Selkirkia pauciflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Holstein & Weigend, 2016

Holstein, Norbert, Chacón, Juliana, Hilger, Hartmut H. & Weigend, Maximilian, 2016, No longer shipwrecked-Selkirkia (Boraginaceae) back on the mainland with generic rearrangements in South American “ Omphalodes ” based on molecular data, Phytotaxa 270 (4), pp. 231-251 : 246-247

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.270.4.1

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scientific name

Selkirkia pauciflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Holstein & Weigend


4. Selkirkia pauciflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Holstein & Weigend View in CoL , comb. nov.

Basionym: Cynoglossum pauciflorum Ruiz & Pav., Fl. Peruv. 2 (1799: 6). Original citation: “In conceptionis Chile campis et arvis. Floret Octobri, et novembri mensibus.” Holotype:— CHILE. October, H. Ruiz & J. Pavón 11/14 (MA814806!). = Cynoglossum paniculatum Hook. & Arn., Bot. Beechey Voy. (1830: 37) .

Mapuchea paniculata (Hook. & Arn.) M.Serrano, R.Carbajal & S.Ortiz , Nov. Acta Cie. Compostelana (Biol) 23 (2016: [11]) Lectotype (designated here):— CHILE. Concepción, F.W. Beechey s.n. (K000573727!). ‒ Syntype: UNCLEAR. Peru, Murillo Bay, October

1825, J. Macrae s.n. (K000573726!, K!). = Cynoglossum azocartii Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 65 (1884: 62) [‘azocarti’, correction of the epithet’s original spelling mandated by ICN

Art. 60.12.].

Cynoglossum paniculatum var. azocartii (Phil.) Reiche, Anales Univ. Chile 121 (1907: 249).

Cynoglossum paniculatum f. azocartii (Phil.) Brand, Pflanzenr. IV , 252 (78) (1921: 137). Lectotype (designated here):— CHILE. Constitución, 1880‒1881, R. Azocart s.n. (SGO000004028!, isolectotype SGO000004029!). = Cynoglossum paniculatum f. philippianum Brand, Pflanzenr. IV , 252 (78) (1921: 137). Lectotype (designated here):— CHILE. In Gebüschen beim Landgut San Juan, December 1852, R.A. Philippi in R.F. Hohenacker, Pl. chil.

318 (SGO [054429]!, isolectotypes GOET!, P04083292!, P04083293! p.p., S!, W0065330!). ‒ Syntype:— CHILE. Cordillere von

Chillan, R.A. Philippi in R.F. Hohenacker, Pl. chil. 698 (Syntype not localized). ‒ Syntype:— CHILE. Concepción, 1896, F.W. Neger

s.n. (W1909-6003! p.p.).

Description: —Perennial subshrub, stems 45‒60 cm.Young stems densely acroscopically appressed pubescent with 0.2‒ 0.5 mm long trichomes. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate to elliptical, 4–8.5 × 0.3–1.5(‒2.5) cm; sessile to decurrent, base attenuate into indistinct petiole, apex (rarely sub-)acute, sometimes acuminate, margin revolute. Leaf lamina adaxially acroscopically appressed pubescent with simple, conical trichomes 0.2‒0.5 mm long, later glabrescent, veins glabrous, abaxially densely acroscopically pubescent with simple, conical trichomes 0.2‒0.5 mm long, especially on veins, margins remotely ciliate with trichomes up to 1 mm long. Leaf venation with only primary vein prominent below, secondary veins indistinct, ca. 5‒7 on each side. Inflorescences initially dense, frondose-bracteose, later very lax. Pedicel of flowers up to 12 mm, in fruit up to 30 mm, minutely acroscopically appressed pubescent. Calyx tube 0.8–1 mm, minutely acroscopically appressed pubescent, lobes 0.5–1.6 mm, (narrow) triangulate, acute, erect, less densely pubescent than tube, in fruit reflexed. Corolla hypocrateriform, 2.5–4.5 mm in diam., tube 1.5–2.3 mm, lobes 1–1.6 mm, spatulate, obtuse, bluish. Stamens epipetalous, included in corolla tube, filaments minute, anthers 0.5 × 0.25 mm. Pollen 3-colporate with 3 pseudocolpi, each with granular margin, slightly dumbbell-shaped, 10–10.5 × 4.8–5.2 μm. Gynoecium superior, with 4- parted ovary, style gynobasic, filiform, not exerting from corolla tube, stigma indistinctly two-lobed. Gynobase steeply pyramidal. Nutlets 4, 2.3–2.5 × 1.5 mm, ovate-acuminate in outline, convex, abaxially and on sides densely beset with barbed glochidia with narrow stalks, around cicatrix glabrous. Cicatrix long triangulate, covering> ½ of adaxial nutlet surface. ( Figs 2C, D View FIGURE 2 , 4E–G View FIGURE 4 )

Note: —This species has been erroneously called C. paniculatum Hook. f. until recently (e.g., Zuloaga et al., 2008, Serrano et al., 2016), disregarding the older name C. pauciflorum . Both the illustration and the type specimens of C. pauciflorum leave no doubts about its identity with C. paniculatum . The name Cynoglossum paniculatum Poepp. only appeared on exsiccata labels without description [Exsicc. (Pl. Voy.) 54. 1828]. Although the plants belong to the same species, Hooker & Arnott (1830) do not refer to Poeppig. It is doubly unfortunate that the Name C. pauciflorum was used as a basionym for the genus Mapuchea —which is here reduced to synonymy.

Habitat and distribution: — S. pauciflora grows in shady, moist places in the forest undergrowth in the Chilean Regions V to IX. It has been recorded at elevations of 100 to 1100 m above sea level.

Conservation status: —The species has not been assessed so far. Based on the IUCN Red List criteria (http://, accessed 28.08.2015) the data are clearly deficient for a confident threat assessment. Selkirkia pauciflora is likely subject to dramatic habitat loss due to deforestation and land conversion in south-central Chile and likely endangered.

Specimens examined:— CHILE. V Región: Valparaíso, September, A. Mathews 230 (BR, E00143285, K000573724, P04054076). In rupestrib. obscuris convall. “los Chorillos”, September, E.F. Poeppig Diar. 225 (B destroyed[F neg.17351],BR0000006961657, G-DC[G00205663], HAL0115079, P04083296,P04083300,W0065332, W0065334, W1889-296287, W1889-296288 p.p.). Valparaíso, J. Anderson s.n. (BM). Valparaíso, P.P. King s.n. (K). Concepción, J. Dombey s.n. (P04083289). Valparaíso, Anon. s.n., comm. R.A. Philippi (K). Quillota, La Palma et Rautén, October 1829, C.L.G. Bertero 1161 (BM, G-DC [G00205662], G-DC [G00205664], G-DC [G00205665], M, P03871035, P04054075, P04083287, P04083288, P04083290, P04083291, P04083294, P04083295, W1889-206111, W1889-296288 p.p.). (Prope) Valparaíso, 1831/1832, H. Cuming 626 (BM, E00143284, E00143287, K, K, W0065331, W0065335). Valparaíso, 1832, R. Bridges s.n. (K). Curauma pr. Valparaíso, October 1883, R.A. Philippi s.n. (SGO [042205]). Valparaíso, October 1925, Claude-Joseph 11342 (CONC). Laguna Verde, Valparaíso, 11 October 1931, A. Garaventa H. 2354 (CONC2868). Between Valparaíso and Laguna Verde, 11 October 1931, G. Looser 2259 (CONC). Valparaíso, Viña del Mar, Quebrada Matthei, 4 October 1935, K. Behn 22291 (CONC). VI Región: Prov. O’Higgins, Depto. Rancagua, Camino Coya a Mina Pangal, km 15, Quebrada Peumus, 1100 m, 16 November 1970, Marticorena & Weldt 634 (CONC [34785]). VII Región: Talca, October 1922, Claude-Joseph 2071 (CONC [11316]). Talca, San Clemente, 250 m, December 1969, P. Muñoz 48922 (CONC). Maule, Bellotos del Melado National Reserve, 800‒1500 m, 35°51’00” S, 71°06’00” W, M.T.K. Arroyo et al. 20147 (CONC, SGO ( Arroyo et al. 2000)). VIII Región: Cordilliere de Chillan [Chillán], 1856‒1857, P. Germain s.n. (F [“639897”], K000573725, P04083298, W1889-112663). Prov. de Chillán, December 1869, E.C. Reed s.n. (K). Concepción, November 1891, R.A. Philippi s.n. (BM). Nacimiento, 31 October 1896, P. Dusèn s.n. (S). Concepción to Bulnes, Puente Ameime, 18 October 1947, F. Behn 7778 (CONC). Concepción, Cerro Caracol, 10 October 1948, A. Peschke 8880 (CONC). Concepción, Ránquil, Fundo El Milagro, 17 November 1953, B. Sparre 10 055 (CONC no. 17662). Concepción, camino viejo de Florida a Penco, 7 November 1957, M. Ricardi et al. 25857 (CONC). Urwaldrest vor Florida, 21 December 1968, H. Merxmüller 24859 (M), Ñuble, Salto del Laja, 100 m, January 1970, W. Schwabe 49112 (CONC). Concepción, Prov. Concepción, Collico, 5 km antes de Florida, 230 m, 36°49’ S 72°43’ W, 15 November 1977, E. Oehrens 47630 (CONC). Provincia de Ñuble, Quillón, 36°43’9.3’’ S, 72°31’16.5’’ W, 413 m, 14 December 2009, T. Kern 23 (BONN, CONC). IX Región: Malleco, Las Viñas, 16 October 1915, V.M. Baeza s.n. (CONC). Cautín, Temuco, Cerro Nielol, 150 m, 18 December 1937, G. Montero O. 3269 (CONC). Malleco, Victoria, 200 m, November 1946, H. Gunckel 21708 (CONC). Malleco, Victoria, Fundo San Elias, 300 m, 29 November 1947, B. Sparre 3283 (S). X Región: Valdivia, Anon. s.n. (W1889-117535). Unclear: [Without detailed locality], Anon. s.n. (W0065333). [Without detailed locality], C. Gay s.n. (P04083297). [Without detailed locality], A. v. Dessauer s.n. (M), El Manzano-Quirihue, 10 November 1951, A. Monsalve 13746 (CONC), Dep. Traiguén, Lumaco, Puente del Cueva, 160 m, 29 October 1958, G.H.W. Kunkel 2038a (B1005224301).

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