Quilnus marcosi, Heiss & Baena, 2006

Heiss, E. & Baena, M., 2006, New records of Aradidae from Spain and description of Quilnus marcosi spec. nov. (Heteroptera: Aradidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 38 (2), pp. 1391-1395 : 1391

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13135342

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scientific name

Quilnus marcosi

sp. nov.

Quilnus marcosi spec. nov. (Fig. 1)

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype 3, stenopterous, Spain: Jaén, Sierra de Cazorla, Alredores de Linarejos 8 V 2004 under bark of Pinus, Marcos López Vergara leg, coll. M. Baena, Cordoba. Paratypes 1 3, 1 ♀ brach., 1 larva V with the same collection data, coll. Baena and Heiss.

D e s c r i p t i o n

Adult. Stenopterous 3 (fig. 1a). Body elongate oval, uniformly dark brown. Antennae and legs beset with small setigerous tubercles, surface of body finely granulate.

Head. As long as wide across eyes (diatone). Clypeus conical; antenniferous tubercles acute, laterally without a tooth (present in larvae). Antennae about 1.67 ✕ as long as the diatone, all segments cylindrical, I shortest, III longest and about 1.2 ✕ as long as II, IV shorter than II; relative length of segments I: II: III: IV = 8: 19: 23: 17. Preocular and postocular tubercles blunt and rounded. Vertex with two oval depressions. Rostrum short, as long as head.

Pronotum. Trapeziform, about 2.5 ✕ as wide as long at middle; lateral margins slightly convex and granulate, anterior margin with a shallow, posterior margin with a deep median incision. Disk with indistinct longitudinal carinae at middle and flat rounded structures laterad of them; humeral angles rounded.


Scutellum. Triangular, elongate with narrow apex; lateral margins carinate, disk flat and depressed.

Hemelytra. Corium long, reaching ½ of dorsal laterotergite (dltg) V, with distinct carinate veins; membrane narrow, subparallel, enlarged and rounded posteriorly bearing three veins.

Abdomen. Egg- shaped, lateral margins evenly rounded, posteroexterior angles of dltg VII rounded; paratergites VIII with a thin carinate anterior margin and a posterolateral tooth.

Legs. Long and thin; tarsi bisegmented, segment I yellowish brown.

Genitalic structures. Parameres (fig. 1l, m), slender and curved; parandria with a rounded apical lobe (fig. 1j); tergite IX with a wide base and finger-like projections anteriorly (fig. 1h).

Brachypterous ♀ (fig.1b,d): Larger than male, abdomen wider and more rounded. Head and antennal structures as of male. Antennae 1.66 ✕ as long as the diatone, relative length of segments I: II: III: IV = 9: 22: 25: 17. Pronotum about 2.75 ✕ as wide as long, lateral margins granulate. Scutellum with a bluntly rounded apex, lateral margins thickened and carinate. Hemelytra reduced to rounded wingpads, which are about as long as the scutellum. Abdomen completely exposed, paratergites VIII small, about twice as wide as long, with a distinct tooth posterolaterally.

Measurements: HT 3: Length 5.5 mm; head width / length 20 / 20; pronotum w / l 30 / 12; scutellum w / l 15 / 21; width of abdomen 2.4 mm. PT ♀: Length 6.6 mm; head w / l 22 / 22; pronotum w / l 33 / 12; scutellum w / l 17 / 23; width of abdomen 3.2 mm.













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