Sepona punctata ( Weymer, 1911 ) Freitas & Barbosa & Willmott & Wahlberg & Lamas, 2016

Freitas, André Victor Lucci, Barbosa, Eduardo Proença, Willmott, Keith Richard, Wahlberg, Niklas & Lamas, Gerardo, 2016, ‘ Species’ from two different butterfly genera combined into one: description of a new genus of Euptychiina (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) with unusually variable wing pattern, Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 60 (2), pp. 157-165 : 159-160

publication ID 10.1016/j.rbe.2016.01.004

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Sepona punctata ( Weymer, 1911 )

comb. nov.

Sepona punctata ( Weymer, 1911) comb. nov.

Euptychia punctata Weymer , 20 April 1911: 205. Type Locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais. Syntype (s), not located.

= Euptychia griseola Weymer , 20 July 1911: 211, n. syn. Type Locality: Bolivia [La Paz], Mapiri. Lectotype female (here designated):‘ Original!/ nun aber heissen griseola // Mapiri // Collection / v.Rosen //grisea / Weym. // Typus Nr. / Euptychia griseola Stgr. i. l. / Weymer / Zoologische / Staatssammlung / München’, deposited in ZSM (examined).

= Taygetis indecisa Ribeiro, 1931: 33 View in CoL , n. syn. Type Locality: Brazil [Rondônia, Rio Jamari]. Holotype female: ‘Comm.Rondon / No. 43. 19. 6. 14 / Coll. Stolle // HOLOTIPO // N 053/645 // Holótipo Taygetis View in CoL / indecisa View in CoL / Ribeiro, 1931 / Mielke & Casa-grande det. 1985’, deposited in MNRJ (examined).

Taygetis indecisa View in CoL : May, 1933: 120; Euptychia griseola : May, 1933: 120; D’Abrera,1988: 789; Pseudodebis griseola View in CoL : Forster, 1964: 77; Lamas, 1983: 16; Robbins et al., 1996: 230; Freitas, 2003: 103; Euptychia punctata View in CoL : D’Abrera, 1988: 789; Taygetis griseola : D’Abrera, 1988: 756; Harjesia griseola : Lamas, 2004: 219; Brévignon, 2008: 68; Brévignon and Benmesbah, 2012: 39; Matos-Maravi et al., 2013: 54; Yphthimoides punctata : Lamas, 2004: 223.


Male ( Figs. 1 View Fig , 2 View Fig A-C-D-E, 4A-B-D). Eyes reddish brown, covered with sparse black hairs. Palpus 1.5 times as long as head, brown with light brown hairs ( Fig. 2C View Fig ). Antenna of males 9.0–10.0 mm in length with 36 antennomeres, extending to mid-costa; shaft rustbrown dorsally, orange brown ventrally, sparsely scaled dorsally; club not conspicuously developed, including eleven segments, with apical portion (last five segments) dark brown. Forewing length 23–25 mm (n = 6); hindwing length 19–20 mm (n = 6). HW outer margin slightly undulate. Male wing venation shown in Fig. 2A View Fig . Wings with dorsal ground color dark brown with few markings, restricted to a suffused dark brown outer margin on DFW, and to dark double marginal line, and a submarginal line following contours of marginal line on DHW. Ventral wings light brown; VFW crossed by two thin zigzag dark brown lines, extending from costa to 2A, first line one-third distance from wing base to apex; second line extending from costa to 2A at two-thirds distance from wing base to apex; a conspicuous lighter outer band is adjacent to second line, followed by a darker ocellar region (see next); a thin dark brown zigzag submarginal line with single black dots in vertices and a brown regular marginal line extending from costa to 2A; four dark ocelli in spaces R5–M1 (ocellus 1), M1–M2 (2), M2–M3 (3) and M3–CuA1 (4). VHW crossed by two thin dark brown lines from costa to anal margin, in similar position to those on forewing; a conspicuous lighter outer band is adjacent to second line, followed by a darker ocellar region (see next); a dark brown zigzag submarginal line with single black dots in vertices and a brown regular marginal line extending from costa to 2A; a series of five dark ocelli can be found in cells Rs–M1 (ocellus 1), M1–M2 (2), M2–M3 (3), M3–CuA1 (4) and CuA1–CuA2 (5). Details about ocelli size and shape discussed further below. No conspicuous androconial scales observed.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 3A–E View Fig ). Saccus elongate; tegumen rounded and short; gnathos long and pointed, projecting upwards above uncus; uncus elongated, with lateral expansions in dorsal view, giving an arrowhead appearance; valvae elongated, ending in a bump with a long thin pointed process; aedeagus curved; cornuti absent; juxta sclerotized, linking both valvae together.

Female ( Fig. 2B, F View Fig , 4 View Fig C-E-F). Forewing length 24–26 mm (n = 2); hindwing length 20–22 mm (n = 2). Antenna 11.0 mm in length, with 35 antennomeres, extending to mid-costa. General color and pattern very similar to those of males. Female genitalia as in Fig. 3E, F View Fig .Ductus bursae partially sclerotized, corpus bursae rounded; a pair of conspicuous signa present.














Sepona punctata ( Weymer, 1911 )

Freitas, André Victor Lucci, Barbosa, Eduardo Proença, Willmott, Keith Richard, Wahlberg, Niklas & Lamas, Gerardo 2016

Taygetis indecisa

Matos-Maravi, P. F. & Pena, C. & Willmott, K. R. & Freitas, A. V. L. & Wahlberg, N. 2013: 54
Brevignon, C. & Benmesbah, M. 2012: 39
Brevignon, C. 2008: 68
Freitas, A. V. L. 2003: 103
Robbins, R. K. & Lamas, G. & Mielke, O. H. H. & Harvey, D. J. & Casagrande, M. M. 1996: 230
D'Abrera, B. 1988: 789
D'Abrera, B. 1988: 789
D'Abrera, B. 1988: 756
Lamas, G. 1983: 16
Forster, W. 1964: 77
May, E. G. L. 1933: 120
May, E. G. L. 1933: 120

Taygetis indecisa

Ribeiro, V. de & Lepidopteros de Matto Grosso 1931: 33
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