Stiphodon annieae, Keith & Hadiaty, 2014

Keith, Philippe & Hadiaty, Renny K., 2014, Stiphodon annieae, a new species of freshwater goby from Indonesia (Gobiidae), Cybium 38 (4), pp. 267-272 : 268-272

publication ID 10.26028/cybium/2014-384-004

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Stiphodon annieae

sp. nov.

Stiphodon annieae , n. sp.

( Figs 1-2 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 , Tabs I-III)

Comparative material

The new species is compared in text and tables with species having 13-14 pectoral rays, nine segmented rays in the second dorsal fin, and a red color pattern in males (bright red on body sides and part of fins). These are Stiphodon rubromaculatus Keith & Marquet, 2007 , S. birdsong Watson, 1996 , S. surrufus Watson & Kottelat, 1995 and S. mele Keith, Marquet & Pouilly, 2009 .

Stiphodon mele Keith, Marquet & Pouilly, 2009 View in CoL . Holotype: MNHN 2008-1920 About MNHN , male (27.2 mm SL), Efate, Mele waterfall, 22 Jul. 2002, Vanuatu. Keith and Keith coll. Paratypes: MNHN 2008-1921 About MNHN , one male (21.1 mm SL), Gaua, Solomul River, 21 Jul. 2005, Vanuatu. Keith , Marquet and Keith coll. MNHN 2008-1922 About MNHN , two males, one female (21.1- 25.3 mm SL), Santo , Patunar’s Doline , Vanuatu, 14 Sep. 2006. Pouilly coll. MNHN 2008-1923 About MNHN , one female, (23.8 mm SL), Santo , Patunar resurgence, Vanuatu, 15 Sep. 2006. Pouilly coll. MNHN 2008- 1924 About MNHN , one male, New Caledonia, North Province (26.2 mm SL). Keith et al. coll.

Material for S. rubromaculatus , S. birdsong and S. surrufus , is that listed in Keith and Marquet (2007).

Material examined

Two males collected from Halmahera ( Indonesia) with a size range of 21.5-22.7 mm SL.

Holotype. MZB 18930 View Materials , male (21.5 mm SL), S. Wosea, DS. Sawai , Weda Tengah, Halmahera, Maluku, Indonesia; 22 Jan. 2010, Hadiaty, Wowor and Sopian coll.

Paratype. MNHN 2014-0132 About MNHN , male (22.7 mm SL), same data as holotype .


The new species is a small Stiphodon with 14 pectoral rays, nine segmented rays in the second dorsal fin, 34-40 premaxillary teeth. No scales in the head and nape. The head and the jaw are long. The typical colouration of males is bright red, mottled with a blue pattern on the back.


Scale counts in Stiphodon annieae n. sp. and related species are given in table II, number of premaxillary teeth in table I, and morphometrics in table III. Below, the holotype counts are given first followed in brackets, if different, by the paratype counts.

Dorsal fins VI-I,9; D1 separate from and higher than D2; spine 3 elongate. Anal fin I,10 and directly opposite to second dorsal fin. Pectoral fin is with 14 rays, uppermost rays extending beyond membrane but not appearing feathery or silky, lowermost 1 or 2 rays simple; fin oblong with posterior margin rounded. Caudal fin with 12-13 branched rays, posterior margin rounded. Pelvic disc always with 1 spine and 5 stout and heavily branched segmented rays. Fifth rays joined together in their entire length forming a strong adhesive depth 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 – 1 1 3 3 1 1 5 336332 1 – 4 1 212223

15102 – 4

disc; disc adherent to belly between fifth rays only; between spines a strong fleshy frenum.

Scales in lateral series 18(19), those on caudal peduncle and the flanks below D2 are ctenoid and they become cycloid below the first dorsal fin in males. Anteriormost scale along midline nearly below posterior part of D1 or anterior part of D2.

Scales in transverse backward series 9. Scales in transverse forward series 6(7). Scales in zigzag series 9. No scales in predorsal midline in male. Head, breast, nape, belly and pectoral base are without scales.

Premaxillary teeth 34-40, fine and tricuspid, tridentiform with central cup longer than lateral cups. Dentary symphyseal teeth in males 1-2, conical to caniniform, stronger and larger than other teeth.

Cephalic sensory pore system A, B, C, D, F, H, K, L, N and O; pore D missing in one specimen, single when present; all others are paired ( Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Oculoscapular canal separated into anterior and posterior canals between pores H and K. Cutaneous sensory papillae developed over lateral surface of head and body.

Urogenital papilla in males somewhat rectangular with a rounded distal tip.

Colour in preservation

Male. Background of body whitish to yellowish; scales along and above midline and below second dorsal fin yellowish; belly entirely blackish. Background of head, chin and preopercle brownish. Inferior part of head and isthmus entirely blackish to brownish. Top of head brownish. Pectoral fins hyaline with a black patch at their base. Occipital region with brownish pigment. Preopercle behind eye brownish. First and second dorsal fins whitish; anal and caudal fins whitish; pelvic disk whitish.

Female. Unknown, but male and female of Stiphodon usually have different colour patterns ( Watson et al., 2005; Keith et al., 2007; Maeda and Tan, 2013; Maeda, 2014).

Colour in life ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 )

Male. Bright red on body sides. Many blue spotted areas from different sizes on dorsal part of body, from below first dorsal fin to caudal one. Top of head greyish with many red spots. A blue to green line passes below the eye from snout to pectoral fin. Area below this line from chin and isthmus to pectoral and pelvic fin bases is black. Dorsal fins bright red with few black spots on rays. Second dorsal fin with a distal blue line. Caudal fin bright red with a half blue line along margin, and a second one in the uppermost part. Pectoral fins hyaline with a black patch at their base. Belly whitish.

Female. Unknown.


Stiphodon annieae n. sp. differs from S. mele , S. rubromaculatus , S. birdsong and S. surrufus in having no blackish stripes (aligned spots) on dorsal fins (or just few irregular spots) vs. having well marked regular blackish stripes (aligned spots), a longer head (25-26 vs. 18-23%SL) and jaw length (10-12 vs. 6-10%SL), and a different colour pattern in male. It differs also from S. rubromaculatus in having more premaxillary teeth (34-40 vs. 27-32), and from S. mele and S. surrufus in having shorter second dorsal (30-32 vs. 33-38/37- 39%SL) and anal fins (30-32 vs. 37-40/38-40%SL) in males.

Distribution Currently known only from Halmahera ( Indonesia).


Like other Sicydiinae , Stiphodon annieae n. sp. was found in a clear, high gradient stream with rocky bottom. It lives on the bottom of the river, on top of rocks. It is assumed to be amphidromous ( Keith, 2003; Keith and Lord, 2011b).


The new species is named for Annie, the first author’s wife, in recognition of her patience and unfailing support during all field trips in Pacific Islands.

Acknowledgments. – We wish to thank Daisy Wowor and Sopian Sauri for their help during the field sampling in Halmahera, Gono Semiadi, the LIPI coordinator for the project, the Division Environment of Weda Bay Nickel, Gavin Lee, Eka and the staff. Part of the present study was funded by Weda Bay Nickel and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the French Ichthyological Society (SFI) and the Fondation de France. Finally, we thank for the loan of specimens: S. Morrison (WAM); P. Pruvost, R. Causse, Z. Gabsi, C. Ferrara, and for X-rays, M. Hautecoeur (MNHN).












Stiphodon annieae

Keith, Philippe & Hadiaty, Renny K. 2014

Stiphodon mele

Keith, Marquet & Pouilly 2009
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