Setteleia bakunawa Volynkin et Černý, 2021

Volynkin, Anton V. & Černý, Karel, 2021, Fig. 2 in Fig. 4. A in Saphonecrus globosus Schweger and Tang 2015, Zoological Studies (Zool. Stud.) 60 (27), pp. 1-15 : 13-14

publication ID 10.6620/ZS.2021.60-27

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scientific name

Setteleia bakunawa Volynkin et Černý

sp. nov.

Setteleia bakunawa Volynkin et Černý , sp. nov.

( Figs. 1F–H View Fig , 4A–B View Fig , 6C View Fig )

Type material: Holotype: male, “[The] Philippines,

N Luzon, Ifugao, Mt. Polis, 16 km SSE Bontoc, 17°02'N 121°01'E, primär Nebelurwald [primary cloud rainforest], 1900 m, 9–13.II.1988, leg. Černý & Schintlmeister”, slide ZSM Arct. 2020-139 Volynkin (Coll. MWM/ZSM).

Paratypes: 4 males, 4 females, the same data as for the holotype (Coll. CKC); 2 females, The Philippines, N Luzon, Mountain Prov., Mt. Amuyao, 22 km SE Bontoc, 17°00'N 121°09'E, primary cloud rainforest, 2450–2700 m, 15.II–16.II.1988, leg. Černý & Schintlmeister, slide AV4168 Volynkin (Coll. CKC); 2 females, the same data (Coll. MWM/ZSM); 3 males, 3 females, The Philippines, N Luzon, Mountain Prov., Chatol, 1600 m, 15 km SE Bontoc, 17°02'N 121°03'E, cloud rainforest, 24.IV., 14.X.1988, leg. Černý & Schintlmeister, slide AV4166 (male) Volynkin (Coll. CKC).

Etymology: In the Philippine traditional mythology, Bakunawa is a dragon trying to swallow the moon during a lunar eclipse.

Diagnosis: Setteleia bakunawa reminiscent externally S. witti due to its brown coloration, but can be easily distinguished by its slightly smaller size (it is the smallest species in the genus), less elongate forewing, paler body and wing coloration and more diffuse transverse lines. The male genitalia of the new species differ clearly from those of three other congeners by the narrower valva with the narrowest cucullus having the longest ventral process, the absence of a distal saccular process, the narrowest aedeagus vesica with the smallest cornuti on the 2nd and the base of the 1st distal diverticula, and the strongly elongate distal section of the 1st distal diverticulum. The female genitalia differ from those of S. witti and S. carota by the short main sclerotized section of ductus bursae with strongly convex lateral margins, the weakly rugose posterior section of the corpus bursae having two band-like transverse clusters of dentation anteriorly (absent in two other species), the short but well-sclerotized signum bursae (that is also short but weakly sclerotized in S. witti and that is much longer in S. carota ), and the short appendix bursae with weakly rugose and granulated basal section (in S. witti that is also short but has the more strongly rugose and not granulated basal section; in S. carota that is much longer and its basal section is more heavily sclerotized, rugose and not granulated).

Description: External morphology of adults: Forewing length 13.5– 16 mm in males and 19 mm in females. Antennae and head brown. Thorax brown, collar brown. Patagia with small black spot anteriorly. Abdomen pale brown. Forewing brown. Pattern consists of small black subbasal and discal dots and diffuse and irregularly wavy dark brown transverse lines fusing to each other on veins. In males strong brown suffusion in medial area also present. Subterminal area with dark brown suffusion on veins. Cilia brown. Hindwing ground pale brown with intense blackish brown suffusion in medial and subterminal areas. Cilia pale brown.

Male genitalia: Uncus narrow basally and arrowhead-like broadened medially and distally, with pointed thorn-like tip. Tuba analis moderately broad, membranous. Scaphium narrow, moderately sclerotized. Subscaphium absent. Tegumen relatively short and narrow. Juxta more or less trapezoidal, weakly sclerotized. Vinculum robust, U-like. Valva elongate and relatively narrow, slightly narrowed distally. Costa nearly straight, narrow basally and medially, strongly broadened distally and forms broad cucullus bearing short ventral process with round tip. Medial costal process narrow, slightly hook-like curved, apically pointed, directed more or less ventrally. Sacculus broadened basally and subbasally, bears small trigonal ventral process near the beginning of the strongly narrowed distal section. Distal saccular process reduced. Aedeagus elongate, straight, moderately broad, slightly broadened distally. Aedeagus vesica relatively broad. 1st subbasal diverticulum wide but short, membranous situated dorsally. 2nd subbasal diverticulum small, globular, membranous, situated ventrally. 3rd subbasal diverticulum small, globular, membranous, situated medially. 1st distal diverticulum elongate, narrowed distally, with rounded tip, strongly hook-like curved, its basal section bears row of small but robust various-sized cornuti and broad area of granulation; distal section membranous. 2nd distal diverticulum broad, globular, covered with numerous small but robust cornuti with pointed tips. Distal plate of vesica narrow, band-like, weakly sclerotized.

Female genitalia: Ovipositor short and broad. Papilla analis rectangular with rounded corners, weakly setose. Apophyses elongate and thin, apophyses anteriores slightly shorter and thicker than apophyses posteriores. Ostium bursae slightly narrower than ductus bursae, with membranous margins. Main part of ductus bursae relatively broad, moderately sclerotized, dorso-ventrally flattened, with strongly convex lateral margins making it nearly round; anterior end of ductus bursae membranous. Posterior section of corpus bursae relatively narrow, moderately sclerotized, rugose, its anterior end with two transverse band-like clusters of numerous denticles. Anterior section of corpus bursae broadened, more or less globular, membranous, with elongate and heavily sclerotized elongate signum situated latero-longitudinally and having narrow longitudinal groove subdividing it to two equal parts. Appendix bursae originates laterally from posterior section of corpus bursae, long, anteriorly and hook-like curved, its basal section weakly sclerotized, rugose and granulated; distal section thick-walled membranous.

Distribution: The new species is known from the northern part of the island of Luzon.

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