largely glabrous ( Fig. 36 View Figures 35–39 ), with some fine, simple setae largely ventrally; metepisternum and lateral surface of propodeum with setae like anterior half of mesepisternum, albeit those of propodeum not as numerous as those of metepisternum. Wing membrane with scatered microtrichia, area beneath costal notch with microtrichia; microtrichia along forewing apical margin absent. Metatibia with scatered, long, erect, simple setae on proventral surface, retromarginal fringe almost entirely composed of long (although not as long as setae of proventral surface), plmuose setae ( Figs. 40–42 View Figures 40–42 ); setae on fundus largely short, subappressed to suberect, fine, largely simple setae ( Fig. 40 View Figures 40–42 ); remainder of prolateral surface including corbicula sparse, elongate, erect to suberect, simple setae; penicillum composed of fine waxy setae ( Fig. 40 View Figures 40–42 ), rastellum composed of semi-soft setae ( Fig. 41 View Figures 40–42 ); retrolateral surface of metatibia with keirotrichiate zone ooccupying majority of surface, broader than supraglabrate zone, apical with about as long as apicoglabrate zone ( Fig. 41 View Figures 40–42 ); prolateral surface of metabasitarsus with pollen pocket, ridge for fine fimbriate line exceedingly weak, prolateral surface otherwise with scatered, sparse, short, erect, simple setae; proventral surface with scatered elongate, suberect setae; retrodorsal margin with a few short setae; retrolateral surface of metabasitarsus with elongate, apically direct- ed, simple bristles forming rough setal ctenidia ( Fig. 41 View Figures 40–42 ), apically last row forming apical bristle comb projecting beyond metabasitarsal apex. Metasomal terga largely glabrous, with exceptionally sparse minute, appressed, fine, simple setae largely present laterally, and with similar minute, appressed, apically directed, fine, simple setae scatered apically and subapically, discs with exceedingly sparse, short, erect, simple setae; terga V and VI with erect discal setae seemingly slightly less sparse than preceding terga and with suberect, apically directed, short setae apically; metasomal sterna with long, erect, simple setae.

♀: Latet.

♂: Latet.

HOLOTYPE: ⚲, NIGP 176093 View Materials ; deposited in the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China.

PARATYPES (47⚲⚲): 1⚲ (with pollen in corbicula), NIGP 176094 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176095 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176096 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176097 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176098 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176099 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176100 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176101 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176102 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176103 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176104 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176105 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176106 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176107 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176108 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176109 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176110 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176111 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176112 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176113 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176114 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176115 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176116 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176117 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176118 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176119 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176120 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176121 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176122 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176123 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176124 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176125 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176126 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176127 View Materials ; 5⚲⚲, NIGP 176128 View Materials ; 3⚲⚲ (tightly clustered together), NIGP 176129 View Materials , same locality and repository as holotype; 1 ⚲, SEMC F002514 About SEMC ; 1⚲, SEMC F002515 About SEMC ; 2⚲⚲, SEMC F002516 About SEMC , in Division of Entomology , University of Kansas Natural History Museum; 1 ⚲, AMNH Zh-001, in Division of Invertebrate Zoölogy, American Museum of Natural History .

ATTRIBUTED NON-TYPE MATERIAL (37⚲⚲): 1⚲, NIGP 176060 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176061 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176062 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176063 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176064 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176065 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176066 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176067 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176068 View Materials ; 1⚲ (partial), NIGP 176069 View Materials ; 1⚲ (partial), NIGP 176070 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176071 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176072 View Materials ; 3⚲⚲, NIGP 176073 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176074 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176075 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176076 View Materials ; 3⚲⚲, NIGP 176077 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176078 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176079 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176080 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176081 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176082 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176083 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176084 View Materials ; 1⚲ (head only), NIGP 176085 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176086 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176087 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176088 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176089 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176090 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176091 View Materials ; 1⚲, NIGP 176092 View Materials ; same locality and repository as holotype .

TYPE LOCALITY: Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, China.

HORIZON: Middle Miocene: Langhian, 14.7 Ma; sedimentary layer II, Fotan Group.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet is taken from the Latin florilegus, meaning, “flower-gathering.”

COMMENTS: It was initially believed that those individuals with a more tawny brown mesoscutellum represented a separate distinct species of Tetragonula . However, no further differences could be identified among the series of specimens available and so it was considered merely a variation. As more material becomes available in the future, correlations between differences in the degree of tawny brown to yellow on the clypeus (those with yellow have a larger part of the clypeal apex colored versus those with more tawny or brown colors, although the later almost universally have the integument seemingly more augmented by preservation) and that of tawny color on the mesoscutellum to see if these are associated with morphometric distinctions, suggesting two cryptic species in the Zhangpu biota.


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