Siderus castelain Faynel, Fåhraeus & Robbins, 2024

Faynel, Christophe, Fåhraeus, Christer, Ramirez, Juan-Jose & Robbins, Robert K., 2024, The genus Siderus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in French Guiana: four newly discovered species and conspicuous male genitalia polymorphism, Zootaxa 5519 (1), pp. 38-58 : 49-52

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.1.2

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scientific name

Siderus castelain Faynel, Fåhraeus & Robbins

sp. nov.

Siderus castelain Faynel, Fåhraeus & Robbins sp. nov.

( Figures 15, 16 View FIGURES 6–16 , 20 View FIGURES 17–21 , 26 View FIGURES 23–26 , 31 View FIGURES 29–32 )

Diagnosis and description. Male mean FW length: 13.6 mm (n = 7). Siderus castelain sp. nov. is morphologically similar to S. guapila , with which it was first confused (Faynel 2003). It differs from the latter by more restricted blue dorsally, the androconial spot in the cell larger, and the absence of black-pupiled orange spot in Cu1–Cu2. Compared to the other Siderus species, it has a darker ventral ground colour with a characteristic black spot in Cu1–Cu2 surrounded by dark orange scales. Males ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ) are light blue dorsally with a large black apex looking like S. diringeri sp. nov. (which is darker blue) but the discal cell scent patch is larger. Male genitalia ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 17–21 ) are the smallest in the genus with rounded valvae at base and elongate extension, one cornutus at the penis end, a short pointed saccus. Females ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 6–16 ) are dull blue dorsally with the same ventral wing pattern as the males. Female genitalia ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 23–26 ) look like S. leucophaeus and S. diringeri sp. nov. ( Figs 23, 25 View FIGURES 23–26 ) with ductus seminalis arising dorsally; ostium bursae short and circular; two thorn-shaped signa in the middle of the corpus bursae.

Type material. Holotype ♂ ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 6–16 ): “ GUYANE FRANCAISE // Saül Roche Bateau // 11. 11. 2008 // Coll. Christian Castelain ” [white rectangular label, printed in black], “CF-LYC-181” [orange rectangular label, printed in black], “prep. gen. CF n°667” [white rectangular label, printed in black], “Holotype ♂ // Siderus castelain // Faynel, Fåhraeus & Robbins, 2024” [red rectangular label, printed in black]. Will be deposited in MNHN. The approximative GPS data of the type locality are 3°37′ N, 53°12′ W. GoogleMaps

Paratypes: VENEZUELA. Bolivar. 1♂,ElDorado, AndrewNeildleg.,BritMus.1989.167( NHMUK015203857 About NHMUK ) ; 1♂, Rio Surukum, Carretera Elena Icabaru , 850m, 19–31.I.1985, Fernandez leg., RKR Genitalia 1990:66 ( MIZA) . GUYANA. 1♂, Acarai Mountains, Sipu R., 1°23.2’N, 58°56.8’W, 270–760m, 29.X–12.XI.2000, Fratello leg., RKR Genitalia 1999:155 ( USNM) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, New River Triangle, Berbice River , 150m, 05.XI.1980, Steinhauser leg. ( MGCL) ; 1♂, Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve (Darwin Butterfly Project). FRENCH GUIANA. 1♂, Saül, Roche Bateau , 3°37’ N 53°12’ W, 8.I.2018, Sonzogni leg., DNA CF-LYC-939 ( CF) GoogleMaps ; 1♂: Piste de Bélizon , I.2014 ( CF) ; 1♂, Cacao , 6.VIII.2014 (Coll. Diringer) ; 1♂, Bonaventure , rte de Bélizon, 29.X.2019 (Coll. Diringer) ; 1♂, Saül , 8.XI.2010 (Coll. Diringer) ; 1♂, Cacao , Piste de la Source, 23.XII.2018, N. Page leg., L258 (coll. Leroy & Page) ; 1♂, Crique Maripas , RN 2 — PK 70, 31.IV. 2019, M. Leroy & N. Page leg., L271 (coll. Leroy & Page) ; 1♂, RN2 PK70, Piste et Crique Maripas , 9.IV.2019, N. Page & M. Leroy leg., L235 (coll. Leroy & Page) ; 1♂, Route de Kaw, Carrefour de Fourgassier , 14.I.2019, N. Page & M. Leroy leg., L357 (coll. Leroy & Page) ; 1♀, Papaïchton , 15.X.2001, J.Y. Gallard leg., C. Faynel n° 1163, DNA CF-LYC-528 ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 6–16 , CF) ; 1♀, Papaïchton , 15.X.2001, J.Y. Gallard leg., C. Faynel n° 1162, DNA BC-MNHN-LEP01313 (ex. CF, leg. to MNHN) ; 5♂, piste du Camp Bonaventure à Bélizon , 04°19′41.54″N 52°20′21.9″W, 24.IV.2024, H. Le Menn leg. ( CF) GoogleMaps . ECUADOR. Napo. 1♂, 14 km Tena-Puyo Road, 1°06.7′S, 77°46.9′W, 600 m, 13.I.2015, Busby leg. ( RCB) GoogleMaps . Morona Santiago. 2♂, 54.6 km Santiago-Puerto Morona Rd, 2°54.7′S, 77°42.4′W, 205m, 08& 09.I.2016, Aldas & Busby leg. ( RCB) GoogleMaps ; 2♀, 53.1 km Santiago-Puerto Morona Rd, 2°55.0′S, 77°42.7′W, 210m, XI & XII.2020, Aldas & Busby leg. ( RCB) GoogleMaps . PERU. Loreto. 1♂, Iquitos, Rio Momón , 100 m, XI.2005, Coll. C.F. n° 15661, DNA CF-LYC-174 ( CF) ; 1♂, alto Río Contaya , camp I, 300–400 m, 0719/7448, 20.X.2004, Ramírez leg., DNA MHNLXPL1D09 ( MUSM) . San Martín. 1♀, Km 7, Pongo del Cainarache, Barranquita , 6°18’S, 76°14’W, 250m, 15.XI.1998, Robbins leg. ( USNM) GoogleMaps . Ucayali. 1♂, Contamana , VII.2007, Coll. C.F. n° 15420 ( CF) . Madre de Dios. 1♂, 1♀, San Lorenzo , X. 1995 ( CF) ; 1♂, Boca Rio Torre , 300m, 18.X.1985, Lamas leg., RKR Genitalia 1990:37 ( MUSM) . BRAZIL. Amazonas. 1♂, Maués , X–XI. 2008, Coll. C.F. n° 10621 ( CF) . BOLIVIA. Chapare. 1♂, Chapare, Villa Tunari , 28.IV.2006, C. Faynel n° 20010, J.Y. Gallard leg. ( CF) .

Other material examined. PANAMA. Veraguas. 1♀, Calovebora, 8°48’N, 81°13’W, 17.I.1982, Small leg., DNA USNMENT00233077 ( USNM). The identification of this specimen is uncertain. It is geographically intermediate between the ranges of S. guapila and S. castelain sp. nov. Its wing pattern is also intermediate between both species; thus, it could represent a hybrid, a geographical connecting form, or yet another distinct species.

Distribution. Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru (LO, SM, UC, MD), Brazil (AM), Bolivia.

Natural history. This species is associated with lowland rainforests.

Etymology. This new species is dedicated to our colleague Christian Castelain who regularly explores French Guiana and who collected the first Guianese specimens. It is a name in apposition.

Remarks. The females have been associated with males because they have a similar size and the same ventral wing pattern, not shared with any other French Guiana Eumaeini . Unfortunately, the barcoding on the two different female specimens from French Guiana did not give a sequence that could have collaborated this (samples ID CF-LYC-528 and BC-MNHN-LEP01313). In 2017, as part of a work on butterflies from Guyana, Sambhu Hemchandranauth (Queensland, Australia) sent the first author a picture of a male from Iwokrama Rainforest Reserve ( Darwin Butterfly Project 2010), presumably S. castelain sp. nov. He did not report it in his Guyana list ( Sambhu & Nankishore 2018).

Systematic Placement. We note that this species is paraphyletic on our best ML analysis ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 ), although with very low branch support. From a distance perspective the specimens are close to each other in all trees analyzed, maximum likelihood as well as neighbor joining.


Venezuela, Maracay, Museuo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Peru, Lima, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Museo de Historia Natural


Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola Francisco Fernandez Yepez


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


RIKEN Cell Bank













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