Tabanus argentistrigatus, Carmo & Henriques, 2024

Carmo, Daniel Dias Dornelas do & Henriques, Augusto Loureiro, 2024, Eighty-five years awaiting for description: a new species of Tabanus Linnaeus (Diptera: Tabanidae) from the Paraná State, in Brazil, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia (e 20230091) 68 (1), pp. 1-5 : 2

publication ID 10.1590/1806-9665-RBENT-2023-0091

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Tabanus argentistrigatus

sp. nov.

Tabanus argentistrigatus View in CoL sp.n.

Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-H

Diagnosis: The new species differ from the other Neotropical Tabanus by the following combination of characters: large size, about 20 mm, reddish brown integument, with a single prominent middorsal abdominal stripe of golden setulae. Additionally, the wing, including calypters, is yellowish fumose,with a narrow,yellow, nearly indiscernible pterostigma.The flagellum is light yellow with sparse black setulae, basal plate slender, shorter to the same size of style. Frons broad and parallel.

Holotype female ( Figs. 1 View Figure 1 A-D, F): Length 19 mm, reddish brown integument. Frons moderately broad (FI = 3.6) and parallel (DI = 1.2), with brown integument covered with yellow pruinosity, white near vertex, and with mixed black and golden setulae. Vertex slightly sunken, with shiny brown area, no vestiges of ocelli. Occiput with mostly golden setulae, a few black near the eye margin. Frontal callus drop shaped, yellowish brown, not touching the eyes margins. Median callus a dorsal extension of the frontal callus, narrow and almost reaching the eye triangle. Subcallus and clypeus yellowish pruinose, gena darker, both clypeus and gena covered with short dark brown setulae. Palpi enlarged at base, yellowish pruinose with black setulae. Both proboscis and stylets shorter than half the head height, prementum yellow, labella dark brown with sparse black setulae and wholly pruinose. Antennae wholly yellow, scape with black setulae. Pedicel with a short spike, not surpassing scape height. Basal plate slender, with similar size to the style. Style with four segments, with short, sparse black setulae, some golden setulae at the apex of the fourth. Mesonotum reddish brown with gray pruinosity and mixed black and golden setulae. Notopleuron concolorous, mostly with black setulae, but some golden dorsally. Scutellum mostly with black setulae, golden at the apex. Pleura light brown, yellow pruinose, mostly with dark brown setulae with a light brown tuft dorsally at anepisternum near to the axillary sclerites. Legs mostly yellowish brown, except by the darker tarsi. All coxae and femora with black setulae. Fore tibia with golden setulae ventrally. Mid and hind tibia with mixed black and golden setulae. Wings including calypters, yellowish fumose, pterostigma yellow, almost inconspicuous. Abdomen very long, nearly twice the length of the mesonotum, reddish brown, with black setulae, golden setulae laterally and on a dorsomedial stripe from segments 1 to 7, paler on the last segments. Sternites with black setulae, with few golden setulae at the middle of segments 1 to 7.

Male. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype female: [ Brazil]• Paraná, Curityba (Sic), ( Parolim ) [25°27’39”S, 49°16’02”W]; XI.938 [1938]; Coll. Claretiano; Tabanus argentistrigatus Fairchild GoogleMaps Holotype [Handwritten]; MZ01411 ; Holótipo [on lateral] Tabanus argentistrigatus Carmo & Henriques [red label]. Paratype: 1♀; Same data as holotype; Tabanus argentistrigatus Fairchild Paratype [Handwritten]; This sp. never published GBF 1959 [On verse, handwritten]; Parátipo [on lateral] Tabanus argentistrigatus Carmo & Henriques [yellow label].

Paratype variations: Length = 18.3 mm. Frontal index = 3.3. Divergence Index = 1.1. Basal plate broader than holotype. R4 with a very short appendix .

Etymology. From Latin,argentum (silver) + strigatus (color band). The name refers to the abdominal stripe with light setulae, contrasting with the brown integument of the specimens.This is the name intended by Fairchild, as indicated by his labels left in the specimens ( Figs. 1F and G View Figure 1 ). Despite observing that the setulae on the abdominal stripe are not silver, we decided to keep the name as intended by Fairchild, since the setulae on the stripe are paler on the last segments. Also, it is possible to see a flash of silver depending to the incidence of light. We decided to keep the name as a way to honoring this researcher, who was the first to recognize the new species, although without describing it.













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