Sobarocephala araujoi, Rafael & Marques & Limeira-De-Oliveira, 2023

Rafael, José A., Marques, Dayse W. A. & Limeira-De-Oliveira, F., 2023, Insect (Hexapoda) Diversity in the Oceanic Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha, Brazil: Clusiidae (Diptera), Zootaxa 5353 (4), pp. 332-350 : 337-339

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5353.4.2

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scientific name

Sobarocephala araujoi

sp. nov.

Sobarocephala araujoi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 16–29 View FIGURES 16–29 )

Diagnosis. Postpedicel with light brown infuscation at the base of the arista. Postcranium yellow with one pair of fine stripes radiating from the foramen. Notal stripe black, back of transverse suture, at least 2/3 width of scutellum. Scutellum with lateral sides light brown, yellow medially. Mediotergite white to light yellow. Mesopleuron white, except anepisternum light yellow. Wing light brown. M 1+2 ratio 3.6. The abdomen is mainly black, with the base, apex, and terminalia yellow.

Description. Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Body length 3.3 mm; wing length 2.8 mm. Setae brown. Head. Ocellar tubercle black ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Parafacial gena and postgena silvery tomentose ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Postcranium with one pair of fine stripes radiating from foramen ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Postpedicel with light brown infuscation at base of arista; arista sparsely plumose ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Thorax. Scutum mainly yellow with wide black postsutural dorsocentral strips that broadly connect laterally with a lateral black stripe that reaches the base of the yellow postpronotum ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Prescutellar acrostichals slightly stouter than surrounding setulae. Scutellum light yellow with sides light brown. Mediotergite white to light yellow ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Laterotergite light brown. Mesopleuron white with anepisternum light yellow ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Legs yellow with all coxae, trochanters, and base of femora white; fore tarsi light brown. Wing light brown ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 16–29 ), M 1+2 ratio 3.6. Abdomen mainly black dorsally with tergite 1, basal half of tergite 2, lateral margins of tergites 3–5, annulus and terminalia yellow ( Figs 20, 22 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Terminalia yellow. Epandrium C-shaped in dorsal view ( Fig. 23 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Surstylus hemispherical, half-length of epandrium in lateral view ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 16–29 ) with small spiniform setae along the dorsal margin and slender and longer on inner face distally ( Figs 23–24 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Cercus is small with short setae, the same level with the distal margin of the epandrium. Subepandrial sclerite with short, somewhat widened bacilliform sclerite ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Hypandrial arm short. Hypandrium with a pair of slender ventral setae ( Figs 26–27 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Pregonite is small, somewhat rounded, with minute setae visible only in high magnification ( Figs 26–27 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Postgonite is smaller than pregonite, with minute setae visible only in high magnification. Phallapodeme well developed, somewhat oval when seen dorsally, rounded basally and not extending beyond the base of the hypandrial plate, concave apically ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 16–29 ). Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 16–29 , outlined) small, translucent. Basiphallus without distinct epiphallus ( Figs 26–27 View FIGURES 16–29 ). The basal shield of the distiphallus is weakly sclerotized with a small paraphallus (lateral lobe of basal shield) ( Fig. 25 View FIGURES 16–29 ); the distiphallus expanded, mainly membranous, ending in a small beak-shaped projection dorsally ( Figs 25–27 View FIGURES 16–29 ).

Female ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 16–29 ). As described for male except as follows: Body length 3.1 mm; postpronotal lobe light brown; fore tibia and fore tarsi dark brown; tergite 6 brown dorsally, posterior segments yellow. Terminalia not dissected.

Distribution. Brazil, Pernambuco, Fernando de Noronha.

Material examined. Brasil, PE[= Pernambuco], Fernando de Noronha, Tr.[=trail] Golfinhos, 3°51’17”S – 32°26’26”W / 22.vii–5.viii.2019, Malaise Gd [=Grande, =6 meters Malaise trap], J.A. Rafael, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira, L.C. Castro / Holotype ♂ Sobarocephala araujoi ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 16–29 ) ( INPA). Paratypes: idem (1♂, 1♀ INPA).

Holotype condition. Good, pinned, and mounted on card point. Left wing mounted in a microslide; abdomen dissected in microvial.

Etymology. The specific epithet honors Ricardo Araújo, administrative head of the Parque Nacional Marinho de Fernando de Noronha, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservaç ã o da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), for the facilities when working in the Archipelago Fernando de Noronha.

Remarks. The specimens of Sobarocephala araujoi sp. nov. run to the couplet 66 of the key provided in Lonsdale & Marshall (2012), which includes S. schildimyia Lonsdale & Marshall and S. serpentina Lonsdale & Marshall. The new species is similar to S. serpentina in that the postpedicel has a light brown infuscation at the base of the arista, and the lateral margins of the scutum are black. The specimens differ from S. serpentina by having prescutellar acrostichal setae slightly more pronounced from the surrounding setae (versus absent in S. serpentina ); the hypandrium has a pair of slender distinct ventral setae around distal third of its length (versus one minute and two short setae distally); the phallapodeme does not extend beyond the base of the hypandrial plate (versus phallapodeme extending beyond the base of hypandrial plate); the basal shield and paraphallus are present (versus absent). It differs from S. schildimyia by having a notum that is brown laterally just behind the transverse suture (versus brown in all its lateral extension in S. shildimyia ), and the pregonite is present (versus absent).


Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia













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