Spinopalmoxylon teutonicum (R.Ludw.) Winterscheid, 2018

Winterscheid, Heinrich, 2018, Nomenclatural novelties and typifications in Spinopalmoxylon, Sapindoidea and Carpolithes (fossil Magnoliidae) from central European Paleogene and Neogene, Phytotaxa 347 (3), pp. 224-234 : 226-228

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.347.3.3

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scientific name

Spinopalmoxylon teutonicum (R.Ludw.) Winterscheid

comb. nov.

Spinopalmoxylon teutonicum (R.Ludw.) Winterscheid , comb. nov. ( Fig. 2A–D View FIGURE 2 )

Basionym:— Chamaerops teutonica Ludwig (1860: 86–87; pl. 20, figs 2–3)

Spinophyllum teutonicum (R.Ludw.) Huard (1967: 332)

Type (lectotype, designated here):— GERMANY. Hesse: Hessenbrücken at Laubach near Giessen in Wetterau: MfN, coll Ludwig [ MB. Pb.2005/0214.1 (old no. 138)!], illustrated in: Ludwig (1860: pl. 20, fig. 3a). Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 .

Emended diagnosis:— S. teutonicum with broader shoots, spathaceous bracts and leaf sheaths, and a higher number of spines per row than in S. rhenanus .

Description:—Shoots, spathaceous bracts and leaf sheaths measurable up to 10 cm wide and covered with 0.3– 4.0 cm long spines. Spines black or brown with smooth shiny surface, solitary isolated or arranged as groups in rows covering the surface of the shoots, spathaceous bracts and leaf sheaths. The spines are thin and awl-shaped, apically tapered, occasionally compressed. Spines adaxial with central longitudinal furrow, basal adaxial concave, apicad erected and oriented ± parallel to the plant-axis, spines are adaxial carinate. On spathaceous bracts and leaf sheaths the spines are arranged in groups with a maximum number of spines of eight, and up to 1 cm broad at the basis of the groups of spines. Small compressed spines in a dried-out condition, oriented in all directions. Non-compressed spines and spines arranged in groups are largely preserved in their form.

Stratigraphy:—Middle Miocene (Langhian), brown coal of intravolcanic sediment deposits.

Occurrence and habitat:—Fossil vegetative organ remains (prickled shoots and leaf sheaths) of this fossil rattan-like palm occur from the lower Eocene ( Chandler 1962) to the middle Miocene ( Mai & Walther 1978) of central Europe, and they are mostly attributed to “ Calamus daemonorops ”: proofs are from the lower Eocene Bagshot Beds of Hampshire Basin/ England ( Chandler 1962), the late Eocene of Weisselster Basin/ Germany ( Mai & Walther 1985), and the early Oligocene of Heathfield and Bovey Tracey of Bovey Tracey Lake Basin/ England ( Reid & Reid 1910, Chandler 1957). Miocene vegetative remains are known from the early Miocene of Korneuburg Basin/ Austria ( Meller 1998), the middle Miocene of Germany (Mai 1964, Mai & Walther 1978, Gregor 1982), the Miocene deposits of Turów Basin/ Poland ( Czeczott & Juchniewicz 1980), Arjuzanx, Landes/SW France as Spinophyllum daemonorops and S. lepidocaryoides ( Huard 1967) , and the Zittau Basin/ Czech Republic ( Teodoridis 2003). The habitat is reconstructed from the brown coal and coaly clay layers, which originated in swampy fluviatile floodplain and back swamp environments.

Additional specimens examined (syntypes):— GERMANY. Hesse: Hessenbrücken at Laubach near Giessen in Wetterau ; middle Miocene (Langhian) brown coal of intravolcanic sediment deposits: MfN, coll. Ludwig [ MB. Pb.2005/0214.2 (old no. 138)!] and [ MB.Pb.2005/0213 (old no. 139)!] .

= Palaeospathe daemonorops Unger (1860: 9–10 View in CoL ; pl. 2, figs 9–12), syn. nov.

Palmacites daemonorops (Unger) Heer (1862: 1056–1058 View in CoL ; pl. 55, figs 7–15; pl. 60, figs 50–53; pl. 62); Reid & Reid (1910: 172; pl. 16, figs 44–49); Kräusel & Weyland (1954: 115–117; pl. 20, figs 5–6) ≡ Palmoxylon daemonorops (Unger) Kirchheimer (1937: 916 ; 1938: 357–358) ≡ Calamus daemonorops (Unger) M. Chandler (1957: 88–89 View in CoL ; 1962: 55–56); Mai (1998: 62); Teodoridis (2003: 26; pl. 7, figs 17–18) ≡ Spinophyllum daemonorops (Unger) Huard (1967: 332) View in CoL ; Kvaček & Wilde (2006: 146); Holý et al. (2012: 65; pl. 5, fig. 13).

Diagnosis in protologue:—“ P. Daemonorops , spatha? plures pollices longa lataque cornacea, longitudinaliter striata, aculeata, aculeis crebris seriatim in lineis oblique transversis conjunctis, compressis subulatis rectis semipollicem longis brevioribusque, simplicibus geminisque vel utplurumque trigeminis subconiventibus sursum adpressis, e cellulis pachytichis exterioribus angustioribus interioribus latioribus conflatis saepius substantia rubra impletis.” ( Unger 1860: 9).

Type:— GERMANY. Hesse: Hessenbrücken at Laubach near Giessen in Wetterau [ind. loc.: “In geanthrace ad Laubach Wetteraviae” ( Unger 1860: 9)] ; neotype, designated here: MfN. coll. Al. Braun [ MB. Pb. 1980/0296]!, nota in coll.: [“ Laubach 1851 / Al. Braun ”]. Fig. 2A View FIGURE 2 .

Stratigraphy:—Middle Miocene (Langhian) brown coal of intravolcanic sediment-deposits.

Additional specimens examined (syntypes):— GERMANY. Hesse: Hessenbrücken at Laubach near Giessen in Wetterau ; middle Miocene (Langhian) brown coal of intravolcanic sediment deposits: MfN, coll. Al. Braun [ MB. Pb.2016/1652]!, [ MB.Pb.2016/1653]!, [ MB.Pb.2016/1654]!, [ MB.Pb.2016/1655]!, [ MB.Pb.2016/1657] !.

Additional specimens examined:— GERMANY. Hesse: Bad Salzhausen in Wetterau; middle Miocene (Langhian) brown coal of intravolcanic sediment deposits (“Carpolithen-Kohle”): MfN [ MB.Pb.2016/1656]! and [ MB.Pb.2016/1658]!.

Family Sapindaceae Jussieu (1789: 246) View in CoL , nom. cons.

Fossil-genus Sapindoidea Kirchheimer (1936: 89)

Type:— Sapindoidea margaritifera (Ludwig 1860) Kirchh. 1936 .

Stratigraphic range:—Late Oligocene (Chattian) to Pliocene (Piacenzian).


Museum für Naturkunde


Universidade de Lisboa, Museu Bocage














Spinopalmoxylon teutonicum (R.Ludw.) Winterscheid

Winterscheid, Heinrich 2018

Spinophyllum teutonicum (R.Ludw.)

Huard, J. 1967: )


Kirchheimer, F. 1936: )

Palmacites daemonorops (Unger)

Holy, F. & Kvacek, Z. & Teodoridis, V. 2012: 65
Kvacek, Z. & Wilde, V. 2006: 146
Teodoridis, V. 2003: 26
Mai, D. H. 1998: 62
Huard, J. 1967: )
Chandler, M. E. J. 1962: 55
Chandler, M. E. J. 1957: 89
Krausel, R. & Weyland, H. 1954: 115
Kirchheimer, F. 1938: 357
Kirchheimer, F. 1937: 916
Reid, C. & Reid, E. M. 1910: 172
Heer, O. 1862: 1058

Palaeospathe daemonorops

Unger, F. 1860: 10


Jussieu, A. L. de 1789: )
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF