Stylophyllum paradoxum Frech, 1890

Stolarski, Jarosław, 2003, Three-dimensional micro- and nanostructural characteristics of the scleractinian coral skeleton: A biocalcification proxy, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 (4), pp. 497-530 : 512-517

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13388790

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scientific name

Stylophyllum paradoxum Frech, 1890


Stylophyllum paradoxum Frech, 1890 View in CoL

Traditionally, stylophyllinans are considered as non−trabecular corals ( Cuif 1973; Beauvais 1982; Roniewicz 1989) i.e., with skeleton built entirely of fibrous sclerenchyme not organized into “continuously growing rods formed by fibers [...], provided with an axis” (clue of trabecula definition in Roniewicz and Stolarski 1999: 165). Contrary to this generalized diagnosis, Stolarski and Russo (2002) suggested that stylophyllids (a major group of stylophyllinans) have skeletons much more microstructurally diversified. There are at least four main microstructural patterns recognized in septal transverse sections; in two of them distinct “centers of calcification” occur ( Stolarski and Russo 2002: 662, fig. 11). Stolarski and Russo (2002) noted that stylophyllid “centers of calcifications” (when present) differ from typical “centers of calcification” of e.g., “thick−trabecular” corals in the lack of a distinct 10–20 µm wide “border layer ” (“border layer” is illustrated herein in Platygyra daedalea , and Galaxea fascicularis — Figs. 10A View Fig , 11E View Fig ). This results in a clear separation of “centers of calcification” from adjacent fibrous parts of the skeleton in non−stylophyllid corals and a lack of this separation in stylophyllids. Herein, more details are given about the skeleton of Stylophyllum paradoxum Frech,1890 included into the 3 rd microstructural group by Stolarski and Russo (2002). Stylophyllids belonging to this category have single and large “centers of calicification” revealed in transverse sections of septal spines.

Transverse sections.—In polished transverse section, in TLM the middle portion of corallum shows a multilayered structure in septal spines. Borders between particular fibrous layers are darker than fibers comprising concentric layers. More central parts of the septal spine (ca. 0.5 mm in diameter) are often differentiated from the outer part of the spine by darker or occasionally lighter appearance ( Fig. 13A, B View Fig ).

Longitudinalsectionofseptalspine.—TLM shows that there are several superimposed fibrous layers that comprise the septal spine. In the central part of the spine, crescent zones infilled by spar (ca. 30 µm in width) alternate regularly with typical fibrous layers (ca. 30–40 µm in width)— Fig. 13C–F View Fig . Each septal spine includes only one zone with fibrous/spar alternations. Fibrous layers from the central septal spine continue into layers that are thickening the septum (e.g., Fig. 13E, F View Fig ).

Pachythecaliina: Pachysolenia cylindrica Cuif, 1975 , Pachythecalis major Cuif, 1975 , and Zardinophyllum zardini Montanaro−Galitelli, 1975

Many pachythecaliinan skeletal features are unique among skeletonized anthozoans from the earliest Mesozoic, i.e.: (1) a very thick wall (pachytheca), the predominant skeletal character has aragonite fibers arranged in penicillate units, which increase centripetally, (2) non−exsert septa, usually located deeply in the calice, and (3) strong bilateral symmetry in initial and juvenile stages (adult coralla may have quasi−radial symmetry), all discussed by Cuif 1975; Stolarski 1999; Roniewicz and Stolarski 2001; Stolarski and Russo 2001. Their skeletal features are, in comparison with other fossil corals, well characterized, although some important microstructural skeletal characters have not been sufficiently well characterized. For example, there are doubts about the microstructure of the narrow pachythecaliinan dRAF zone: traditionally septa of all genera are considered non−trabeculate ( Cuif 1975), on the other hand Iljina (1984) suggested that in Pachysolenia ( P. primorica Iljina, 1984 ) they are composed of “trabeculae in series”. The suggestion that separated “centers of calcification” may actually occur in septa of Pachysolenia and Pachythecalis was recently re−examined by Stolarski and Russo (2001: 245). Another unknown microstructural aspect of the pachythecaliinan skeleton is growth zonation of fibers in pachytheca. Cuif, Dauphin, and Gautret (1999: 591) suggested that in Pachythecalis major , the “internal organization of fibers does not show visible traces of the usual cyclic secretory process”, and later they added that, “obviously, additional aragonitic component has been added during the fossilization process, possibly as syntaxial deposit” ( Cuif, Dauphin, and Gautret 1999: 591). However, evidences of regular diagenetic alterations within fossil pachythecaliinan skeleton have not been provided. The purpose of this work was to supplement observations by previous authors about the original structure of dRAF and pachythecal TD deposits.

Pachysolenia cylindrica Cuif, 1975 View in CoL .—TLM of a transverse section of pachytheca shows bundles of fibers with regular, faint 5–8 µm alternations of lighter and darker zones perpendicular to growth ( Fig. 14A, F View Fig ). In SEM, a polished and etched section of pachytheca (same as viewed in TLM) may occasionally show regions with negative and positive etched relief distributed with a periodicity similar to that seen in TLM for lighter and dark zones. However, in contrast to zones with etched TD fibers regularly tapered e.g., in fossil unidentified conophyllid ( Fig. 12C View Fig ), in P. cylindrica View in CoL negatively etched regions have a “carved” appearance and continue between larger bundles of fibers ( Fig. 14H View Fig ). Sr and Mg WDS mapping of pachytheca show non−homogenous distribution of these elements (in non−altered aragonite skeletons of extant Scleractinia Sr View in CoL (and traces of Mg if any) are homogenously distributed at comparable magification). In Pachysolenia, Sr View in CoL shows enrichment in regions (arrows in Fig. 14B, C View Fig ) where Mg appears depleted.

The septal dRAF zone in transverse section viewed in TLM and SEM ( Fig. 14G View Fig ) seems to be homogenous and not differentiated into separate dCRA. The dRAF zone in TLM of longitudinally sectioned septa (which are very thin and undulating) consists of darker bundles of quasi−parallel fibers occasionally separated by “amorphous” and lighter layers ( Fig. 14D, E View Fig ). Fibers are perpendicular to the distal septal margin and not separated by distinct borders as in dRAF zones of extant corals illustrated herein (compare e.g., Figs. 2E, 5C, 6D, 7F).

Pachythecalis major Cuif, 1975 View in CoL .—The thick theca of this species, which occurs with Pachysolenia cylindrica View in CoL in the same locality, in transverse, polished section shows faint regular (ca. 7 µm) alternations of lighter and darker zones within bundles of fibers ( Fig. 15A View Fig 3). Transverse septal and longitudinal sections through the dRAF zone show the same microstructural organization as in P. cylindrica View in CoL , however, occasionally the homogenous dRAF zone is interrupted and forms elongated and individualized regions ( Fig. 15A View Fig 1 View Fig , A 2).

Zardinophyllumzardini Montanaro−Galitelli, 1975.—This is the only pachythecaliinan species that occurs in the same locality (Alpe di Specie) as the unidentified conophyllid that preserves extremely faint microstructural details of the skeleton. Similar to other pachythecaliinans, Z. zardini View in CoL has smooth septal edges ( Fig. 15B View Fig 1 View Fig ). In contrast to specimens from Alakir Çay, Turkey ( Pachysolenia View in CoL , Pachythecalis View in CoL ), a majority of Z.zardini View in CoL specimens have components of the former dRAF zone removed or possibly dissolved, and this region is easily recognized as a narrow fissure ( Fig. 15B View Fig 2). In the few specimens with a solid dRAF zone, it appears to be composed of transparent homogenous material (not differentiated into separate centers) that most likely is secondary infilling. On the other hand, the rest of the skeleton seems very well preserved. Polished and etched bundles of pachytheca fibers of Z. zardini View in CoL , transverse sections exhibit more or less regular etching banding every ca. 7–10 µm that appears alike the etching pattern of TD fibers in extant corals ( Fig. 15B View Fig 2). The “lamellar layer” noted for the first time by Cuif (1975) can also be discerned as a densely layered zone (in contrast to non−layered sparry calcite in the calicular center) “coating” intracalicular structures, i.e., wall ( Fig. 15B View Fig 2).














Stylophyllum paradoxum Frech, 1890

Stolarski, Jarosław 2003

Pachysolenia cylindrica

Cuif 1975

P. cylindrica

Cuif 1975

Pachythecalis major

Cuif 1975

Pachysolenia cylindrica

Cuif 1975

P. cylindrica

Cuif 1975

Z. zardini

Montanaro-Gallitelli 1975


Cuif 1975


Montanaro-Gallitelli 1975

Z. zardini

Montanaro-Gallitelli 1975
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