Stromatolinea hydei K. Habib & Q. R. Li, 2024

Habib, Kamran, Zhou, Xin, Zeng, Wenyu, Zhang, Xu, Hu, Hongmin, Wu, Qianzhen, Liu, Lili, Lin, Yan, Shen, Xiangchun, Kang, Jichuan & Li, Qirui, 2024, Stromatolinea, a new diatrypaceous fungal genus (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Xylariales, Diatrypaceae) from China, MycoKeys 108, pp. 197-225 : 197-225

publication ID 10.3897/mycokeys.108.126712


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MycoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Stromatolinea hydei K. Habib & Q. R. Li

sp. nov.

Stromatolinea hydei K. Habib & Q. R. Li sp. nov.

Fig. 4 View Figure 4


China, Guizhou Province, Anlong County Suburban (25 ° 05 ' 56 ″ N, 105 ° 26 ' 34 ″ E), altitude: 856 m, subtropical forest, on dead culms of Phyllostachys sp. , 23 September 2023, Youpeng Wu, JWS- 8 (Holotype, GMB 4509 ; ex-type, GMBC 4509 ; isotype, KUN-HKAS 133215 ) GoogleMaps .


The epithet “ hydei ” pays tribute to the renowned mycologist, Prof. Kevin David Hyde, in recognition of his valuable contributions to the field of mycology.


Saprobic on dead culms of Phyllostachys sp. , forming black parallel elongate ascostromata on the host, surrounded by black patches like pseudostromata. Pseudostromata black, spreading between stromata and across the host surface forming the darkened region. Sexual morph: Stromata 2–10 mm long, 400–800 μm wide, 400–620 μm high, parallel elongate, straight, long fusiform, solitary, sometime confluent, slit when mature, black, above plane, exposing black ostioles. Upper cells of stromata near the perithecial ostiole black, thick-walled. Stromatic tissue yellow between and beneath perithecia, compact. Ascomata 150–270 μm wide, 260–440 μm high, perithecial, frequent, 10–25 per stromata, immersed in stromata, linearly arranged, obpyriform, ostiolate centrally, with a neck, opening to outer surface, 80–100 × 35–60 μm, slight erumpent over stromata, appearing as black spots, slight shinny. Peridium 5–10 μm thick, cell elongate, texture angularis, outer thick layer dark brown, inner hyaline, surrounded by yellow stromatic tissue. Hamathecium paraphyses, filiform. hyaline, 50–68 × 1–3.5 μm. Asci 50–80 × 5.5–8 μm (x ̄ = 64 × 6.5 μm, n = 15), 8 - spored, unitunicate, clavate, with a long and thin pedicel, apically rounded to truncate, a J- apical ring. Ascospores 5.8–10 × 1.4–2.5 μm (x ̄ = 8 × 1.8 μm, n = 20), allantoid, aseptate, straight to slightly curved, rounded at both ends, subhyaline, single oil droplets in both ends. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Culture characteristics.

Ascospores germinating on PDA within 24 hours, colonies on PDA, white when young, became pale, dense at centre, thinning toward the edge, reverse pale-white, no pigmentation, and no sporulation produced on the PDA medium.

Addition material examined.

China • Guizhou Province, Xishui Country, Changjian Gully , (28 ° 19 ' 57 ″ N, 106 ° 11 ' 32 ″ E), altitude: 1,180 m, subtropical forest, on dead culms of Phyllostachys sp. , 2 January 2024, Lili Liu & Yan Lin, R- 27 ( GMB 4538 ) GoogleMaps China, Guizhou Province, Xishui Country, Changjian Gully , (28 ° 19 ' 51 ″ N, 106 ° 11 ' 49 ″ E), altitude: 1,185 m, subtropical forest, on dead culms of Phyllostachys sp. , 2 January 2024, Xin Zhou, R- 4 ( GMB 4521 ) GoogleMaps .


Stromatolinea hydei is morphologically similar to S. linearis (= Diatrype phaselinoides ; Eutypa linearis ), both displaying parallel elongate fusiform stromata with yellow stromatic tissue and slit mature stromata. However, S. hydei is distinguishable by its stromata, which are surrounded by black patches resembling pseudostromata, which spread between stromata and across the host surface, forming a darkened region. Additionally, S. hydei has larger ascospores 5.8–10 × 1.4–2.5 μm (with an average of 8 × 1.8 μm), compared to S. linearis , whose ascospores range from 5–7 × 1–2 μm, with an average of 6.1 × 1.4 μm ( Dai et al. 2017).