Spiriverpa albiceps (Loew)

Webb, Donald W., 2005, A revision of the Holarctic genus Spiriverpa Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae), Zootaxa 816, pp. 1-56 : 11-14

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scientific name

Spiriverpa albiceps (Loew)


Spiriverpa albiceps (Loew) View in CoL

albiceps Loew View in CoL (1869:166 orig. desc.) ( Thereva View in CoL ); Irwin and Lyneborg (1981a:216 listing, comb. change) ( Spiriverpa View in CoL ). Type locality Red River, Manitoba, Canada. Lectotype male in MCZ. cockerelli Cole View in CoL (1923:99 orig. desc.; 1965:353 cat.) ( Thereva View in CoL ); Irwin and Lyneborg (1981a:216 listing, comb. change) ( Spiriverpa View in CoL ). Type locality Peaceful Valley, Colorado, USA. Holotype male in USNM. New Synonymy.

The lectotype male of Thereva albiceps View in CoL was compared with the holotype male of Thereva cockerelli Cole View in CoL and was determined to be conspecific based on the shared characters of the epandrium being distinctively curved ventrally ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) and the halteres and femora being dark reddish brown.

Diagnosis. Like Spiriverpa argentata and S. lunulata in having the male ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally; halter knob dark reddish brown; inner gonocoxal setae dark reddish brown; ventral apodeme extending to anterior margin of dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ); female common duct subequal or shorter than furca ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ); spermathecal ducts originating from common duct ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ). It differs from S. argentata and S. lunulata in having the male epandrium dorsal view ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) constricted posteriorly, lateral view ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) curved ventrally; the male tergite 8 lacking setae across posterior margin ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ); and the inner gonocoxal process ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) ending at posterior margin of gonocoxite. Females differ from S. argentata in having the abdomen dark reddish brown, glossy with gray pruinescence over tergites 1 and 5–7, across posterior of tergites 2–4, with tergite 8 glossy. This female abdominal pattern is also found in S. lunulata . No definitive characters were found to separate the females of these two species, although wing cell m3 is generally closed and petiolate in the females of S. albiceps and generally open widely in S. lunulata .

Redescription of male.

Morphometric variation (n=10).

Body Length 7.7–9.8, 9.0 mm

Head. Length 1.00–1.26, 1.15 mm. Ommatidia becoming smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons pruinescence silver, dense; setae white. Antenna dark brown, scape and pedicel pruinescence gray, dense; antenna/head length 0.72–0.83, 0.78; scape length 0.32–0.37, 0.34 mm, length/width 1.8–2.3, 2.1, scape/pedicel length 2.8–4.0, 3.4, scape/flagellum width 0.6–0.9, 0.7, setae white on scape, elongate; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.09 mm, length/width 0.6–0.8, 0.7; flagellum length 0.39–0.51, 0.46 mm, length/width 2.3–2.9, 2.7, flagellum/scape length 1.2–1.4, 1.3. Parafacial setae white. Maxillary palpus pale brown, pruinescence gray; length 0.42–0.64, 0.57 mm, length/width 4.2–10.0, 6.1; setae white.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3–4 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 1–2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum with dorsocentral vitta black, pruinescence gray with faint brown median stripe; dorsolateral vitta dull black, pruinescence gray; setae black intermixed with white setae along lateral and anterior margins. Setae on postpronotal lobe, pleuron and scutellum white. Wing. Length 6.3–8.0, 7.2 mm, length/width 2.7–3.5, 3.1; membrane opaque, pale smoky brown; pterostigma brown extending posteriorly into cell r1; cell m3 closed, petiolate. Halter dark reddish brown. Legs. Coxal setae white. Femora dark reddish brown. Tibiae dark yellow, reddish brown apically. Tarsi dark reddish brown.

Abdomen. Pruinescence gray, dense; dorsal and lateral setae white to pale brownish white. Terminalia . Dark reddish brown, pruinescence gray. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ), setae white, absent medially on posterior margin. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ), anterior margin expanded laterally; sides tapered posteriorly; setae pale yellow. Epandrium dorsal view ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) vaseshaped, posterior third constricted, posterior margin lacking yellow glabrous margin, posterolateral margin diverging laterally; lateral view ( Fig. 3 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) hemispherical, curved ventrally, tapered posteriorly to ventral point. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) tapering posteriorly to thick point, setae pale yellow with thick black setae along medial margin; lateral view ( Fig. 5 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) rectangular, tapering posteriorly to blunt medial point, inner gonocoxal process reddish brown, narrow, apex clavate, ending at posterior margin of gonocoxite, apical setae dark brown; ventral lobe ( Fig. 4 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) with fine setae. Gonostylus lacking basodorsal spines. Aedeagus with ventral apodeme ( Fig. 7 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) parallel sided, anterior margin truncate, not extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme; distiphallus lateral view ( Fig. 8 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) directed posteriorly at 45° angle; ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 6 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) in cross­section flattened dorsoventrally with short ventral carina.

Redescription of female.

Similar to male except as follows. Morphometric variation (n=10).

Body length 7.3–11.5, 9.6 mm

Head. Length 1.00–1.30, 1.15 mm. Frons pruinescence gray brown, ventral third silver gray, dorsal two­thirds with small dark brown area along margin of eyes; setae dark brown intermixed with white setae on area of silver pruinescence extending lateral to antennal socket. Antenna/head length 0.71–0.92, 0.82; scape length 0.32–0.38, 0.35 mm, length/width 1.9–2.6, 2.1, scape/pedicel length 2.8–4.3, 3.4, scape/flagellum width 0.8– 1.1, 0.9; pedicel length 0.08–0.12, 0.10 mm, length/width 0.5–0.8, 0.7; flagellum length 0.44–0.56, 0.49 mm, length/width 2.3–3.2, 2.8, flagellum/scape length 1.3–1.6, 1.4. Parafacial setae pale yellow. Maxillary palpus length 0.54–0.70, 0.60 mm, length/width 3.4–7.0, 5.5.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3–4 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2–3 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum dull black; vittae indistinct. Postpronotal lobe and scutellum with white and black setae. Legs. A specimen from western Nebraska (MEI 076635) possesses pale yellow legs but lacks the gold setae on the body possessed by females of Spiriverpa bella . Wing. Length 6.1–8.6, 7.6 mm, length/width 2.7–3.4, 3.1.

Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, glossy with gray pruinescence over tergites 1 and 5– 7, across posterior of tergites 2–4, with tergite 8 glossy. Terminalia . Median lobe of tergite 9 dark brown, setae black. Furca ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 2 – 16. 2 – 9 ) ovate, length 0.52 mm, width 0.30 mm; common spermathecal duct subequal to length of furca; spermathecal ducts originate from common duct; spermatheca oval.

Biology. Spiriverpa albiceps has been handnetted on beaches, dunes, in sandy conifer forest, and along a gravel road and in yellow pan traps set in dunes amongst Equisetum sp. Adults were collected between 13 June and 31 August.

Distribution. Spiriverpa albiceps ranges from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland west to Colorado, British Columbia, and Alaska ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 ).

Specimens Examined. Type specimens. Two male specimens were examined from the MCZ; one labeled " Type 10676" on a red and white label (" Type " printed in italics on white portion of label, "10676" handwritten in ink on red portion of label), "Red R., Kennic." handwritten on a green label, "Loew" typewritten on white label, " albiceps Lw. " handwritten in ink on white label. The second male was labeled " Type 10676" on a red and white label (" Type " printed in italics on white portion of label, "10676" handwritten in ink on red portion of label), "Kitachinaski Winipeg Sddr." handwritten in ink on white label, "Loew" printed on white label. Loew's original description (1869:166) listed the type localities as British America, Scudder; Red River, Kennicott. The male from Red R., Kennic., MCZ Type No. 10676 is designated as the Lectotype. This lectotype is designated in order to fix the concept of Thereva albiceps and to ensure universal and consistent interpretation of the same. The holotype male of Thereva cockerelli Cole (USNM Type Number 25937) was collected at Peaceful Valley, Cdo, August, 1919, (Cockerell). Other Specimens. CANADA. ALBERTA. Fort McMurray [56.732, ­111.431], 14.VII.1957, Ball, G. F., 1 male MEI 125713 (CNC); Gull Lake [52.533, ­114.007], 28.VI.1929, Strickland, E. H., 1 female MEI 0 12943 (MEI); Waterton Lakes National Park [49.05, ­113.917], 14– 20.VII.1980, Teskey, H. J., 1 male MEI 125766 (CNC). BRITISH COLUMBIA. Queen Charlotte [53.252, ­132.087], 14.VIII.1959, MacDowgell, E., 1 male MEI 125707 (CNC); Charlotte Islands, Moresby Island [52.273, ­130.741], 24.VII.1982, Clarke, J. F. G., Clarke, T. M., 1 male MEI 0 10914 (USNM); Salmon Arm [50.7, ­119.283], 7.VII.1942, Buckell, E. R., 1 male MEI 125775 (CNC); Summit Lake, Mile 392 Alaska Highway [58.65, ­124.667], 1280 m, 19–21.VII.1959, Leech, R. E., 1 male MEI 125772 (CNC); Tunjony Lake [58.433, ­132.75], 975 m, 22.VII.1960, Pilfrey, R., 1 male MEI 125773 (CNC). MANITOBA. Aweme [49.717, ­99.6], 13.VI.1911, Criddle, E., 1 male MEI 146396, 1 female 146393 (ZMUC); Fort Churchill [58.755, ­94.079], 5.VII.1954, Graham, H. M., 1 male MEI 0 12949 (MEI); 18.VII.1954, 1 male MEI 146398, 1 female 0 12947 (ZMUC); Gillam [56.328, ­94.669], 25.VII.1950, McAlpine, J. F., 4 males MEI 125700, 125779, 125805 (CNC), 146395 (ZMUC); 29.VII.1950, 1 male MEI 146400, 1 female MEI 146399 (ZMUC); Victoria Beach [50.702, ­96.563], 13.VIII.1966, Brooks, G. S., 1 male MEI 125699 (CNC). NEW BRUNSWICK. Fundy National Park [45.613, ­65.04], 31.VII.1954, Dietrich, A., Dietrich, H., 1 female MEI 0 12857 (CUIC). NEWFOUNDLAND. Cape Ray [47.633, ­59.283], 17.VIII. –, 1 female MEI 112702 (USNM); Little River, 16.VII.1901, 1 female MEI 0 80853 (MCZ); St. George's Bay, Stephenville [48.553, ­ 58.588], –.VII.–, 1 male MEI 0 90354 (USNM); St. George's Bay, Stephenville [48.553, ­ 58.588], –.VII.–, 1 male MEI 0 90391, 4 females 112690, 112692, 112694, 112698 (USNM); Stevenville Crossing [Stephenville Crossing], Hwy 461 [48.51, ­58.447], 21.VI.1979, Peterson, B. V., 5 males MEI 125708­12 (CNC). NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. Fort Smith [60, ­111.883], 3.VIII.1950, Wallis, J. B., 1 male MEI 125703 (CNC). NOVA SCOTIA. Ingonish [46.7, ­60.377], 12.VII.1971, Peterson, B. V., 1 male MEI 125739, 1 female 125738 (CNC); West end Sable Island [43.95, ­59.917], 1.VII.1967, Wood, D. M., 4 males MEI 125724, 125776­8 (CNC); 2.VII.1967, 2 males MEI 125723, 125768 (CNC); 3.VII.1967, 2 males MEI 125722, 125734 (CNC); 5.VII.1967, 14 males MEI 125717­21, 125726­7, 125729, 125731­3, 125735, 125769­70, 1 female 125736 (CNC); 8.VII.1967, 2 males MEI 125725, 125728 (CNC); 10.VII.1967, 2 males MEI 125731, 125771 (CNC); 13.VII.1967, 1 male MEI 125730 (CNC); 16.VII.1967, 2 males MEI 125715, 125767, 1 female 125716 (CNC); Colchester Truro [45.367, ­63.267], 4.VII.1913, Matheson, R., 1 male MEI 146397 (ZMUC). NUNAVUT TERRITORY. James Bay, Governor Island [53.833, ­79.083], 13.VII.2001, Buck, M., 2 males MEI 159695­6, 4 females 159671­3, 159679 (DEBU). ONTARIO. Sleeping Giant Prov. Pk., Tee Harbour [48.326, ­88.88], 12.VII.2002, Buck, M., 1 male MEI 159680 (DEBU), beach. Algoma District: Michipicoten River [47.958, ­84.85], 19.VII.2002, Buck, M., 1 female MEI 159669 (DEBU), dunes public beach; Lake Superior Provincial Park, Old Woman Bay [47.792, ­84.898], 22.VII.2001, Buck, M., 4 males MEI 159688­91 (DEBU), beach. Bruce County: Inverhuron Prov. Pk. [44.3, ­81.592], 4.VIII.2000, Marshall, S. A., 1 female MEI 159677 (DEBU). Thunder Bay District: Neys Provincial Park, Lookout Trail area [48.783, ­86.617], 16.VII.2002, Buck, M., 3 females MEI 159670, 159674­5 (DEBU); Neys Prov. Pk., near Little Pic River, Prisoner's Cove [48.791, ­86.63], 18.VII.2002, Buck, M., 1 male MEI 159681 (DEBU), beach; Neys Provincial Park, Dune Trail [48.781, ­86.615], 7–19.VII.2002, Buck, M., 1 female MEI 159667 (DEBU), yellow pan; North side mouth of Pic River [48.6, ­86.3], 19–22.VII.2001, Buck, M., Buck, B., 1 female MEI 159668 (DEBU), yellow pan, dunes/ Equisetum sp.; 20.VII.2001, Buck, M., 2 males MEI 159686­7 (DEBU); 1 male MEI 159697, 1 female 159678 (MEI), in copula; Pukaskwa National Park, Beach Trail [48.25, ­85.917], 29.VII.2003, Paiero, S. M., 1 male MEI 159682, 1 female 159676 (INHS), dunes. QUEBEC. Godbout [49.318, ­67.597], 26.VII.1918, Walker, E. M., 1 male MEI 0 79115 (USNM); Great Whale River [Whapmagoostui] [55.283, ­77.75], 27.VII.1949, Vockeroth, J. R., 1 male MEI 125705 (CNC); 5.VIII.1949, Vockeroth, J. R., 5 males MEI 125781, 125783, 125785, 125787, 125791, 4 females 125782, 125784, 125786, 125788 (CNC); 13.VIII.1949, Vockeroth, J. R., 1 female MEI 146394 (ZMUC); 31.VIII.1949, 1 male MEI 125789, 1 female 125790 (CNC); Indian House Lake, 4.VIII.1954, Ricards, W. R., 1 male MEI 125714 (DEBU); James Bay, Fort George Island [53.817, ­78.967], 12.VII.2001, Buck, M., Buck, B., 2 males MEI 159684­5 (DEBU), sandy conifer forest; James Bay, W Chisasibi [53.787, ­79.079], 13.VII.2001, Buck, M., 2 males MEI 159698­9 (INHS), sand beach; km 395 James Bay Rte., Eastmain River lookout [52.32, ­77.105], 8.VII.2001, Buck, M., 4 males MEI 159683, 159692­4 (DEBU), along gravel road; Natashquan [50.183, ­61.817], 9.VIII.1929, Brown, W. J., 2 males MEI 125701­2 (CNC); Rupert House [Fort Rupert] [Waskaganish] [51.481, ­78.754], 22.VII.1949, Gray, D. F., 1 male MEI 125704 (CNC). YUKON TERRITORY. Carcross [60.183, ­134.717], 8.VII.1983, Scudder, G. G. E., 1 female MEI 0 12775 (SMDV); Kluane Lake [61.25, ­138.717], 22.VII.1985, Marshall, S. A., 2 males MEI 0 13477, 0 13481, 1 female 0 13493 (DEBU), shoreline; km. 140.1 [mile 87] Dempster Hwy. [Yukon Hwy 5] [65.091, ­138.29], 18–28.VII.1973, Wood, G., Wood, D. M., 2 males MEI 125744, 125760 (CNC); Otter Lake [62.5, ­130.417], 1219 m, 16.VII.1960, Martin, J. E. H., 8 males MEI 125737, 125746­8, 125756­7, 125759, 125765 (CNC); 17.VII.1960, 6 males MEI 125749, 125751­5 (CNC); 19.VII.1960, 6 males MEI 125750, 125758, 125761­4 (CNC); S. Canol Road [Yukon Hwy 6], Rose Lake [61.603, ­133.078], 24.VII.1973, Wood, G., Wood, D. M., 2 males MEI 125740, 125742, 2 females 125741, 125743 (CNC); Watson Lake [60.072, ­128.706], 24.VI.1948, Mason, W. R., 1 male MEI 125706 (CNC). UNITED STATES. ALASKA. Anchorage, 23.VI.1957, Bryant, W., 1 male MEI 134965, 1 female 134986 (MSUC); 4.VII.1971, Lucas, J. A. W., 1 female MEI 136177 (ZMAN); Fairbanks North Star Borough College [64.865, ­147.751], 13.VI.1954, Hagendorn, N., 1 female MEI 123171 (OSU); Kenai Peninsula Borough Seward [60.124, ­149.449], 10.VIII.1951, Brown, W. J., 1 male MEI 125780 (CNC); Kodiak Island Borough, Kukak Bay [58.307, ­ 154.249], 4.VII.1899, Kincaid, T., 1 male MEI 133522 (OSU); Nome, Unalakleet [63.884, ­160.793], 24.VI.1961, Heming, B. S., 1 male MEI 125745 (CNC). COLORADO. Alamosa County: Great Sand Dunes [37.751, ­105.504], 2469 m, 20.VI.1996, Irwin, M. E., Webb, D. W., Gaimari, S. D., Metz, M. A., Holston, K. C., 2 males MEI 084055­6, 1 female 0 84057 (INHS). Costilla County: Fort Garland, Sangre de Cristo Creek [37.483, ­ 105.34], 2438 m, 22.VI.1996, Irwin, M. E., Webb, D. W., Gaimari, S. D., Holston, K. C., 2 males MEI 084066­7 (INHS). Jefferson County: Platte Canyon [39.485, ­105.105], –.VII., 1 male MEI 0 80837 (MCZ). Larimer County: Estes Park [40.394, ­105.494], 2286 m, 2.VII.1961, Poole, B. H., 1 male MEI 125774 (CNC). ILLINOIS. McHenry County: McHenry [42.346, ­88.28], 25.VI.1898, 1 male MEI 112551 (USNM); 29.VI.1898, 1 male MEI 112554 (USNM). MICHIGAN. Alger County: Grand Marais, Woodland Campground [46.661, ­85.966], 24.VII.1987, Roberts, R. H., 1 male MEI 128424 (UCFC). NEBRASKA. Sioux County: Glen [42.608, ­103.583], 1219 m, 14.VIII.1906, Jones, P. R., 1 female MEI 0 76635 (UNSM).















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