Stellifer collettei, Chao & Carvalho-Filho & Santos, 2021

Chao, Ning Labbish, Carvalho-Filho, Alfredo & Santos, Jonas De Andrade, 2021, Five new species of Western Atlantic stardrums, Stellifer (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) with a key to Atlantic Stellifer species, Zootaxa 4991 (3), pp. 434-466 : 444-448

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4991.3.2

publication LSID

persistent identifier

taxon LSID

treatment provided by


scientific name

Stellifer collettei

sp. nov.

Stellifer collettei new species

( Figure 11 View FIGURE 11 )

Stellifer sp. B . Chao (1978): 55 (key); Chao (1981): 1598 (key); Chao (2002): 1598 (key).

Stellifer sp. Menezes & Figueiredo (1980): 58 (key); Casatti & Menezes (2003): 89.

Holotype: USNM 218075, 100 mm SL, off coast of French Guiana, 04 o 44.7'N, 51 o 37'W, R / V Oregon II, Station 17622 and 17623, 32.9 m, collected by B.B. Collette, 5 May 1975. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: AZUSC 5960 , 5 (74–92 mm SL), Ilha das Cabras , Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil, 24°00’26”S, 46°12’49”W GoogleMaps . CMNFI 1977-0361 , 10 (46.8–61.8 mm SL) off coast of northern Brazil, 03°16'N, 50°12'W GoogleMaps , R / V Oregon II Station 17660,17661, 20 m, collected by B.B. Collette, 9 May 1975 . MCZ 90694, 2 About MCZ (50.3–68.2 mm SL), off coast of Trinidad and Tobago, 10°45’00”N, 60°53’30”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward St. Station 23754, 28 February 1974 . MCZ 157279 About MCZ , 62.5 mm SL, off coast of Trinidad and Tobago, 10°45’42”N, 60°53’30”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward 23754, 28 February 1974 . MCZ 157276 About MCZ , 15 About MCZ (33.0–72.0 mm SL), off coast of Guyana, 08°08’30”N, 58°45’39”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward 23727, 26 February 1974 . MCZ 157277 About MCZ , 19 About MCZ (32.2–76.2 mm SL), off coast of Guyana, 07°11’48”N, 57°59’36”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward 23712, 23 m, 25 February 1974 . MCZ 157278 About MCZ , 4 About MCZ (35.3–62.3 mm SL), off coast of Guyana, 07°49’30”N, 57°47’30”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward 23706, 25 February 1974 (CT scanned 62.3 mm SL) . MZUSP 13837 View Materials , 73.8 mm SL, Praia do Itaguá , Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by J.L. Figueiredo, 02 January 1970 . MZUSP 13838 View Materials , 5 View Materials (51.7–60.1 mm SL), Praia da Avenida , Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, collected by J.G. Marques, 16 October 1978 . MZUSP 13845 View Materials , 3 View Materials (67.2–74.5 mm SL), Praia do Camburi , Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil, collected by A . V. Alcântara , 24-25 January 1972 . MZUSP 13842 View Materials , 5 View Materials (61–68 mm SL), Praia do Itaguá , Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by J.L. Figueiredo, 02 January 1970 . MZUSP 13844 View Materials , 8 View Materials (50.7–60.6 mm SL), Ilha da Moela , Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by C. Jesus, 14 July 1961 . MZUSP 13847 View Materials , 30 View Materials (38–72 mm SL), Atafona , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, otter trawl, collected by Expedição do Departamento de Zoologia, 08 April 1964 . NMMB-P 21571 , 3 (47.2–62.5 mm SL), off coast of Amapá State coast, northern Brazil, 03°16’N, 50°12’W GoogleMaps , R / V Oregon II 1664 and 65, 18 m, collected by B.B. Collette, 9 May 1975. NMMB-P 31974 , 3 (57.6–62.7 mm SL), Ilha das Cabras , Guarujá, São Paulo, Brazil, 24°00’47”S, 46°12’45”W, 15.5 m, bottom trawl, collected by Matheus Rotundo, 23 February 2019 GoogleMaps . NMMB-P 319775 , 2 (49.2– 56.8 mm SL), same data as NMMB-P 31974 GoogleMaps . USNM 218212 About USNM , 81.0 mm SL, off coast of French Guiana collected with holotype GoogleMaps . USNM 325186 About USNM , 98.8 mm SL, off coast of French Guiana collected with holotype GoogleMaps . USNM 325187 About USNM , 3 About USNM (45.3–52.7 mm SL), off coast of northern Brazil, 03°33’N, 50°17’W GoogleMaps , R / V Oregon II Station 17660 and 17661, 20 m, collected by B.B. Collette, 9 May 1975 . USNM 218211 About USNM , 11 About USNM (48–65 mm SL), off coast of northern Brazil, 03°16’N, 50°12’W GoogleMaps , R / V Oregon II Station 1664 and 65, 18 m, collected by B.B. Collette, 9 May 1975 .

Additional, non type specimens: Brazil: Paraíba State : UFPB 5640 View Materials , 66.78 mm SL, Praia de Pitimbu . UFPB 3081 View Materials , 62.7 mm SL, Lucena . MZFS 5648 , 63.87 mm SL, Praia de Manaíra. Bahia State : MNRJ 549517 View Materials , 6 View Materials (50.1–53.4 mm SL), Rio das Contas estuary, Itacaré, collected by P.S. Young & M.C. Brito, 11 February 1993 . MZFS 12275 , 3 (62.2–65.9 mm SL), Praia do Malhado , Ilhéus . MZFS 16942 , 7 (51.1–67.8 mm SL), Praia do Malhado , Ilhéus . MZFS 18089 , 10 (57.9–69.7 mm SL) . MZFS 18088 , 9 (52.7–75.7 mm SL) . MZFS 18086 , 9 (59.9–71.0 mm SL), Praia do Malhado , Ilhéus. Rio de Janeiro State : MZUSP 13835 View Materials , 39 View Materials (35.5–83.8 mm SL) and MZUSP 13839 View Materials , 8 View Materials (42–60.1 mm SL), both from Atafona, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, collected by Expedição do Departamento de Zoologia. MZFS 12275 , 55.0 mm SL, Atafona, Rio de Janeiro, no date. São Paulo State : MZUSP 13840 View Materials , 2 View Materials (64.8–65.3 mm SL), Enseada de Ubatuba , Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by J. de Abreu, 01 January 1975 . MZUSP 13843 View Materials , 2 View Materials (53.7–66.5 mm SL), Enseada de Ubatuba , Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by J. de Abreu, 18 December 1973 . MZUSP 13841 View Materials , 5 View Materials (56–74 mm SL), Ponta Grossa, Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by J. de Abreu, 01 January 1975 . MZUSP 13846 View Materials , 33 View Materials mm SL, Boqueirão, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, collected by Seção Biologia da Pesca IO, 12 March 1960 . Guyana: MCZ 157277 About MCZ , 20 About MCZ (33.0–72.0 mm SL), off coast of Guyana, 07 o 11’48”N, 57 o 59’36”W GoogleMaps , RV Eastward St. 23712, 25 February 1974 .

Diagnosis. Stellifer collettei can be distinguished from all other Atlantic species of the genus by the combination of a strong oblique mouth, six to nine short spines on the preopercular margin, and four pores on the underside of the lower jaw, except the Venezuelan S. chaoi , which is similar in external appearance, but has 42–48 total gill rakers on the first arch (vs. 28–37 in S. collettei ).

Description. Dorsal-fin rays X–XII+I–III, 19–23; anal-fin rays II, 8 (rarely 7 or 9); pectoral-fin rays 18–20; gill rakers 10–12 + 18–25 = 29–36; preopercular spines 6–9; lateral-line pored scales 45–50; 4–5 transverse scale rows from lateral line to dorsal fin origin and 7–8 rows to anal fin origin. Anterior chamber of gas bladder with short knob-like, pear-shaped posterior diverticula pair ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ). Posterior tip of posterior chamber reaching to base of first anal spine. Drumming muscles in males only ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 , hatched area). Sagitta ( Fig. 13A View FIGURE 13 ) thick and broad, deep notched anterodorsally; sulcus with narrow ostium, deeply grooved L-shaped cauda, and marginal groove along dorsal margin; outer surface rough, with crest-like projections. Lapillus ( Fig. 13B View FIGURE 13 ) ovoid, with thin anteroventral flange; inner surface smooth, outer surface with irregular grooves. Asteriscus ( Fig. 13C View FIGURE 13 ) triangular, with lanceolate groove near ventral margin of inner surface ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ). Preopercular spines strong, sharp, lower three longest and strongest; direction of lowermost spine varying from straight and angled down and back at about 45 o to curved, the tip pointing vertically down; upper spines often reduced to thin, flat, flexible points. Head low, dorsal profile rather straight, interorbital region nearly flat; rather cavernous but not spongy with moderately strong frontal bone ridges. Snout 3.9–4.6 in HL, not projecting beyond upper lip, its tip with three upper and five marginal pores; rostral fold slightly indented below marginal pores. Eye moderate to small 4.7–6.2 in HL ( Table 1), orbit usually rounded, sometimes oval with oblique axis in small specimens. Mouth large, terminal, upper jaw 2.0– 2.3 in HL; jaws subequal, gape forming angle of about 30 o. Anterior tip of upper lip, horizontally, passing through or above ventral margin of orbit. Posterior end of maxilla reaching to vertical between posterior borders of pupil and orbit. Underside of lower jaw with four pores, medial pair minute and separated by symphyseal ridge ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Teeth in upper jaw subequal, in narrow villiform band, outer row slightly enlarged, the longest not exceeding one quarter of pupil diameter. Teeth in lower jaw in narrow villiform band, inner row of closely set, slightly enlarged teeth. Gill rakers long and slender, longest 1.5 to 2.1 times that of gill filament at angle, greater than eye diameter. Anal fin truncate, second spine long, strong, about equal length of first soft ray, 1.6–1.9 in HL. Caudal fin rhomboidal to pointed in juveniles, about equal to head length. Pectoral fin long, its tip passing beyond vent. Tip of pelvic fin, exclusive of filamentous prolongation, reaching to within one eye diameter of vent. Scales large, thin and strongly ctenoid everywhere on body, except for one or two rows of cycloid scales beneath opercular flap. Head squamation cycloid, except for patch of ctenoid scales on opercle; scales reduced and somewhat embedded on snout. Spinous dorsal with three or four rows of reduced cycloid scales at base. Interspinous membrane naked except for row of minute, elongated scales along posterior border of each spine. Soft dorsal and anal fins uniformly covered by small cycloid scales. Caudal, pectoral, and pelvic fins finely scaled. Lateral line pored scales ctenoid, indented in middle of posterior margin, much smaller than scales of adjacent rows. Lateral-line scales marked with arborescent sensory canals.

Coloration. Preserved specimens with body brownish becoming darker dorsally through dense stippling of tiny chromatophores. Opercle above level of angle sprinkled with large chromatophores. Some chromatophores concentration on snout and around orbit. Dorsal margin of anterior half of upper lip with conspicuous dark band, few chromatophores scattered posteriorly. Anterior part of lower lip sprinkled with chromatophores. Tongue and inside of mouth pale, except for dark band medial to teeth rows in anterior half of jaws. Inside opercle, posterior portion of mouth and cleithrum variably dusky or punctuate elsewhere. First gill arch densely punctuated, chromatophores forming dark band along base of filaments. Exterior of cleithrum heavily dusted with large chromatophores. Spinous dorsal covered with large chromatophores, concentrated distally, apex dark; soft dorsal similarly colored but less densely dusted. Caudal fin evenly dusted with small chromatophores. Anal fin punctuated, becoming dark toward trailing edge. Upper half of pectoral fin sprinkled with chromatophores, densely pigmented patch just above fin-base. Pelvic fin generally pale at base but densely punctuate distally. Peritoneum silvery.

Distribution. Coastal waters from southeastern Venezuela to southeastern Brazil.

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Bruce B. Collette, formerly of the Systematics Laboratory, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, who collected the holotype, and is the principal mentor of N.L. Chao.

Remarks on geographic variation. S. collettei has a broad distribution from southeastern Venezuela to southeastern Brazil. Gill-raker counts on the first gill arch vary from 28 to 37 ( Table 1). Also, there are some small variations in head length, pectoral-fin length and eye diameter along the distribution.Additional genetic information may reveal geographic forms or cryptic species along the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museum of Comparative Zoology


Collection of Leptospira Strains


Instituto de Oceanografia da Universidade de Lisboa














Stellifer collettei

Chao, Ning Labbish, Carvalho-Filho, Alfredo & Santos, Jonas De Andrade 2021

Stellifer sp.

Casatti, L. & Menezes, N. A. 2003: 89
Menezes, N. A. & Figueiredo, J. 1980: 58

Stellifer sp. B

Chao, N. L. 2002: 1598
Chao, L. N. 1981: 1598
Chao, L. N. 1978: 55
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