Scutellaria wushanensis, H.P. Deng & H. Zhang, 2024

Zhang, Huan, Zhou, Houlin, Lv, Xinyun, Yang, Yubing, Zuo, Youwei, Xia, Changying, Yu, Jie & Deng, Hongping, 2024, Scutellaria wushanensis (Lamiaceae), a new species from Chongqing, China, Phytotaxa 633 (3), pp. 275-282 : 276-279

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.633.3.7


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scientific name

Scutellaria wushanensis, H.P. Deng & H. Zhang

sp. nov.

Scutellaria wushanensis, H.P. Deng & H. Zhang , sp. nov.

Figs 1 View FIGURE 1 , 2 View FIGURE 2

Diagnosis. Compared to S. lotienensis and other species of the genus Scutellaria , this species is mainly characterized by its bracts having 3-5 shallowly undulate crenate and pilose margin (vs. bracts have 1-2shallowly undulate crenate and subglabrous margin); outside of corolla is densely pilose, with red glandular dots, inside the throat and lower part of corolla cover with long pubescent (vs. outside of corolla is slightly pubescent, with scattered red gland dots above, and hairless inside). The length of the posterior corolla lobe is 0.5 cm, and its propodeum is slightly concave, with tongue-like purple-red patches and scattered purple-red spots (vs. the posterior corolla lobe is 0.6 cm, its propodeum is a precise tip, with scarlet patches). Four filaments are hairless (vs. the lower middle part of the filaments are micropubescent). The anthers are densely pilose ( Table 1; Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 and Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).

Type. CHINA, Chongqing, Wushan Country, Chongqing Wulipo National Nature Reserve. 31.39946864°N, 109.97798635°E, ca. 778 m elev., April 2023, Huan Zhang and Yu-bing Yang, 20230414001 (Holotype: SWCTU!).

Description. Multi-branched tall herbs stem quadrangular with shallow grooves, long internodes, sparsely pubescent and red glandular dots. The petiole is relatively long, about 2.2 cm in the middle of the stem, densely pubescent. Leaf grass quality, oval lanceolate, the middle of the stem is about 5.0 cm long, about 2.5 cm wide, the apex caudate, blunt head, base heart, the edge of the alienated wavy teeth, the back of the leaf purplish red is pubescent, scattered red gland dots, lateral veins 2–4 pairs, slightly depressed above and below significant. The flowers are solitary in the axils of the stems and the long branches, thus gradually passing into a distant raceme; the pedicel is about 5 mm long and densely pubescent, and the bracts are oval, usually with 3-5 shallow wavy teeth, with short stalks and pubescent. The calyx flowering is 2 mm long, with densely pubose and red gland dots, the scutum is very developed, 3 mm high, and the fruit is raised, up to 5 mm. Corolla is yellowish, 2.4 cm long, pubose, scattered red gland dots, inner throat and base long pubescent; crown straight, about 1.6 cm long, middle 1.5 mm wide, 5 mm to throat 5 mm wide, base; crown 2 lip shape, anterior corolla lobe 6 mm long, helmet, concave, apex, micro, posterior corolla lobe, 5 mm long, flat, bilateral drooping, 2 side lobe oblong, 3 mm long, 2 mm wide, propodeum slightly concave, with tongue-like purple-red patches and scattered purple-red spots. Stamen 4, hidden, front pair is long, can raise half anther, degenerate half anther is not apparent, back pair is short, with whole medicine, soft on pollen grains, filaments glabrous, anthers densely pilose, glabrous. The stylus is slender, sharp, and slightly cracked. The tray is thick, raised in the front, and stretched by 0.5 mm in the rear. The ovary is 4-split, and the posterior lobe is slightly larger ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 and Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 ).


Southwest Teachers University

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