Sigalopella nigrofemoralis, Irwin & Winterton, 2020

Irwin, Michael E. & Winterton, Shaun L., 2020, A new stiletto fly genus from South America (Diptera: Therevidae: Agapophytinae), Zootaxa 4751 (2), pp. 276-290 : 282-289

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4751.2.4

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scientific name

Sigalopella nigrofemoralis

sp. nov.

Sigalopella nigrofemoralis View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 6–8 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 , 14)

Type material— Holotype male, CHILE: Santiago Region: Milipilla [Melipilla], El Bollenar , 2 km N Pichi Alhue [-33.573, -71.022], 100m, 23.xi–13.xii.1998, Malaise trap nr. wash, G. Baria ( MEI121460 , MEUC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: CHILE: Santiago Region: 9 males, 12 females, same data as holotype, various dates ( MEI121461–7 , 121476–82 , CSCA; 121469–75, MEUC) GoogleMaps . Maule Region: 1 female, Curicó, Rio Teno , 1400–1600m, 24.i–26.i.1968, L.E. Peña ( MEI121484 , MEUC) ; 1 female, Curicó, Estero la Jaula , [-35.083, -70.8], i.1964, L.E. Peña, Nothofagus ( MEI121483 , CNC) .

Common name. Black-thighed sigalopella.

Diagnosis. Face with domed callus laterally; scape longer than head, barely thicker than base of flagellum; abdomen uniformly black except for pale intersegmental membranes 2–4; femora black; wing uniformly dark infuscate.

Description. Body length ca. 6.5–7.5 mm. Head: Polished black; frons smooth and slightly rounded with irregular transverse furrows (female), medially divided above antennal bases in male, sparse dark setae laterally around antennal base, extending ventrally onto parafacial; parafacial domed laterally, narrow silver pubescent stripe laterally along eye margin, extending along gena; gena with sparse black setae; occiput black, overlain with silver pubescence along postocular ridge, occipital setae black, sparse dorsolaterally; maxillary palpus black with extensive black setal pile; antennal scape longer than head, barely thicker than pedicel and flagellum, yellow at base only, extensive erect, black setae, shorter in female, much longer in male. Thorax: Scutum and scutellum glossy black with dark setal pile admixed with sparse glaucous pubescence, faint dorsocentral vittae sometimes barely evident anteriorly in female; pleuron black with silver pubescence, denser on lower half; dark setae on katatergite; chaetotaxy: notopleural: 4, supra-alar: 1, post-alar 1, dorsocentral: 1, scutellar: 1; coxae polished black with glaucous pubescence, macrosetae black, more abundant on fore coxa, especially in male; femora black; fore- and mid tibia yellow; hind tibia yellow with extensive black suffusion; tarsi black, most tarsomeres yellow basally; haltere cream-white to yellow; wing dark infuscate, paler posteriorly. Abdomen: glossy black with sparse, scattered, black setae, shorter dorsally and more elongate anteroventrally; intersegmental membranes 2–4 white, more pronounced laterally. Male and female terminalia: as per genus description.

Etymology. Derived from the Latin: niger— black, and femur— thigh, referring to the colouration of the legs. A noun in apposition.

Comments. The uniformly black femora easily differentiate this species from others in the genus. This species is found in central Chile.

Sigalopella rufifemoralis sp. n. (Figs 9–14)

Type material— Holotype male, CHILE: Valparaiso Region: Quillota Prov., Parque Nacional Campanas, Palmas de Ocoa [-32.932, -71.078], 215m, 2.i.2000, malaise trap, M.E. Irwin, E.I. Schlinger, in hillside draw ( MEI121494 , MEUC). GoogleMaps

Paratypes: CHILE: Valparaiso Region: 20 males, 7 females, [various dates], same data as holotype ( MEI121403– 9 , 121414–9 , CSCA; MEI121490–500 , 1214501–503 About CSCA , MEUC) GoogleMaps . Coquimbo Region: 2 males, El Naranjo, Tilama , [-32.083, -71.167], iii.1968, J. Molina ( MEI121504 , 121410 , MEUC) GoogleMaps ; 3 females, Santiago Region: Metropolitana de Santiago, La Rinconada de Maipú, Quebrada de la Plata [-33.517, -70.783], 510m, xii. 1966 [various dates], malaise trap, M.E. Irwin ( MEI127066 , 121507 , CSCA; MEI127067 , CASC) GoogleMaps .

Common name. Yellow-thighed sigalopella.

Diagnosis. Face with domed calli laterally; scape longer than head, barely thicker than base of flagellum; abdomen uniformly black except for pale intersegmental membranes 2–4; femora yellow; wing uniformly dark infuscate. This species is found in central Chile.

Description. Body length ca. 6.0– 7.5 mm. Head: Polished black; frons smooth and slightly rounded with a transverse furrow dorsally (female), medially divided above antennal bases in male, sparse dark setae laterally around antennal base, extending ventrally onto parafacial; parafacial domed laterally, narrow silver pubescent stripe laterally along eye margin, extending along gena; gena with sparse black setae; occiput black, overlain with silver pubescence along postocular ridge, occipital setae black, sparse dorso-laterally; maxillary palpus black with extensive black setal pile; antennal scape longer than head, barely thicker than pedicel and flagellum, yellow ventrally at base only, extensive erect, black setae, shorter in female, much longer in male. Thorax: Scutum and scutellum glossy black with dark setal pile admixed with sparse glaucous pubescence, faint dorsocentral vittae sometimes barely evident anteriorly in female; pleuron black with silver pubescence; dark setae on katatergite; chaetotaxy: notopleural: 4, supra-alar: 1, post-alar 1, dorsocentral: 1, scutellar: 1; coxae polished black with glaucous pubescence, macrosetae black, more abundant on fore coxa, especially in male; femora bright yellow, sometimes with dark spot dorsoapically, male with dark setae more abundant and longer in places; tibiae black, fore and mid tibiae suffused with yellow in female; tarsi black, mid basitarsus yellow basally; haltere cream-white to yellow; wing dark infuscate, paler posteriorly. Abdomen: glossy black with sparse, scattered, black setae, shorter dorsally and more elongate anteroventrally; intersegmental membranes 2–4 sometimes white, more pronounced laterally. Male and female terminalia: as per genus description.

Etymology. Derived from the Latin: rufus – reddish, and femoralis – pertaining to the thigh, referring to the colouration of the legs.

Comments. The domed parafacial calli, narrow scape, black abdomen and yellow femora differentiate this species from others in the genus. This species is found in central Chile (Fig. 16).


Universidad de Chile


California State Collection of Arthropods


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes













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