Saltadorus blahniki, Camisão & Zahniser & Takiya, 2024

Camisão, Beatriz M., Zahniser, James N. & Takiya, Daniela M., 2024, On the Neotropical Brincadorus: redescription, new species, taxonomic key and description of a related new genus (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae), Zootaxa 5497 (4), pp. 537-558 : 553-554

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.4.5

publication LSID


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scientific name

Saltadorus blahniki

sp. nov.

Saltadorus blahniki sp. nov.

( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Type-locality: Rio Alto Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios Region, Peru.

Length: ~4.0 mm [pronotum is dislodged from mesonotum, preventing precise measurement].

Coloration: General color light brown. Crown with a pair of round dark brown maculae near posterior margin ( Fig. 9A View FIGURE 9 ). Frontoclypeus brown ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Clypellus, lora, and legs white. Pronotum and mesonotum with muscular markings slightly darker ( Fig. 9A–B View FIGURE 9 ).

External morphology: Head with median length slightly longer than next to eye; coronal suture reaching beyond midlength of crown ( Fig. 9A–C View FIGURE 9 ). Clypellar suture arcuate. Clypellus widening medially and tapering apically ( Fig. 9C View FIGURE 9 ). Other characters as in the generic description.

Male genitalia: Pygofer posterior margin rounded; with setae on posterodorsal margin; pair of inner lateral processes arising subbasally on dorsal region, directed posteriorly, thick at base, becoming narrowed on posterior two-thirds in lateral view, apex slightly expanded, dorsal portion of apex serrate, apex extending posteriorly beyond apex of pygofer in lateral view ( Fig. 9D View FIGURE 9 ). Subgenital plate with several short setae restricted to extreme apex; outer margin convex near base in ventral view, becoming approximately straight towards apex; inner margin strongly concave in ventral view, apical half becoming narrower; apex turned upward and inward, forming sharp tooth ( Fig. 9F–G View FIGURE 9 ). Aedeagus robust; broader at base, narrowing towards apex; sclerotized gonoduct protruding from atrium, recurved back inside and again out of atrium; gonopore apical, with margins more sclerotized and thickened ( Fig. 9F–G View FIGURE 9 ). Other characters as in generic description.

Etymology: The new species is named after Dr. Roger Blahnik (University of Minnesota, USA), a caddisfly specialist, who collected the holotype.

Notes: Saltadorus blahniki is very similar to S. dietrichi sp. nov. externally and on the overall shape of the male genitalia. However, S. blahniki can be distinguished by the longer male pygofer and aedeagus without dorsal preapical teeth in lateral view.

Type-material: holotype ♂, “ PERU: Madre de Dios, | Amazonia Lodge, 12°52.22’S | 71°22.56’W, Rio Alto Madre | de Dios, el. 500 m, | R. Blahnik & M. Pescador ” “USNMENT01513517” ( USNM) GoogleMaps .


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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