Stellifer macallisteri, Chao & Carvalho-Filho & Santos, 2021

Chao, Ning Labbish, Carvalho-Filho, Alfredo & Santos, Jonas De Andrade, 2021, Five new species of Western Atlantic stardrums, Stellifer (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) with a key to Atlantic Stellifer species, Zootaxa 4991 (3), pp. 434-466 : 449-452

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4991.3.2

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scientific name

Stellifer macallisteri

sp. nov.

Stellifer macallisteri new species

( Figure 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Stellifer sp. C . Chao (2002), p.1652.

Holotype: CMNFI 1986 - 500.1 , 86.4 mm SL, Gulf of Venezuela, in front of Punta Capana, Península de Paraguana , 12 oN, 70 oW, Estado del Falcon, Venezuela, collected by J. Valdez & D. Diaz, bottom trawl, three nautical miles offshore, six fathoms, 8:00-11:30 a.m, 24 November 1984.

Paratypes: CMNFI 86 - 499.1 , (63.0–94.0 mm SL), collected with the holotype . USNM 377173 About USNM , 3 About USNM (79.3–84.1 mm SL), collected with the holotype . USNM 377174 About USNM , 2 About USNM (75.4–96.0 mm SL), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; sent to the first author by D. Sang in 1984 (original collection number MNHN 417 About MNHN ) . USNM 287531 About USNM , 4 About USNM (73.2–83.9 mm SL), Caribbean coast near Cartagena, Colombia, collected by D. Solano; received by the first author on May 30, 1983 . MCZ 171873 About MCZ , 2 About MCZ (74.2–78.8 mm SL) from USNM 377173 About USNM , collected with the holotype . MCZ 157248 About MCZ , 5 About MCZ (77.2–84.5 mm SL), collected with the holotype . NMMBA 20762, 110 mm SL (clear & stained), collected with the holotype . NMMBA 21566 , 2 (79.1–85.5 mm SL), collected with the holotype . NMMBA 21567 , 4 (77.0–87.0 mm SL), Isla de Salamanca , Colombia, collected by A. Acero, October 1993 . NMMBA 21568 , 66.6 mm SL, Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta , Colombia, collected by D. Solano, 31 May 1983 . USNM 144665 About USNM , 72.5 mm SL, Fort Sherman , Canal Zone, Limon Bay, Panama, collected by S.F. Hildebrand, April 1937 .

Diagnosis. Stellifer macallisteri can be distinguished from all other Atlantic species of the genus by the combination of a terminal, slightly oblique mouth, XI spines in the first dorsal fin, and lack of diverticula on anterior chamber of gas bladder. In addition, it can be differentiated from the other species that lack diverticula as follows: S. punctatissimus has a deeper body, subterminal to inferior mouth; S. menezesi (described herein) and S. gomezi have a more elongated body, subterminal to inferior mouth.

Description. Dorsal-fin rays XI+I, 22–24; anal-fin rays II, 8 (occasionally 7); pectoral-fin rays 17–18; gill rakers 9–11 + 19–20 = 28–31; preopercular margin with 6–7 spines; lateral-line pored scales 47–51. Anterior chamber of gas bladder yoke-shaped without appendages ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 , left); posterior chamber carrot-shaped ending anterior to base of first anal spine. Drumming muscles in males only ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 , hatched area). Sagitta ( Fig. 15A View FIGURE 15 ) thick with antero-dorsally notch; sulcus with small ovoid ostium, deeply grooved L-shaped cauda, and shallow groove along dorsal margin; outer surface with crest-like elevations. Lapillus ( Fig. 15B View FIGURE 15 ) ovoid, with thin anterior flange; inner surface smoothly convex, outer surface roughly concave. Asteriscus ( Fig. 15C View FIGURE 15 ) triangular, thin, with lanceolate groove near ventral margin of inner surface. Preopercular spines short, three prominent at angle, directed obliquely down and back; 3–4 upper spines progressively shorter and weaker on upper part of preopercle, the uppermost appearing as flat points. Head conical and deep, interorbital region slightly convex and cavernous. Snout pointed, 3.9–4.4 in HL, projecting slightly in front of upper lip, its lower margin with three upper and five marginal sensory pores. Eye moderate, 4.4–5.1 in HL, orbit rounded, somewhat oval in small specimens. Mouth large, terminal, the upper jaw 2.1–2.3 in HL; jaws subequal, gape forming angle of about 30 o. Anterior tip of upper lip, horizontally, passing through or above ventral margin of orbit. Posterior end of maxilla reaching vertical between posterior borders of pupil and orbit. Underside of lower jaw with six pores, medial pair minute and separated by symphyseal knob ( Fig. 6D View FIGURE 6 ). Upper jaw teeth in narrow band, with clearly enlarged outer row of spaciously set of teeth, longest not exceeding one quarter of the pupil diameter. Teeth on lower jaw villiform, set in narrow bands, with slightly enlarged inner row. Gill rakers long and slender, longest much longer than gill filament at angle of gill arch, but shorter than eye diameter. Anal fin truncate, second spine long and strong, 1.6–1.9 in HL or more than 80% of first ray length. Caudal fin rhomboidal to point, about equal to HL. Pectoral fin tip reaching beyond pelvic fin and vent; pelvic fin tip with short filamentous prolongation, reaching to within one eye diameter of vent. Scales large, thin, and strongly ctenoid everywhere on body, except for one or two rows of cycloid scales beneath opercular flap. Head squamation cycloid, except for patch of ctenoid scales on opercle; scales reduced and somewhat embedded on snout. Base of spinous dorsal with three or four rows of reduced cycloid scales, basal sheath not well-defined. Interspinous membrane naked except for row of minute, elongated scales along posterior border of each spine. Soft dorsal and anal fins uniformly covered by small cycloid scales. Caudal, pectoral, and pelvic fins finely scaled. Lateral line pored scales ctenoid, indented in middle of posterior margin, and much smaller than scales of adjacent rows. Lateral line scales marked with arborescent sensory canals.

Coloration. Preserved specimens with body brownish, slightly darker dorsally due to dense stippling of tiny chromatophores. Opercle with silvery reflection externally and narrow patch of chromatophores behind upper end of pre-opercle. Dorsal margin of anterior half of upper lip with conspicuous dark band, few chromatophores scattered posteriorly. Anterior part of lower lip sprinkled with chromatophores. Tongue and inside of mouth pale, roof dusky posteriorly. Inside of opercle silvery pale becomes darkish towards the pseudobranchiae, variably dusky or speckled elsewhere. First gill arch pale, medial skin cover cleithrum heavily dusted with large chromatophores. Tip of spinous dorsal fin darkish, distal margin of soft dorsal slightly dark. Caudal fin evenly dusted with small chromatophores. Anal fin punctuated, becoming dark toward trailing edge. Upper half of pectoral fins sprinkled with chromatophores and a densely pigmented patch just above pectoral-base. Pelvic fin generally pale at base but densely punctuate distally. Peritoneum silvery.

Distribution. Caribbean coast of South America from Cartagena, Colombia to Gulf of Venezuela. Also found in Dominican Republic and one record from Canal Zone, Limon Bay, Panama.

Etymology. In honor of the late Dr. Don E. McAllister, formerly of the National Museum of Natural History, Ottawa, Canada.














Stellifer macallisteri

Chao, Ning Labbish, Carvalho-Filho, Alfredo & Santos, Jonas De Andrade 2021

Stellifer sp. C

Chao, N. L. 2002: 1652
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