Sikkimia tsoui, Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdek, Jan, 2016

Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdek, Jan, 2016, Revision of the wingless Sikkimia Duvivier (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae) from Taiwan, including a new generic synonymy and four new species descriptions, ZooKeys 553, pp. 79-106 : 93-95

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scientific name

Sikkimia tsoui

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Chrysomelidae

Sikkimia tsoui sp. n. Figs 10, 11, 13, 15, 49, 50, 71-76, 77-83

Type locality.

Taiwan: Taipei city, Hsiaoyuken (小油坑), 25°10'38"N, 121°32'50"E, 800 m.

Type material

(n= 229). Holotype ♂: Taipei: Hsiaoyuken (小油坑), 22.VI.2008, leg. M.-H. Tsou. Paratypes: 1♀, same as holotype; 1♂, same locality, 21.IV.2008, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 2♂♂, same locality, 24.IV.2008, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 6♀♀, same locality, 22.VI.2008, leg. S.-F. Yu; 1♂, same locality, 24.V.2008, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, 3♀♀, same locality, 5.IV.2009, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 8♂♂, 13♀♀, same locality, 8.V.2010, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 2♂♂, 8♀♀, same locality, 15.V.2011, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♀, Erhtzuping (二子坪), 25°11'01"N, 121°31'07"E, 14.VIII.2011, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 7♂♂, 4♀♀, same locality, 3.VI.2011, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 2♀♀, Lengshuiken (冷水坑), 25°10'03"N, 121°33'46"E, 07.IV.2009, leg. H. Lee; 1♂, same locality, 08.IV.2009, leg. H. Lee; 1♀, Tatunshan (大屯山), 25°11'12"N, 121°31'22"E, 22.V.2010, leg. M.-H. Tsou; Hsinchu: 1♀, Lupi (魯壁), 24°39'56"N, 121°16'47"E, 19.VII.2008, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, 2♀♀, Mamei (馬美), 24°40'13"N, 121°19'13"E, 10.VII.2010, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, Tahunshan (大混山), 24°41'20"N, 121°16'29"E, 08.IV.2009, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, same locality, 11.IV.2009, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♀, same locality, 13.IV.2009, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, Talu logging trail (大鹿林道), 24°32'06"N, 121°07'01"E, 1.VIII.2015, leg. Y.-L. Lin; Ilan: 1♀, Mingchi (明池), 24°39'01"N, 121°28'22"E, 2.VII.2008, leg. H.-J. Chen; 1♂, Taipingshan (太平山), 24°29'53"N, 121°32'06"E, 5.VIII.2015, leg. Y.-T. Chung; 16♀♀, Yuanyanghu (鴛鴦湖), 24°34'36"N, 121°24'09"E, 22.VIII.2011, leg. C.-F. Lee; 10♂♂, 5♀♀, same locality, 22.VIII.2011, leg. M.-H. Tsou (2♂♂, 2♀♀ in JBCB); 15♂♂, 5♀♀, same locality, 22.VIII.2011, leg. H. Lee; 3♂♂, Tatung (大同, = Yuanyanghu), 19.VIII.2010, leg. H.-H. Lee; Miaoli: 1♂, Luchang (鹿場), 24°32'26"N, 121°01'38"E, 1.VI.2014, leg. Y.-M. Weng; Nantou: 15♂♂, 35♀♀, Hsitou (溪頭), 23°40'20"N, 120°47'53"E, 14.VI.2011, leg. C.-F. Lee; 10♂♂, 7♀♀, same locality, 9.VIII.2011, leg. M.-H. Tsou; 1♂, Shanlinhsi (杉林溪), 23°38'22"N, 120°47'32"E, 10.IX.2009, leg. Y.-T. Wang; 2♂♂, 3♀♀, same locality, 12.VIII.2015, leg. S.-P. Wu; Taichung: 7♂♂, 7♀♀, Anmashan (鞍馬山), 24°14'41"N, 120°58'30"E, 19.X.2011, leg. C.-F. Lee; 2♂♂, Tahsuehshan (大雪山, = Anmashan), 7.VI.2010, leg. C.-F. Lee; 2♀♀, same locality, 4.VI.2012, leg. J.-C. Chen; Taoyuan: 1♂, Hsuanyuan (萱源), 24°39'11"N, 121°24'17"E, 13.V.2010, leg. S.-F. Yu; 4♀♀, same locality, 1.VI.2010, leg. W.-T. Liu; 1♂, Lalashan (拉拉山), 24°40'47"N, 121°23'02"E, 20.IV.2008, leg. C.-F. Lee.


Male. Length 6.1-6.5 mm; width 3.7-3.8 mm. Coloration brown (Figs 71-73), legs and antennae black. Antenna (Fig. 77) long, about long as body; filiform; length ratio of antennomeres II to XI about 1.0: 1.3: 1.8: 1.8: 1.7: 1.7: 1.7: 1.7: 1.7: 2.1 and length to width ratios of II to XI about 2.1: 2.6: 3.6: 3.6: 4.0: 4.0: 4.0: 4.0: 4.0: 4.9. Pronotum transverse, 1.6 × wider than long; anterior and posterior margins almost straight; lateral margin weakly rounded; disc with reduced punctures. Elytra wide, about 1.2 × longer than wide; densely and randomly punctuate, humeri reduced. Abdominal tergite I membranous with sclerotized spiracles; II-VI with medial transverse patch sclerotized as well as area surrounding spiracles; VII mostly sclerotized, with spiracle inside sclerotized area. Abdominal ventrite V (Fig. 49) trilobed, internal anterior margin extended, reaching ventrite III; median longitudinal, internal ridge extending from base to mid-length of extension. Aedeagus (Figs 79-80) wide in dorsal view, about 4.5 × longer than wide, base shallowly incised medially; greatest width in basal 1/3, becoming very slightly narrower towards the subtriangular apex; ventral surface well sclerotized, concave medially; narrow and moderately curved in lateral view; endophallic sclerite longitudinal, slender, joined from base to near apex, about 0.4 × as long as aedeagus (Fig. 79).

Female. Length 8.0-8.3 mm; width 4.9-5.7 mm. Similar to male (Figs 74-76). Antenna (Fig. 78) about long as body; filiform; length ratio of antennomeres II to XI about 1.0: 1.3: 1.8: 1.8: 1.7: 1.7: 1.7: 1.8: 1.8: 2.1 and length to width ratios of II to XI about 2.2: 3.0: 3.9: 3.8: 4.0: 4.0: 4.0: 4.2: 4.3: 6.0. Elytra as long as wide, wider than in male. Gonocoxae (Fig. 82) extremely wide, about 2.9 × longer than wide, joined from basal 1/5 to middle, with several long and many short dense setae on tubular apices; greatest width at base incised medially, narrowing slightly in basal 1/3 before widening slightly again. Abdominal tergites I and II membranous, only area surrounding of spiracles sclerotized; III with one pair of transverse sclerotized areas near middle; IV with one transverse sclerotized area at middle; V and VI with sclerotized areas larger than on IV; VII mostly sclerotized with spiracles lying inside sclerotized area. Ventrite VIII (Fig. 81) strongly sclerotized; apex transverse, apical margin weakly emarginate, with long dense setae along apical margin. Receptacle of spermatheca (Fig. 83) swollen, pump long and strongly curved, spermathecal duct long and slender.


Specimens collected from Hsiaoyuken have more robust antennae (length ratio of antennomeres II to XI about 1.0: 1.5: 2.2: 2.1: 2.2: 2.1: 2.1: 2.2: 2.3: 2.7 and length to width ratios of II to XI about 1.6: 2.4: 3.2: 3.4: 3.5: 3.3: 3.3: 3.7: 3.7: 4.3).


This species is easily distinguished from other Taiwanese species of Sikkimia using a combination of the following characters: filiform antennae in males (swollen antennomeres× and XI in other species), reduced median ridge on internal anterior margin extension of abdominal ventrite V (well developed internal median ridge in other species), and the endophallic sclerite of aedeagus that is joined from the base almost to the apex (endophallic sclerite of aedeagus bifurcate apically in other species); abdominal tergites IV-VI largely membranous in female, and gonocoxae much wider with numerous setae on their apices (other species with entirely sclerotized abdominal tergites, slender gonocoxae with few setae on their apices in other species).

Host plant.

Polygonum chinense L.; Polygonum thunbergii Sieb. & Zucc. ( Polygonaceae ); Rubus swinhoei Hance; Rubus corchorifolius L. f. ( Rosaceae ); Dumasia miaoliensis Y. C. Liu & F. Y. Lu subsp. bicolor (Hayata) Ohashi & Tateishi ( Fabaceae ).


This new species is named after Mr. Mei-Hua Tsou, who is a member of TCRT and the first to collect this new species.


North and Central Taiwan (Fig. 50). The distribution extend northwards to Yamingshan National Park (陽明山國家公園) and southwards to Hsitou (溪頭).











